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Everything posted by jigsaw

  1. Smashygadge theyre not corkers,theyre dubliners,lol.nice dogs IL,you have em in good nice buddy.
  2. Well if one is found to be so,then OFF WITH HIS HEAD I SAY,this site has really got messed up in the last few weeks.As you know I'm Irish and we dont have a ban but I still try not to put up pics and posts that may still provoke controversy.The 1 post I regret putting up was when I dug the terrier out and took a snap of him dead.I dont think it was necessary,but its done now so let it lie I will.It seems theres a mob of blokes on here determined to undermine posts from anyone,it makes me think sometimes there may be an underlying aim in all this.I could also be a little paranoid.I think after
  3. IL you have included yourself in the'' decent irish hunters'' catogory?read through this agai,it doesnt read ''INDECENT'',so im afraid thats you out of the gang, Nice to see your still kicking above ground,looking forward to meeting up at a few shows this year,i heard from macker you are hunting the elusive red rossette for the rest of the year with those two scrawny lurchers you have,I reckon you'll get something for em all right out of sympathy,probably a bullet. GOD I CRACK MYSELF UP.Macker said he loves hunting with ye as ye only go after dark and no one gets to see them 2 curs ye have.
  4. very good whister,enjoyed that......but what the hell is an ocks,i was thinking along the lines of a beast of burden like a cow or summit,lol.(only kidding ye)
  5. I see firkin dead people
  7. I dont shoot a load of goats but I've been invited to take a few now and again Martin but forget about eating them :sick: they smell rank and when skinned arent very appealing looking,but the kids are the biz.I'm due to cull a few for eating soon,cant wait.Markbivvy theres no name on the pic,its a shot of patts and fells with a fox thrown in.Tell me how does the medal buisness work then?
  8. sorry to hear mate,a lot of this shit happening aint there.
  9. To JD and the rest,i havnt a clue what yer on about but I'll take any medals offered to me,lol.Some bunch of comedians on here tonight,lol.Keep up the giggles guys and gals.Anyone want to explain how the medal buisness works?
  10. not quiet,more to the right and up a bit more.
  11. that have their trophy deer heads on the walls of yer house heres summit different,lol.Im not saying its better just different.What ye think of that then heres a before shot heres an after shot i think theyre great,not as common as those deer forms
  12. As I said in a previous post we are our own worst enemy.and I use WE very loosely as I dont believe they are a part of countryside sports at all.The unfortunate animals have a bad future ahead of them.What really pisses me off also is that they're IRISH.....arent we the lucky ones
  13. snapshot any chance you'd divulge the info on purchasing one.i have a jackpike case,soft covering so could do with protection in the form of solid case.whos the lads i know sounder,pm me if ye like.
  14. IRISH FLAG?No wild pigs here........... until the nightclubs shut down,then they spill out onto the streets in packs,very dangerous time when the wild pigs congregate together.
  15. I think I'll take a look at this myself sounder,I was talking to the lads of LRACTIVE at the welsh last year,2 nice blokes they seemed.I will spoil myself with one I think.
  16. i bought a hunting dungarees from cabellas and the tax ended up costing more than the bloody clothes.
  17. what time and channel is this on please.or is it on the net?
  18. Paddy you know too much,lol.thats my intention,put a metal handel on it.Bryan whered you get the catipillar shovel from?
  19. bryan that shovel with the yellow handel,the army surplus middelton?i bought one last saturday i believe,and good digging lads bloody hard work.
  20. im sure i know where your from now corkonian and who you are referring to,the same pikeys have crossed my path a while back also.its just basic laziness.i believe im a neighbour of northsider,hes a good man to backfill.i hunted with him for a few years if its who i believe it is.
  21. jigsaw


    feck me i was expecting a clergy man out ferreting or summit.pictured the pope or some bishop throwing down his purse nets in the gardens of the vatican
  22. topper i remember them years back doing what they were made for,im amazed theres 10 left that work i reckon the show crowd and the money spinners were the downfall of the breed.i havnt laid eyes on 1 in years now.pity really,they dont stand out as much as the bull breeds in the country and draw the blue flashing lights on ye as easy.it would be great to see them make a comeback but i dont think it'll ever happen.
  23. Dunna I know what ye mean,the time I was referring to was in the winter.This bloke is a well known dog man.I fill in other peoples shit constantly.
  24. keeps is the beardieX a hancock bred dog by any chance and if so you must be pleased with her efforts I would think
  25. Over theyears I have concluded we're our own worst enemies.I was checking a farm 2 seasons ago and came across a fox den that was dug open 3 times on the same day.i found out who did it from the land owner,he was frothing.But amazingly it was done by a renound terrier man who was years at it.I was more than surprised at his shabby effort to back fill,never mind the fact he had to open 3 times,must be some game terrier .When he returns hes going to get some welcome from the farmer I can tell you.I am blue in the face every season backfilling some other tossers dirty work,it doesnt take long so
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