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Everything posted by jigsaw

  1. finny you got it in one,im inundated with requests for him,i have had ....NONE ....so far im amazed hes not snapped up.i'll end up keeping the little shit, but id prefer to pass him on to a dedicated pet home.i think the kennels are not the best place for him.
  2. getting the lurcher willow educated to the ferreting now,hes tuned in like crazy,very intense.we had a fair enough day,the morning session went well but after noon we struggled big time for some reason.anyway willow has come on in leaps and bounds.here are a few pics. heres willow listening to the action inside the ditch. at the end of the day we had 14 rabbits, the rabbit shifted before we could reach him but he bolted to the nets shortly after. i know this may not look like much but a rabbit hit the nets and i went to extract him,i expected to find willow near me when i did my bi
  3. come on a lovely companion/ratter,he was well into my ferrets.wanted to kill em every chance he got,hes cheap too cheap really but money is not my motivation,just a secure home is all i want.
  4. paddy she was bred in county waterford,and yeah hywel shes going to be tried on as much as i can find,i got the lurcher bug back the other fellas boy healy?if its the terriers you mean i kinda ran out of em,if its summit else then i havnt a clue what ye mean,sorry. thank you for all the comments people,Molly I bet your pup will transform into a demon worker,i saw pics of her lately,she has all the attributes of a lovely looker,but i wouldnt be too concerned with that side of things.
  5. new2hunting,im paying 7k,for it,its absolutely pristine in condition.i think its a good buy just looking to see if anyone can mention stuff i have missed out on or am unfamiliar with.thanks for the replys.
  6. guys your missing out on a jem of a dog here,surely someone somewhere needs a best buddy,except this buddy wont be tapping you for cash.
  7. jigsaw

    my sons pup

    johnnyskevanna,up yours hes 5 months now bh and pleased as punch running,he spends his time either thai boxing or walking his mutt.good to keep him out of trouble.
  8. not many into cars then i take it
  9. jigsaw

    my sons pup

    things are tough here snoops,have to get a roof on first ,its a killer sleeping in them puddles.
  10. here is a pic of the new pup my son bought,from his own hard earned money if you dont mind,he saved hard for this pup.I lost a bitch a few months ago at 10+years old and Kevin was determined to replace her after a while.He's well into the bull breeds and every Saturday morning he takes the pup up to a local sports field long before anyone is up out of bed and gives him a turn on the flirt pole.He is very responsible where the pup is concerned and is well tuned into his new charge.enjoy the pics.
  11. heres a few pics of my new lurcher bitch pup,she is 15 weeks old and is bred from 2 very determined dogs.both parents are 3/4 greyhound1/4 pit and are well tested in the field.i have tried starting her on basic training but she is a bugger to control at the moment,full of life and fun.my young son accompanies her here.hope you like
  12. I have a staff dog i want to rehome,he was bought out of sympathy,he was tied to a car in a gypos camp.he is 5 yrs old and i have papers for the dog.he is a pleasure to keep and is as quiet as a mouse with other dogs,no problems at all.I could have sold him to a young lad for 400 euros but he was 15 yrs old and i didnt like the vibes from him.I paid 150 euros for him and thats what I will let him go for,i insist this dog gets a good home,hes an avid stick chaser and a great dog as a pet.hed like nothing better than to walk and spend time in the country,hes a dog not afraid of the water and wil
  13. People do any of you have experience with the BMW 318 tourer(estate).i test drove it yesterday,found it a joy.it has all its service history and is spotless,timing belt done,its 10 years old but has just eighty three thousand miles up on it.your opinions on the make performance,maintainance of it would be much appreciated.i dont know much about cars but im going to get it checked out thouroughly before i buy,but thought you guys and gals could give me a few pointers to look out for.
  14. must be popular mate.
  15. Long time no hear tim,keep up the good work,when at last I got a dog with promise I lose him double quick,furkyn hilarious(not)no money from this crash im afraid.if anything arises let me know,thanks.enjoy yourself now and BEHAVE yourself speak to you soon,tim.
  16. thanks for the comments guys,its a bitter pill,especially when I havnt got a lot of back up for the rest of the season.Such is working terriers.
  17. Yeah chubbs hes flying mate,picked a rabbit or two last weekend,I was talking to the breeder tonight,hes well pleased too with his,hows your lad /lady doing?
  18. fine fish IL,now I know what ye look like I can duck ye without ye knowing.great day out then.Do ye ever do any work though,them poor kids of yours must be starving
  19. actually I didnt take the photo but I did get an opinion from someone else and they said stick it up.I left it up to the mods if they wanted to remove it or not,looks like we got different views on the subject mr1.as for the antis,they have plenty of ammo,digging foxes here in Ireland isnt illegal and I had no control over the dogs demise,i aso have the farmers blessing to remove any vermin i come across.end of story.
  20. I was 11 years old and always ventured into the woods near home with my boxer/lab cross.I came upon two lads that had a warren netted up,they told me,keep me dog tied and be very quiet,in moments a pair of rabbits hit the nets,mesmerised.I met up with them a few times after that and at 14 persuaded my father(who was anti hunting mind)to let me get a ferret,I got hooked from that moment on.I used to walk out 5-7 miles from home to get decent rabbit country and then hunt for the day and walk 5-7 back.In the shop buy a mars bar and bottle of fizzy orange,no worries,just simple pleasures of life.I
  21. Dave he suffocated mate,was jammed in a bend in the tube.
  22. he was lakieX bull/russel,a funny feller eh, got ya mate
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