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Everything posted by jigsaw

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FVVLJMkOR2o heres another for ye,lol.
  2. scrubs,i wish i could say its the wifes.....but it aint.lol.An ass to die for,what?
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dAQdCxG9H4w had to share it with the rest of you lot,flippin brilliant.
  4. a vast improvement with the dog and his envoirnment,hes bought a large drum of bleach and has taken onboard the fact regular cleaning is a must.The dog has to go back on the 4 th of march to remove the stitches.looking forward to seeing the dog work over the next few months.
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dAQdCxG9H4w...9836&page=2 hope this works.
  6. chippy you couldnt look up to top terrierman,hes only 3 ft 6 tall.those holes he digs and says theyre 6 ft deep are really only 4 foot,he used to be a circus entertainer you know.lol
  7. Digging for life has been disbanded,how sad.I enjoyed it I have to say.I can understand why though.
  8. Thanks a lot BRL.I'll wait for one from you so if ye dont mind.Its good to know theyre from good stock.My problem is I keep to myself a lot and dont know who has what so when looking for a replacement its a bit tricky.Looking forward to the time.Might see you at a show this year if your about.
  9. REYNARDHUNTER the dreaded ''MANFLU'' I had it a few weeks ago.The women just dont understand,do they?hope you feel better soon.DPB82UK.........erm no thats not me and its not the wife either cause if it were I wouldnt be on here as much,lol.
  10. Jimmy big shoes, would ye like me to post him over to you I have no interest in keeping ferrets as pets,I work them.Whether its a popular stance or not Im not concerned..I have enough to be doing taking care of the workers,and by that Im on about the terriers and lurchers I have too.Is it not better to put him to sleep rather than have him thrown about.If my polish friend doesnt take him it ends there.Nighthunter she feeds her ferrets on dry food,ALL 13 OF THEM .Yeah shes an animal lover but she doesnt ever say anything to me about my activities.I offered her rabbits to feed her bunch,she gr
  11. ok guys,the polish lady will get him vasectomised immediately,she has all her hobs cut.i can assure you if she doesnt take him as ive allready stated he being pts.she wont pass him on at all.i dont keep any other ferrets,just these two so i have no need for sorting out the jills.if she wont have him i'll take him out of circulation.the last thing i want is to breed from the useless b*****d.on the look out for another medium sized hob,the ammount of ferrets i was offered last year that were very hand shy was incredibile.my young lad some days handles the ferrets and id have to have a real placi
  12. I have a 14 month old ferret hob,I have tried my upmost to get this animal to work,day in day out I have taken him out,with friends,on my own.I have on more than 1 occasion kept him just a tad hungry,not starving mind but definitely peckish.NOTHING WORKS.I cannot get him to travel for a starter but if he does on the rare occasion run the warrens he never searches for his prey.After he has tried the depts of the warrens I run my old reliable hob and out comes a rabbit or two.Rabbits that the other idiot should have found.I started him at 8 months old and have had him out dozens of times since.I
  13. I have 2 hobs and 1 is 4 years old and a brilliant worker,the other is last years breeding and ive failed to get him to hunt.He refuses to go below ground most of the time.He has bolted 3 rabbits in 12 months and i think thats mainly because he came across them by accident.I got him from a bloke living close to me.I have had him out every sunday and lately 2-3 days a week and he just wont hunt for me.Im keeping ferrets for almost 30 years and this is the only ferret I can recall that didnt make the grade.I think his time is up at my hostel and I will be looking for a replacement this year fo
  14. All [bANNED TEXT] folly,hows things.We met a while back but only for a few minutes.Keep the other fellow on the straight and narrow,i heard hes straying a little to the left
  15. if you read my statements above,i agree.the pen should not have been left like that but he did start to clean it as i was leaving,theres no excuse for not giving it a brush every day.i cant really go barnstorming in and tell him hes a disgrace and to clean up regularly.i did mention it to him to keep the dog in a cleaner enviornment after the operation.well i will be back during the next week and hopefully he'll have the place sorted but i reckon it'll be only a matter of time before the shit piles up again.
  16. forgive my ignorance but what exactly is it for?never heard of it before.
  17. Thank you for the input guys and gals,I should have emphasised that this dog was bought as a ''WORKING'' sheep gerding dog.The farmer lives in the middle of nothing.The nearest shop is 2 miles away so having the dog as a pet is not an option.Even with his eye as it is the dog travels in the back of the tractor and goes up that mountain in my pictures and drives the sheep down to holding pens.It has to work as this farmer is a no nonsense kind of man.I only wish he takes on board how important it is to clean the ffffuckin kennel on a regular basis as I mentioned to him .Theres no excuse for tha
  18. yeah i think so too,now any input on glaucoma?
  19. 48 euros an hour plus vat scent,lol worth all the crawling and hiding
  20. And before you say anything,I told him he needs to clean the shit from his kennel,but he said hes tearing busy with sheep lambing at the moment.He started doing it today as I was leaving.
  21. Is it hereditary or not.I visited a farmer today after I heard he had a Kelpie of 9 months old.Its a very fine long legged dog.The poor bugger is booked in for an operation on the eye.Its to be taken out as hes suffering from the above.The eye specialist told him the dog is very likely to get it in the other eye also seeing as he got it so young,if this happens then the dog will have to be PTS.Does anyone know if this is hereditary?I have found a link to a very small no.of people that actually work kelpies here in Ireland I hope the dog pulls through as the owner is a real decent sort.I never
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