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Everything posted by jigsaw

  1. well thats not really impressive to me im afraid,i hope someone can show me that they have more talent than i suspect.i dont hold up much hope of being surprised truthfully,i wait and wonder.
  2. she looks preggies or is that her brain after being pushed into her stomach cavity by that shot gun of yours,lol.
  3. right,get your puny ass outa there cause ye could be in big trouble just being seen in the vicinity of the place.Its defo a well established brock home.The way the law is today you'll be shot at dawn for being within 50 feet of the thing.
  4. anyone out there keeping a bull/greyhound,1st 2cd or any percentage useing him for net work,flushing or anything that needs instant response.I read so much stuff here on the breed and wonder has anyone tried to use one for net guarding or anything besides fox eradication.I had a 5/8-3/8 a few years ago and did my upmost to train him to what i needed but after 4 years i passed him on to a mate as i just couldnt live with the stubborn deaf little sh*t.He took fox regularly,he used to flush them out himself.Credit to him he had a fierce nose on him but as i was targeting rabbits he was hunting up
  5. not enough collie and not what im looking for.
  6. I know the feeling too well,good luck to the lad.its a stomach wrencher.
  7. TM and IL thanks for the comments,you could be right it may be a train coming.To top off my shit luch i was made redundant from my job again yesterday,aint life sweet.thanks to all for the offers of pups,i havnt seen the type i want yet so no joy.be talking to ye IL
  8. looking for collie based nbk,i'll wait as long as i have to for the right 1
  9. thanks again guys,hopefully i'll find a pup to put my summertime hours into and next season i may have a four legged hunting partner again.
  10. Well 2 bottles of wine and a sack load of Carlsberg later I'm still sick and cant believe hes gone.I took the bullterriers out this evening and his kennel was empty,jesus it was a lousy feeling,so I went for a right long walk.Well as soon as I got out a mile or so it poured from the heavens with freezing stinging sleet like rain and I turned back .I was soaked through to the KALVIN KLEIN's in minutes,I have to say I found it amusing once I became numb from the neck down,someone up there has it in for me,lol.Thanks for the replys and a special thanks to a certain person that offered me a free p
  11. If theres any pups bred in the next few months that are suitable for the ferreting game let me know,I use the one dog on ferreting alone,I dont lamp them until I'm certain hes steady and doing his job 100%.I was about to introduce him to the lamp next season as I was satisfied he was steady and capabale of carrying out both jobs by then.I dont want whippet or whippet crosses,but something with good feet and maybe I'll have to consider good strong bone too from now on.Anyway drop me a PM if you think you might have something that may suit,thanks.
  12. heres a few pics of him,wasnt he a nice looking dog?F***ing sin,I'm off for beer.good luck guys and thanks for the comments.
  13. well I havnt been about much lately as I've had my fair share of problems,but to top it all off this morning i was doing a quarry clear out.The farmer asked me to take as many rabbits as I could before they produced young ones.Last Sunday I went ferreting with my lurcher Willow and I couldnt do anything wrong,by 2 p.m. I had 27 rabbits,unbelievable sport and great catches by the dog.He really put it together in the last few weeks,hes steady and now showing he can intercept the rabbits before they get to exit the warrens.Today we had 5 in the bag when he coursed a rabbit across the quarry and c
  14. jeeze things are bad IL,bits a rope for leashes,an all time low mate.nice dogs hope ye get a pressie of new robe for yer 69th birthday next month,lol.you know i love you too.
  15. jigsaw


    thanks guys,i bought a gortex today for 40 euros only because i was stuck for the morning,but im definitely going to study the one put up here.I have a big problem with wire tearing the jackets but i expect nothing has been invented yet thats wire proof.I'll be at the midlands this year so i'll have my homework done by then and know what it is i want,i hope
  16. thanks ratman,it must be a right bitch of a job,no one brave enough to try it.I may regret trying this out.
  17. jaysus lads wheres all the well informed people on here?come on help me,
  18. jigsaw


    Last year at the Welsh I bought a deerhunter jacket and my expectations were high but i have to say im bitterly dissapointed with it.the rain pisses through it,i am going to buy a new jacket in the future and would like to get something with a lot more rain resistance,any ideas that you will share with me on type and price,i do a lot of ferreting,shooting and digging so hit me with your thoughts on the best jacket out there.
  19. ''SLAP!!!!and PICK IT Catapults:victory:
  20. Right im apologising now for my underhanded methods but does anyone know how to re blue a shotgun,if yes would ye take a look at my post and reply,thanks.sorry for highjacking this topic,Jigsaw.
  21. shut up ya bollox,they gave you a drivers licence,worse still Anyone got constructive help here.
  22. I am hoping you can help me with advice as how I can blue my shotgun again.Just purchased a Baikal O/U and its a little tatty.I enquired in the local gun shop how its done and the information I recieved was a little vague to say the least.There is very little rust(if any)on it but its lost its luster.I was told to get fine wire wool and polish it to a very high silver shine,removing any traces of the old blue applied,also warned under no circumstances should I place my hands on it at this stage.I then have to wash any traces of oil or grit from it and once all this is done apply the blue,which
  23. some may remember i had a silver hob that lost his eye from a kicking,i had pics up for a bit.he was a tremendous worker even after the eye loss but he became very nippy in the warrens.i felt he became very jumpy due to his lack of sight but had him for 2 seasons afterwards.it wont affect his work rate for sure BRB.
  24. got to agree,i got 2 collars from him before xmass,the best ive ever come across.im definitely buying again from him.
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