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Everything posted by jigsaw

  2. tanks doxhope always looking for new working blood over here gene pool is tight when u cut out the 35 inch trash ive just mated my bitch last week she is out of 1 of the last u bred i think doxhope hylda 02/04/99 her sire is rockenhart scrope out of caesar of elegance and aphra of gisburn i put her to my own dog who worked last 6 years on all quarry he is by doxhope laird of glenesk and kenue chant all the pups off hylda are as game as ive seen put alot of lurchers to shame wat do think of my cross ? maybe we could swap blood cheers shane Whats your memories of the above breeding from yo
  3. jigsaw


    all getting the royalty treatment mal,i have to feed your lads on full bodied ponys,there quiet large,my mate took one from me,as he was rather HUGE the 2cd one is rather gigantic,heading for HUGE your lot are having trouble with our accents at the moment,lol.
  4. they were all older than me at the time thank you very much,lol.i was just an eager raw cheeky git then.
  5. ok i think i'll lay it to sleep,a non starter it seems.At least mackem you answered,lol.
  6. MACKEM,looks like my neighbourhood has vanished i didnt expect too much/no info on this,just took a chance.would be nice to see if they were still at it.I wait in hopw
  7. just a bit of a bump to keep it floating
  8. out of curiousity,anyone here remember a chap called P TAYLOR from Sandyacres in NOTTINGHAM back in 1980.I bought a dog from him,the best lurcher I ever had period,it was a collie/g.h Xsaluki/g.h.I got a red merle pup.Fathom(b.plummers)was involved in the dams breeding.Also a chap i stayed with but ive lost touch with them shortly after(no mobiles)G.JAMES.a dedicated lurcher man and his mate J DAVIS,another fanatic.Just wondered if they were still going.I believe J Davis's partners name was JOAN.I reckon they would have been well known in the dog circles.I was only 17 then and a glutton for an
  9. jigsaw


    She refers to him as''LAZY b*****d'',good name dont you think,lol.
  10. more spoilt now hes getting bigger but lazier,lol.He better get his ass in gear later on and get a few bolting for me or his balming out days are over.My daughter is so fond of him,she asked me if he could sleep in her bed :sick: A resounding no was the answer
  11. good going L,that dog is the biz i hear.
  12. i eat it all the time,over here in cork we eat boddice and offal,the boddice is spare ribs boiled till its falling off of the bone,feckin georgous.I can also remember eating pigs cheeks(from the face not the ass) pigs heads and other forms of shite :sick: we were poor then though, what am i saying....we're still poor,lol
  13. almost blind too IL?life has not been good to ye mate,lol.
  14. IL what a handsome young man your son is,You might want to take a blood test,he defo cant be your kin,lol.very constructive comment there northsider,good start,lol.
  15. SCENT DIG now thats funny,he couldnt dig his keys out of his pocket,lol.Actually scent is a legend in his little village for digging holes.GOOD MAN SCENT KEEP IT UP.
  16. jigsaw


    was he imported oldschool or are there a few being bred in Ireland?as you probably know i have a lurcher cross kelpie.would be good to know if theres some breeders about.
  17. WAYYYYY TO FAR but thanks for the kind offer.im down at the bottom of the country.i just was going to buy a bow backed double ferret box,maybe a knife,nets but not much else.
  18. looking for help getting gear back to the south,not much just a few small bits.will pay for the help.
  19. fine looking animals(nice heads anyway)lol.hope they make ye proud in time.
  20. THANKS SCENT,anyone else got info on gate makers suppliers?
  21. jigsaw


  22. jigsaw


    you think hes spoilt,lol. hes the greatest thing since the sliced pan at the moment. everyone calling cant resist picking him up and messing about with him.9 weeks old and cute as hell
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