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Everything posted by jigsaw

  1. jigsaw


    here know of any hunting supplies/outfitters in new york central.got a friend going there at x mass and he said hed bring some gear back if i can locate a shop.i reckon someone on here has that info,hope im right.
  2. i reckon they'd be feckin cold though at night,no room for a coal fire lol
  4. i bet he'll be soft mouthed by september,lol
  5. very nice,well tattoed also,heres to the future
  6. i went hunting more,the thrill still exists for me......in the country.
  7. my father was employed in a power station for 32 years,they hadnt a clue what danger was around them.one of his work mates told me they even made footballs with asbestos and sticky tape and had a kick around on lunch break,the pipes were lagged with it all around them.The blokes lagging the pipes never wore masks as they had no idea of the dangers of the stuff.imagine 30+years of breathing in the dust and no idea of the harm it was doing.
  8. my father died from asbestosis,his 4th anniversary was last Monday.I was with him right up to the time he passed away,he went from a big strapping man to a skeletal figure.9 of his workmates died from it also.Lots of people died from it and the people responsible got away almost scott free,he got a paltry compensation package,some good it did him.
  9. p***y thought you were illiterate i want a free copy,lol.
  10. i frequented the trials as a young lad,so many years ago i cant remember too much of it nowdays.there was some buzz on the days though,probably to do with age.i have a cert here somewhere from then.Plenty of different working dogs then.
  11. Watched it last night when the ladies became cowgirls.thought 2 were gutsy enough,the other miss was a moaning get.they did themselves proud i thought.had lots of attitude,some not helpfull,good show i thought.
  12. my balls are in a big glass jar up on my fire place i reckon you dont have balls,never had ,lol.
  13. well in the past ive tried to sneak dead calves down a shared alley way and got caught by the lovely old lady next door.ive dragged dead deer on numerous occasions.50+rabbits hanging in rows at the side of the shed.full sheep through the house.goats.to be truthfull i dont know how im not evicted,lol.but i dont hide anything as im lucky to have very understanding neighbours,they find me some what amusing.....a little weird but amusing.Hell so does anyone else that knows me too
  14. thanks neal.how would you compare them with a collie cross,im looking forward to seeing how she turns out,how did you find them on feather,hare rabbit and any other task you gave them.i am anxious to do as many multi tasks with her as i can.i am getting her to sit at the moment but shes so full of energy its hard to get her to concentrate long enough so ive decided for the moment very short sessions.i get her to sit 3 or 4 times a day and leave it at that.im studying d sleights dvd just to get a little direction.Fill me up with info neal,im looking forward to it.
  15. thanks neal,i would appreciate it greatly.i will stick up a few pics soon,the bitch i got,i called herTAZ is a live wire.looking forward to doing some work as soon as shes fully innoculated.any info on what part of the country and what its used for would be great.
  16. 6 years ago,4 of us hunting,4 ferrets and a lurcher,52 rabbits at the end of a very tiring and long day,not really as enjoyable as most days,too much effort.
  17. shes been through the wars it seems.she was a handy bitch i take it as ''old'' was used in the sentence.what quarry did she take,species i mean,
  18. This seems familiar,lol.hope you sell soon.
  19. jigsaw

    getting bit

    My lurcher retrieved a hare many years ago live to hand,as i removed him from the dog he gripped my finger and held on for dear life,bloody hurt big time,but believe it or not i released him/her alive and well.took of like a rocket never to be seen again.
  20. known as the cutest transvestite in waterford,good on ye girl.

  21. jigsaw


    that has to be a rescue center for badgers or else they just finished a union meeting,bloody brave cat,lol.its a regular sight for the cat as hes not phased one little bit by it all.can you reveal the info on the pic BC,and the whereabouts,lol
  22. well i got a saying''when your up to your chin in shit,keep yer mouth shut''.IL i heard they offered you a job in the circus ,must be hard being 4 ft nothing.AS FORTHE REST OF YOU,VENGANCE SHALL BE MINE,AND I WILL SYTME WITH GREAT DELIBERATION THOSE THAT.........TOOK THE PISS
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