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Everything posted by jigsaw

  1. lanesra and ss,great to meet up with you,as Arnols Swactchasumoething said''I'LL BE BACK''but not to the mids i think.I enjoyed the weekend i have to say but I dont get out much so im easily pleased.
  2. How many Irish lads turned up there.I saw 1 that I recognised,first time for me,some ammount of gear for sale there,got a pair of muck boots,gaitors 3 bellman&flint for mates,1 deben mk 3,Strong Stuff came good on the leads and collars,p***y called tonight,hes well happy with his lot,and i met a few nice blokes there too.But jaysus the beer is shite,lol.
  3. Well I'd have no problems running down a dog of that nature,hes a f****n liability and it probably wasnt his fault that he ended up like that but thats here nor there at that stage,he must be taken out,3 different people he attacked.I think once the dogs disposed of then the police should leave no stone unterned to find the owner of this dog.i have had bull terriers for many years and never had an unbalanced dog,i believe its the rearing and handeling that shapes a dog.
  4. get it up here lad.looking forward to seeing it.
  5. WHAT ABOUT THE IRISH/PADDY JOKES......thats ok but other races are protected it seems.we IRISH are very sensitive dont ye know
  6. Any sane person would not find that 1 bit right,what is he seeing as right and wrong in his young mind,GOD HELP THE CHILD thats what I think.
  7. Where the f**k do I come into this,keep yer gob shut you ye inbred mongrel.IL I had nothing whatsoever to do with this comment or train of thought,so any more angry assaults on my charachter you can direct to the above offender.I reckon your wife must be a woman of great compassion as shes stuck with you this far,God bless her.
  8. 3euros 50 cent frozen and wrapped in cling film,He'll take as many as ye can get.Not too bad i suppose,covers petrol money and breakfast i suppose.
  9. All [bANNED TEXT] macker,sorry i couldnt help with the lamping competition,my mother is sick at the moment and in hospital right now,plus afew other hiccups.The bitch(not my mother,lol)is very easy going which is a good thing as im up to ninety lately Im doing a little obedience training at the moment but its been a long while since i did so im taking it very slow,might join up with you for a bit of shovel work etc if yer up for it.talk later my friend
  10. When you get them,straight away debone them,then get a jam jar and fill it half way with mets and shove the tail down into the meths,seal and leave for 5 weeks,i have done this thousands of times and the tail will NEVER rot.My mate has a tail I did over 10 years ago,a little more blonde but still perfectly preserved.
  11. wellcome to the site mr.kelly.any details of the breeding of the dogs,middle pic is obviously english bull.what type of hunting you do etc?
  12. Long string of shite.........nah shes sleek and exotic looking,AND THE DOG IS NICE TOO
  13. NBK join the VHI SOON,believe it or not THEY cleaned the whole house after themselves,put all the bottles,cans and disposable plates in the thrash,they swept the floors and did a proper clean up,i was shocked but pleasantly surprised,lol.
  14. HELL I'll leave a caption up to you lot JESUS I BET THAT SMARTS
  15. jaysus he looks a psycho,lol. his facial expression says it all
  16. What a shame,he came across as a very modest man in victory and defeat,GOD REST HIS SOUL
  17. Your a busy little beaver are you not,well done AGAIN,lol
  18. My lurcher pup is on tripe and throttles since she came here plus minced beef and chicken legs.The odd whole rabbit thrown in now and again.Shes fine and strong and I feed her nothing else.
  19. That was a bad day,I WONT BE TRYING THAT AGAIN all i can say is i get bored and impatient easy.I must say though I am really enjoying the fieldsports Im involved with even more these days,I look forward to the days out,as many as I can manage,I JUST HOPE THE BODY HOLDS UP
  20. i am looking for gates m,ade of the same material and design,hopefully in Ireland
  21. Not for many years now have i used bells,i was with a bloke a few weeks ago that had them,he reckons they do two things,they scare the bunnys shitless and it alerts the ferreter if the fert sneaks out unspotted.I have no evedince that this is so,but i reckon its not going to do any harm,but it didnt seem to make any difference to the rabbits bolting as my fert bolted just as many without a bell
  22. Course i'll post here,lol.thanks for the kind remarks,wish i could make out in the back of a car,lol only females need apply Val thats a glove,them green soft rubber ones.I had an infection in my hand that week and was trying to keep it clean,erm.....it didnt work JESUS KAY im overwhelmed with your remarks,I must speak with you again
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