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Everything posted by jigsaw

  1. thanks for the replys,i'll try your version SS,i havent seen any adverts asking me to pay for anything it just said i have loads of viruses,i'll try downloading it and hope i get it right.I really havent a clue about this stuff so I'll drive on head down and hope for the best
  2. To the knowelegable people on here is it possible to install an antivirus on line.I had a scanner or something tell me we have 2099 viruses on the computer.How do I counteract this,can I sort it out easily.I havent a clue how to do anything with this machine so it needs to be simple step by steps for me to comprehend.We ran out of antivirus a while back and I hadnt the finances to buy one.Your help would be much appreciated.
  3. I recall theres one in Sounders country,I cant recall who had it but I heard it was a good dog.Of course it doesnt mean the owner will be willing to give out the service to strangers,that im afraid you have to sort out yerself.
  4. Heres a dog I had years ago,colliexgreyhoundxsalukixgreyhound,took everything from pheasant to hare and fox and rabbit.I didnt keep a lurcher for a few years after he went.
  5. I tinhk yoeur rihgt cuase I unedrtsood all of taht no porbelm,booldy amzaing taht
  6. jigsaw

    paddy day

    blessed be the Irish went out at 6 a.m. looking for the elusive goats,no sight nor sound.I suppose its not right to kill em on st patricks day,have a good day,even if yer not Irish.
  7. BRL I'll give you an instance,I had a pit bitch that had a cancerous tumour on its liver and had no choice but to be put to sleep.I asked the vet if it would be ok to put her to sleep myself as it was £120 to have it done by him.He said not a problem once it was humanely done,he even told me he thought a .22 rifle was faster than his method.From that I understand it is not illegal as he would not have agreed for me to do it.If a ferret need to be PTS I use .22 shorts,made for indoor pigeon,rat shooting.Quick effective and painless.I dont agree with taping any animal on the head,it looks very
  8. Ive been at something similar a few months back,it cost me 100 euros to buy a staff from travellers,it was chained to a car.I gave it for free to a good home later.Its sickening to see people treating animals in such a way.Goes to show exactly what type of people are out there.Well done for rehoming the dog.Just shows its not the dog but the owner.......most times.
  9. great info people,i am going to take a walk minus the gun soon and see the lie of the land,then i'll work out the best approach.Im looking forward to it even more now, I have permission to park the car in a farmers yard away from roads etc,also was told its full of deer too.roll on next winter?I wonder what they'll taste like after munching on the best of grass etc.I hate curries so theyre defo out but I'll experiment
  10. countryboyo if you think for 1 minute im chasing a few manky goats across a forestry and if for any reason i caught them you surely dont think im going to stuff the dirty b*****ds in the back seat of my car,lol.I have just the job for stopping them DEAD in their tracks.Scent its quiet obvious the recession isnt affecting you anyway.I'm at the stage of eating anything right now(my eldest son looks just right for the oven at the moment) Im blue in the face at eating rabbit,(could it be myxie?) Micky sounds ........INTERESTING......but not very enticing :sick: Any more knowelegable folk out the
  11. fab looker JP,bet he'll be a stomper when he starts.You could try the wilkinson swords,real good on beards.
  12. Thanks guys,is it obvious as to their age?Suppose looking at them I'll know Anyone ever eat an adult female?
  13. I put this up on General but not much of a response.Anyone taken young ferral goats for consumption?I have to cull a load of them and just wondering how big should I leave them before I take some?Can the adults be eaten or are they :sick: How long should they be hung or can you stick them straight in the freezer?And last question whats the best way of cooking?Should I treat it just like lamb?Never tried it before hence all the questions.
  14. Meerihunter great pics,looking at the 3rd last picture the feet on the dog says it all.How fast are the dogs on take off compared to a lurcher?obviously theyre not that slow as a good bag of game caught there.Does the salukis retrieve?Im looking forward to geting mine out over the next few months.
  15. jigsaw

    kid goat

    Archie thanks mate just what I was looking for.The1 I'm going to have a feed of it first.if its to my liking theyre staying on the tripe,lol.john i never eat curry,i class it as ferrari food ''in your mouth and out yer ass at 120 mph'' :sick:
  16. jigsaw

    kid goat

    anyone ever eat kid goat?I have the oppertunity to cull a large herd of ferral goats and I was wondering when and at what size is best to harvest a few kids for the table.There are around 40-50 in the herd and the resident farmers are well sick of them marching through their land munching their crops.i am geting letters from most of the locals to say I have permission to walk the land and cull a certain percentage of them.If you have eaten kid,do you need to hang them for a period of time after shooting or just whack em in the freezer?Any other info would be much appreciated.
  17. Jaysus life is sooo unfair.What a looker.Chubs shes a beaut.if she works like she looks she'll be a dinger.Gutted I lost her brother at 18 months.He was a right keen dog and the makings of a good one.Thanks for the torture,lol.
  18. Most pets I can accept.....BUT FCUKIN SPIDERS I cant even stand in the same room as tarauntulas.GROSS GROSS GROSS,YUK :sick:
  19. why not?ive had a few that were very decent dogs.But I would prefer to cross to a strong patt if I had my choice.I also think the patterdale of today had over the years a good infusion of bull blood to make them what they are today.Saying that BOTH parents would have to be top class workers to even consider such a cross.
  20. jigsaw

    Trunk Monkey

    Damn thats sooooo good.
  21. MY CLEANER are we posh or what,lol.OH 16 JUMPS,lol
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