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Everything posted by jigsaw

  1. over the xmass period i had a deer,i was talking to a butcher in town and he said to hang it as long as you feel its still ok.well during december it was freezing over here for about 3 weeks,i hung a fallow for 13 days,it never thawed,cold all day and night,the meat went very dark but it was the nicest i have eaten ever.i am after a chill fridge,like a coke can fridge etc,that should be of help.thanks for your replys again.
  2. jigsaw


    well rhodey im out of work since before xmass,the building trade has died a death in IRELAND big time.i get a little bit here and there but its all little,so monday isnt too bad yet but i know what ye mean,damn boring and financially crippling.unfortunately it isnt going to improve.
  3. thank you for the well informed replies,looking forward to my next querie.
  4. can someone tell me that knows,if a deer is recieved on the day it was taken,and the weather or facilities to hang it at the right temperature is not there,how can someone compensate for this.say if it was cut up on the day it was taken will a spell in the freezer help tenderise it.has anyone ever eaten the meat on the day it was killed,any difference (obviously yes)to the taste etc.any tips as how to overcome this problem,thanks prematurely,jigsaw
  5. Havent a clue where it came from THICK AS SHIT AND TWICE AS SMELLY
  6. We dug one 2 years ago and it had a tail covered in half by fur ,both his ears and patches on his legs and back but predominently bald,the terrier had his dead when we opened and the sight of this raw looking animal was shocking.his shin was badly cracked and scabby.we had all the dogs infected with mange for a few weeks after that,we dipped and treated them constantly for a long while after.I have never seen any animal so bad before or since with mange,pityfull to see.
  7. theyre laughing lines lads,i laughed the whole day looking at your drunken antics and those dopey expressions you carried about with you,plus just like a tree i have a fine stump on me,still showed ye how twas done TM,wrinkles or not jeeze guys your the funniest ever,lol
  8. With age comes wisdom grasshopper Killemall I know your talking shite cause a bull couldnt produce the ammount your boasting about NICE TRY KID,lol
  9. AND SLIP.......COME SOBER THIS TIME FOR FECK SAKE I SAW FLIES DROPPING AT 2 FEET FROM YE,YOU WERE MOULDY YOU WERE,as was NBK,TERRIERMAN doesnt need drink,he seems pissed ALL the TIME SCENT you were the only 1 that could make sense,(not sure wether being sober would make any difference to the rest of them)GOOD DAY THOUGH LADS<GREAT LAUGH,....just watching ye.
  10. NO EXCUSES YOUR JUST PIG UGLY THE LOT OF YOU Im too handsome to be shown on here.
  11. ye definitely a waste of valuable time,one word for me sums it up YAWN!
  12. Wexford will never be the same again,4 dirty hairy gits,from left to right.1 SLIP,2 Terrierman,3Scent,4 a very drunk NBK,it was a good show with lots of very INTERESTING people there i think the facial expressions says it all lol,
  13. hope you lot have a strong stomach.i'll just ask the rest in the photo if they want their faces splashed all over the net,lol
  14. jigsaw


    IL you are a sick sick man,how your mind works i'll never know,I prefer my men over four feet high,sorry
  15. now thats a man that is id be empty for a week after that,lol.after that close encounter i hope he gets round to a cold cold BUDWEISSER....he feckin deserves it
  16. jigsaw


    to a mate of mine tonight,we were remeniscing of long gone hunting days we shared,he asked me''do you remember the day of the heavy rain and the horse stable.''So I was thinking you might enjoy the story so I'll start from 7 a.m. and we left for a hillside 40+ miles away that hold substancial ammounts of rabbits and are all dwelling in ground burrows.We arrived just before 8 a.m. and headed up the hill,its a long hike to the top and its almost completely vertical,when we got to the top at just before 9 the sky started to get really dark.We set up the nets and entered the ferrets,within a 1/4 o
  17. a stunning animal even though i wouldnt be a great bull/greyhound fan,hes showing intelligence and i hope you have a top class worker on your hands,best wishes with your new dog.
  18. i live here in ''the emerald isle'' for over 40 years and yeah we have lots of fairies here.....you just gotta know which nightclub to approach,i am NOT speaking from experience here people,just hearsay lol.what a bunch of nutters,should have slipped a lurcher on the little people.lol
  19. jusat put it to sleep would ye big bloody jack russel thats all it is
  20. Well MIKE worth the wait i reckon,lol.looking fine and healthy.STILL PRAYING
  21. yeah the ''ITALION STALLION''was real impressive RETARDO BASSTARDO is his new name i hear fastest thing to shit himself ever,lol.LOOKS NICE THOUGH
  22. glad you got them,4 in total.hope they suit your needs,sorry for the huge delay but i had problems of my own to sort.let me know how they do.
  23. jigsaw

    New Job!

    I wouldnt divulge where your at or show pics of the farm/region in case anyone recognises it,they know your the only one working there and also that the place has plenty of birds/fish.the place will be poached to death,lol.could be a few poachers among this lot on here :clapper:FORGOT TO SAY WELL DONE AND ENJOY YOUR WORK
  24. What a nutty bird I think after the third attack it would be Sunday roast goose I think the dog should have been thrown overboard too lol
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