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Everything posted by jigsaw

  1. im a painter,nothing happening around here,the rabbits are getting a fierce hammering,lol.Bloody quiet,and its going to get a lot worse unfortunately.
  2. shes still growing neal,check the date
  3. jigsaw


    What I found in the back of the press.I had these made 30+years ago by a man that was damn handy with his hands.They cost £15 that time which was a hell of a lot.let me know what ye think.I reckon theyre 1 of a kind as he never made the ferret heads for anyone again he told me.I think hes passed away now.Anyway hope you like. ferret head inscribed is the bunny on the side. THE TERRIER STICK
  4. jigsaw

    I think

    the best price i got so far was from PETREMEDIES and 104 at£206.35.so thats a nice difference,thanks will look into that.
  5. jigsaw

    I think

    I can recall this question being done ad nauseism so appologies.Where can I but Drontal plus wormers in bulk cheaper than the shop.I just priced Hyper drug.Its cheaper to buy here in Ireland than from Hyperdrug.My hunting partners and myself are looking into buying our gear in bulk.if any one can direct me to where we can buy maybe 100 tablets at a time please let meknow.
  6. I honestly wouldnt keep a dog that was iffy with livestock.My heart would be in my mouth if I wasnt 100% certain the dogs were steady to stock.I had a pitXgreyhound 12 years ago.The drive this dog had was phenominal,hed take anything anywhere anyhow.I saw him taking a fox by the arse,but the fox took him by the nose.Not a squeak from him,he waited till he was released and then proceeded to demolish the fox.But the b*****d was very unpredicitable with sheep.One day you could walk amongst them with ''BARNEY'',the next day he just might decide to grab one by the head.From then on I swore every do
  7. Thanks guys.Shes very relaxed and the deerhound was mooching about today on the hill.I expected a hare to get up at any moment so i was able to keep her tight to my leg while ''MURPHY'' the deerhound searched about.I was amazed she stayed next to me.i thought she couldnt resist running about after him,but no,all she wants to do is please me.I kept checking to see if she was near me and she never once moved.The trouble and expense I had to go to get this bitch was all worth it.I nearly lost my car engine over her but hell Im glad I did now.Time will tell how effiecent she'll be at bunny snatchi
  8. Well as sme may know I purchased a kelpie x a while back.Ive been out a lot with her lately due to unemployement so shes really coming on well.heres a few pics of her.Im not sure if 1 or 2 have been up before so i'll stick them up again. the above picture is from this morning,she never came across sheep before but carried on as if they were her mates.I was really pleased that she had no issues with them. the ram above was actually blind.Born blind the farmer explained to me,Ray Charles came to mind The ram came steaming in and actually bounced off the dog.Then it proceeded to sniff the
  9. sorry alaunte,i picked it up wrong keep up the good work mate.
  10. Why did you take it that i was insinuating you were biging up your dogs.i re read my post just to make sure it didnt look like that.Now I knew what I meant,evidently you didnt see my line of thinking.I was speaking to my mate during the week and was complimenting the bulls you have developed.I KNOW NOTHING OF YOUR DOGS EXCEPT FOR THE FACT THAT THEY LOOK THE BIZ.When I was digging flat out years ago there was ONLY 1 option in my area,move to a dog that Could still do the job.I have no doubt there were some bulls somewhere working but I was not in a position to go trapsing all over the country
  11. At the end of all the breeding will the owners be able to have confidence to say their bull terriers,no matter which breed,ie staffs,e/bulls etc have a certain ammount of courage and determination to do a job and to do it well.Its great to get back to the type of dog you invisage as being the REAL McCOY,but is it worth all the expense,effort and investment if its just as useless as the present show bred type.This is not meant as an insult or insinuation but a side also to think about.If you produce a great looking beast that is not capable of carrying out its original task,like pest control of
  12. JIGSAW is more than happy with the gear SS,i have had 3 bull terrier collars,4 terrier collars and now 4 leads as well and a rabbit carrying thingy,and im not finished yet,forget the rest buy the best from the big fella,keep up the great gear AARON
  13. I was walking up a field one day with the rifle,there was a holly tree in front and i could see this flash of red in between the branches,it turned out to be a handsome strong dog fox,i put the cross hairs on his head,but I dont shoot fox unless im instructed to by the farmer.i cant see the point in shooting something just for the sake of it.but I was amazed to see it 8-10 ft up.
  14. Glad yer enjoying yerselves lads in the last few years when we the Irish went to the gamefairs of Britain,we lost 20 cent in every pound when exchanging the currency.Its about time the tables turned.And yes Ireland is a robbing pocket stripping place.But in a short time you'll be back home and us poor souls will still be getting shafted FULL TIME.As our government says with a twisted smile''NICE TO HAVE HAD YE''
  15. no mr strong stuff,just cause your close friends wear nothing else doesnt mean the rest of the world does,mine are luxury patented soft calf hide for tender toes,lol.
  16. good to hear val,book me a pup when shes bred from
  17. this is my lad,hes 6 yrs old.when hes about the house etc he lopes about making you think hes a dead minded oul dog.but when he sees his quarry he comes alive and has great heart,hes a pleasure to keep and hes no bother but he does shit like an elephant,lol. They make great companionn dogs too,very gentle and easy going,but ferocious when they have to be.The only fault is they attract pikeys by the thousands and are too trusting for their own good.they are easily stolen as they are people friendly in the extreme,or my one is anyway.ive got too say hes a little slow off the mark on bunnies
  18. Thought that was a picture of Markbrick getting interviewed for being a naughty boy
  19. jigsaw

    muck boots

    feel free to lash up any company sites that sell em,the cheaper the better
  20. jigsaw


    well scent someone has to manage the foxes down your neck of the woods cause your making a bloody bad job of it i hear
  21. jigsaw

    muck boots

    i have a pair and there the best welly type boots i ever had.im reinvesting in a second pair soon.im usually a leather ankle boot man but ive been won over by the heat and how extremely light they are.so its a big thumbs up from me.
  22. 90% sure theyre otter,if the scale is what i think it is.if not mink?
  23. terriercentral,great price on those boots.im going to have a go off of them for sure.
  24. TT i have a pair of muck boots i bought in the midlands game fair.THE BEST BOOTS I HAVE HAD FOR A LONG WHILE.i was always a leather ankel boot man but i live in them other ones.just got back from diging today and dug 1.warm,comfy and vibram soles.cost 110 euros,best money i ever spent.
  25. forget the lamp,get an elecy bankie,you can put it on yer bed.the lamp will burn the arse off of ye after a bit,
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