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Everything posted by jigsaw

  1. I was shown lately how to pan fry,very complicated,sprinkle chicken oxo cubes on diced rabbit meat,pre heat the frying pan and drop it in for 5 minutes each side.....feckin georgous,mark 3 on cooker.see very complicated
  2. my mates keep them and they are THE most laid back dog i have ever witnessed,roan on here has a dog thats slightly unstable will take ALL quarry,but at home i believe hes a pussycat........eater,lol.they are a very easy dog to keep but ask roan or shanehound,they keep them.
  3. you run the parents in the country NOBBY?
  4. jigsaw


    i bought a pants last year,the import tax was more than the price of the pants.never again,but the gear is brilliant
  5. jigsaw

    Just the lad

    very impressive,i might get bono to call in and give him a few pointers,lol.
  6. Big show on the 13th of july at rathcormac,2 weeks time,i'll be there,im from the north side and i'll keep the eyes and ears open for ye.
  7. Welldone blaze,you lifted it before i got to see it... what a bummer
  8. Shotup we didnt work heavy dogs because we were afraid to handel game.i can handel anything as good as anyone else,we worked them cause THATS WHAT THEY WERE BRED FOR.I think only a few english terrier men have the same outlook as most of us Irish.We looked on working heavy dogs as another great aspect of hunting.its in our genetics i think STAN22 yeah thats pet,she was a very determined dog.I was blessed to have had her,as were my kids too.
  9. well after seeing your dog run a bit thats all youd expect out of the mental bast*rd,lol.great pics and good to see plenty of interest in the dee's.They just might make a comeback.
  10. some of mine from a while back.
  11. Which mongrel rolled old red ROAN,was it the big lad,im looking forward to diversifying this year,all kinds of everything on the menu, Time to start getting them fit I think.longer walks and leaner meat.lol
  12. well thee was i thinking i could sort a few netters out with fiberglass cheapies,oh well.
  13. http://youtube.com/watch?v=UrSFGIklwPw,fishing the lazy way ok im bored,hope you like
  14. that gets my seal of approvement
  15. roan,you might be in the wrong buisness,good photography,hope we see some action next season.
  16. The owner of the pits were drug dealing which assures the general public that the only people keeping the pits are either druggies or dog fighting folk,the cop recieved 100 stitches in the first attack.some days youd wonder what kind of people are out there.its these people that get the breed exterminated.and the thing is they have no regards for the breed or people for that matter.
  17. Pritch round and about £2 i would think,which is cheap as chips i'll haveto check out the post cost for you.
  18. I have long net poles for sale,anyone interested let me know.green in color.2.50 euros each.I use them and cut mine down to the size i wanted. sold in large or small quantities.51 inches long and just a squidgeon under 1/2 inch thick.If your interested let me know.These are good CHEAP poles.
  19. its a bit since i used mills now so i wouldnt have a clue what make they are,any reputable sports shop can help with a recomendation but buy your mill second hand,saves a packet,plenty advertised on exchange and mart type papers.I suppose if your chances of getting seriously hurt in your line of work are high a tosser calling you a lazy shit wont upset ye too much.take it easy mate.
  20. well a human orientated mill would be fine,just get her indoors to walk them for half an hour to empty out.its vital they empty before you mill them,but try not to use the mill only,as much road work as possible and as little mill work as necessary.i used the variable speed mills,give em a good walk speed first and then 15 minutes of a fast canter then a slow walk for another 15 minutes,its been a while since i had one but they are handy tools. A BODY GUARD THANK GOD I DIDNT CALL YE A LAZY BAST**D THEN how much do you charge an hour,i forgot it was my anniversary last week,could do with you
  21. What a nonsensical reply GAZ,i know a bloke that walks 13 miles 4 times a week plus runs his dogs (1 at a time)through the local forestry and he relys heavily on thread mill work.When i was busy a few years ago I too had great service from my thread mills,i kept up to 8 dogs at any one time and all had road work predominantly but the mill was a god send also.REALDEAL,you looking for a specially made dog mill ?i used a mill for us people and they were the buisness.
  22. quiet but confident,just stay off the drugs man,lol

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