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Everything posted by jigsaw

  1. jigsaw


    one last bump,experts on here please add to post.nice avatar or what?
  2. Ditch have a good day,i know its freezing where you are cause its bloody icy down here too.Respects to ye for giving an abused dog a great life,well done.hopefully we'll cross paths some time.all the best .jigsaw.
  3. happy x mass everyone,best wishes for the new year.
  4. jigsaw


    jaysus lads 218 hits and no one can tell me if its possible to bring knives through the post,are ye all SHY or what eerrrmmm I DONT THINK SO.
  5. jigsaw


    frank pm me that no.if ye dont mind,thanks.
  6. jigsaw

    goat cull

    gnipper ye could round them up but what then?id rather sort em this way,its a lot more enjoyable i reckon.
  7. jigsaw


    Just writing this to bring it up to the top again and hopefully get a reply or two,I know theres a few experts on knives on here so lads and lassies throw yer tuppence worth in the ring if ye will.
  8. jigsaw

    goat cull

    I had another mate that took feral goats with a strong breed of dog,he was very sucessful with it until he met the wrong billy,it hammered the dog one day into the head and knoched a few of its teeth out,since then hes been trying to get a replacement but nothing came up to scratch.i gave him a wheaten/greyhound a while back but it was too cautious,only gripping when safe and at the chance of getting a slam from the goat it would release its grip and the billy would take flight with the dog in hot pursuit,this he told me happened a few times and there'd be a mile distance from where the dog fi
  9. jigsaw


    OK OK I lied,1 more question,did anyone ever hear that the steel in spanish made knives arent up to much,i was told this while looking at a few blades in the shop,put me off thinking of buying one,confused I am.
  10. jigsaw


    Now 1 more question,are there any problems importing a few of these into Ireland from the U.S.customs rules,dangerous weapons,terrorist attacks from the hunting fraternity.if you know of any obvious hickups please tip me off.thanks.
  11. jigsaw


    well done frank,thats exactly the knife,how t hell did ye find it.thanks again.
  12. jigsaw

    goat cull

    Nice one Frank,no secrets with you around.,Finny i cant help ye mate as i was working under an invite myself,so not in a position to invite anyone there.Its strictly regulated.Supressors are the only way to go,yeah,its essential to have them.FF what are ye looking for,just the horns or a head complete?Why would i sell ye something i get for free myself,i dont work like that,pm me if ye want to talk further.Now back to the question,can an adult goat be eaten without contracting some desperate plague?
  13. jigsaw


    all you well informed people may have the knoweledge,i was told that he bought it at the gamefair in Sligo?last summer.anyone know the name of the knife suppliers that had a stand there.I cant think of the name of the place it was held at.HEY HEY just got a flash back,EMO COURT?That was the name of it,Emo Game Fair.Anyone know?
  14. jigsaw

    goat cull

    I left the goats with the lads cause the f***in smell was unreal :sick: bullterrier can ye eat the older goats,i was told they are a bit on the manky side once they get older.if anyone else can tell me if their edible id love to hear,i have the deer hanging ok.If its possible to eat the goats i'll defo have a go at one.
  15. jigsaw


    ever use a ''WESTERN R14'' knife.A solid rubber grip sheat knife.my mate bought it at a game fair and its the buisness.i am determined to buy one also but am unable to find the source from which to buy it from,any info would be greatly appreciated.Its a round shaped blade and it was used on deer today and is very comfortable to hold and very practical to use.Nothing flashy just a great working knife.
  16. holy shit the tattooist has only 3 fingers on his left hand,eek
  17. Woodga,best chrissy present you could ever get,hope you have a happy xmass,best of luck in the future,and keep sending in those pics and reports,great reading,JIGSAW
  18. any reason why the pic was removed,that was a cross i kept for many a year.was looking forward to having a peek.
  19. jigsaw


    GOD DAM,pant pant,just back....fine or what.
  20. jigsaw


    FASTDOGZ im on the way,gotta take a look im sorry
  21. heres one i got last season,unusual to the extreme,black,white brown and a little grey over the eyes,being stuffed at the moment with a ginger lad also.
  22. wont go into detail but ss has savsd my life lately,WONT BE FORGOTTEN STRONG STUFF his gear is shithot,his buisness dealings are even better.
  23. jigsaw


    anyone tell me who makes the exca/quick digging tool,ive tried a load of garden/farm centers/co-ops and they never heard of it.if i knew who the manufacturers were i might be able to track one down.if anyone has a pic of one i would be most grateful,atb jigsaw.
  24. my ferrets get salmon heads once a week,not a bother to em,the heads are almost as big as themselves.
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