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Everything posted by jigsaw

  1. jigsaw

    can anyone

    get either top terrierman or scent to contact me as soon as possible please,i need to hear from them tonight at the latest,thanks jigsaw.
  2. learn from it people,if you got a great big fat fffuckin friend,dont ridicule them,......Accept them for what they really are........great big fat fff.....only joking,
  3. That dogs going to be nothing but trouble.......you should really ship him over to me and I'll make sure he never enters a hole by mistake again glad you got him back.
  4. Well only lately I f****d up an order for Aaron by telling my hunting partner the wrong information,its now being rectified and the new order is on its way....with the proper payment,sorry Aaron Last XMASS 12 months i ordered a cow hide effect collar from SS for my son as an xmass pressie for his bulldog and it never turned up,Aaron sent another collar FREE to me.NOW WHO IN BUISNESS DOES THAT THESE DAYS.I sent on the cash a few weeks later.I am no ass licker but I support ANYONE who does stuff like that for their customers.GAZ your on yer own here I think and defo on a looser it seems.
  5. surely if its hard for the hare to run in the snow it must be just as hard for the dog which in my view balances things out so,good job i say.
  6. great to hear you got the dog back.tell the father of the thief you'll drop the charges providing they sort the thieving scum out AND INSIST the thief apologises to your face for his actions,then you can look him in the eye and he may realise hes lucky it was his own kind dealing out retribution and not you.
  7. has the wheaten been busy coyote,hes a fine big dog for sure.good luck with the pups and keep us informed on their progress.
  8. yeah i remember that incident,they decided to give one of their own a bath,lol.you know any of the locals in that area and maybe Coppeen?i have a few friends down that way.
  9. Coolmountain,well how the hell would you know that place Did you hear they couldnt evict some of the crustys from there,I came up with a great plan,throw a bar of soap and a bottle of shampoo amongst the inhabitants and they ran for their lives.I will actually be down there Sunday doing a rabbit clearance job if the weather permits.Most of them new age messers are gone from there now im told.
  10. Tallyho whats in the lurcher,its a fine looking dog.We have all the symptoms of snow but no fall.bloody freezing but no white stuff.
  11. Disneyland is not an option luckylocket,Antg the consensus at the moment is Bulgeria,any opinions on this holiday.
  12. you lucky lucky barsteward,would ye swop for torrential rain sometime
  13. just dont visit a cafe before going to the anne frank museum the voice of experience OK Im bad enough without smoking that shite,lolAs for Anne Frank muesuem,I read about her but have no idea whats in the muesuem.Summit mind altering also I take it.lol
  14. terrierman you adolescent oul tramp,gone past all that shite,lol.Over the side of the Grand canyon is the spot for the wife....SORTED ...Kye thanks mate,another issue I have is I CANT SWIM,lol.jet ski and spear fish is out but the boat bit I could manage,lol.Im going to look into it further,vegas I reckon looks good.I just got to see the expense and hopefull I can afford it.Keep up the great work all,
  15. jesus i thought you meant to get on a horse and participate in a rodeo,lol.I was thinking''WHAT THE HELL IS HE SMOKING'' Shotup Im looking into vegas.I think the kids would love the action and lights etc.
  16. A rodeo :wacko: :bad:you must be nuts,no chance.Shit myself I would. I do a fair bit of mountain climbing,The biggest I did was 13,000 feet,not Everest but im more of a recreational climber than any serious stuff,I'll look into what you suggest matty.Black sab thanks for that im going to hopefully do my homework,never ski'd before,always sun sea and sand type hols Im used to.Time to change I think.
  17. Comere it isnt grizzly adams you have here Mattydski seriously that sounds great but i think my kids are a bit young for white water stuff but the quad treking sounds good.Horses are defo out for me,hate the b*****ds.Its the kids I have to entertain really.Thanks for the reply,I might look into Canada.Its a summer holiday I will be looking at due to school holidays.Was it very expensive to go there.Whats the summer hols like,accomodation etc.friendly people?I havent done this ever so I genuinely havent a clue.
  18. Im looking to try a different type holiday,something other than sun and sea.I was looking at something on the lines of Montana but its all bloody horse back stuff as far as I can see,cowoy I am not,lol.I have 2 kids to consider,13 year old boy and 15 year old daughter,I may also have my 18 year old son to consider.Anyone got experience of ''ALTERNATIVE''type holidays?Im open to anything,just need something that would captivate my kids.Even a snowy holiday might be worth looking at,done Lanzarote and Puerto Rico and enjoyable though they were I would love something outside of the box so to spea
  19. are the fell boots comfy?look bloody stiff but possibly not.
  20. coneycatcher i got a martindone last year and it cost 120 euros,hope this is a help.
  21. sorry to hear mate,best of luck for the future to ALL who are in the same dilema.its not a nice feeling,i know.
  22. Work is a bit slow then it seems same here,bloody down to a crawl.
  23. JC it says it all in my comments,yes she was very good,hard game and intelligent,wouldnt look at a terrier.I could run her along side a terrier in a pocket and she wouldnt touch them.I worked her extremely hard and she never waivered.
  24. thanks reynardhunter,its very enjoyable doing it too,due another visit soon.
  25. Hallelujia yer alive WEX,dogs looking good,is that the dog you had out over here?hes a fine beast
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