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Everything posted by jigsaw

  1. Thanks guys,my computer has completely crashed so I have to use a friends so wont be on too often.QS I'll try and find the company and see what they have,thanks.
  2. reminds me of the wifes varicourse veins, :sick:
  3. right as i havent gotten any pressies you lot can send me a picture to brighten my day up,any subject and in any format you think is appropriate,I cant wait........
  4. thank you very much you shower of messers.I was up and in an old farming estate at 7 this morning with my binoculars admiring a few fine deer,plenty of them about.SS no chance of any jiggy for me,lol too old now.Slip 60th you cad
  5. Thanks guys.I think I'll try and find a mate with a credit card,lol.Almost there now,just the moderator now THEN ITS ASS WHOOPING TIME
  6. simmons whitetail classic 3.5X10X50 nightview at £129,what ye reckon?overkill for a .22 or ok?
  7. Damn thats a good start Danebrewer,I'll look up what your talking about,I might wait for a bit to get a better quality scope.I had 600 euros to play around with,so 200 euros left for scope,I might just wait a few weeks and then purchase.Thanks for your help.
  8. Since I've been amazed at the knowledge you guys have on here I will now look for direction as to what scope you would adivse me to go go for,I have 200 euros to spend so what ye reckon for the CZ.I was thinking along the lines of 3X10X40.Its all rabbits I'll be after but I also have a 223 and if I could get a scope that might suit both then great.I await your replys.
  9. Well I put a deposit in the CZ452,at the price of 415 euros.feels a nice gun,well made light and ready for the fiting of a moderator.Are all mods basically the same?Sights are my next target.I will take a good lookabout and see whats where etc.Thanks for the input guys,keep it coming.
  10. whats the story shipping it to Ireland.
  11. thanks guys,I got a price of 430 to 550 for the cz,that was between 4 shops.I had a price of 520 for the savage.im going for the cz I think.The whole package,the gun ,sights and moderator will cost 650,I enquired about the Sako quad with the different barrels starts at 750 and I need 2 different certs for it.deker you have any more sites for sights
  12. I have 1 of his prints,a collage of terrier heads and the fox,rabbit and a cruel b*****d with a shovel I bought it a good few years ago.Dont think its worth much but I really like it in the sitting room wall.
  13. just a bump,come on gun people.dont keep it a secret.
  14. If its not too personal a question Will Bowden,was it ever revealed as to why he went as he did.It was a terrible waste of a great man.I understand he must have had a troubled mind obviously,just hard to believe a man with such a great talent should go in such a way.Forgive me if its an inappropriate question and ignore it.
  15. I am buying a new rimmy soon and would like to know your opinion on what might be a good buy.I have a CZ.223 and am quiet happy with it.There is a tikka for sale in my local shop and its threaded for a sound moderator.I have 550 euros to spend.I have been directed to the web site ''uttings''?(I think,but it doesnt sound right) for the scopes.Any opinions would be greatly appreciated.I am considering a cz again in the .22 form.
  16. when your with a new woman and shes gagging for it and you........erm watching the dog chase a rabbit
  17. Jasus how he got through it I'll never understand,I thought for sure after the 5th round there wasnt much left in him but he became stronger as the fight went on,his opponent faded too near the end.I bet when he looked in the mirror this morning he wouldnt have liked what he saw,lol.Hes a damn sight better man than i thought he was.Great finger chewing scrap.
  18. jigsaw

    Jade Goody

    If you read my post it doesnt say I admired her or was a fan.To be truthfull I never once read a sentence on her illness or her comments on any of her thoughts.I have to say some of you lot seriously want to get some compassion,all your bravado tough guy bullshit is an indicator as to what type of person you are.Shes a mum of two kids,shes young and she is now deceased,in the laws of nature that to me is very unfair,yes it happens to many and that also is very tragic but in this instance the lady was a familiar tv personality.My own father died of asbestosis brought on from working amongst the
  19. jigsaw

    Jade Goody

    Well the poor girl has passed away,I know the press did an overkill on her but still little kids lost their mum and it must be a scary thing knowing your time is limited to a few weeks.GOD REST HER,final chapter.
  20. John best wishes to you and yours.I was asked to judge in this competition by scent and I gracefully declined,now hopefully you'll see why.These start out as a bit of fun/craic but it always deteriorate into bad feelings/comments I find.Best not to get involved unless its kept real small between friends and even then it can get turned into a slaging match in double quick time.
  21. going to have to get my sons mate to sort this out,ive tried to download but i get lost in the middle of it thanks to everyone for your help.
  22. thanks people and its no good telling ye I dont go on porn sites as ye wouldnt believe me but my kids are whizzes at this shit and id be defo caught out if I were to look at such filth I do take a peek at WWW.PASHA.CO.UK though.and when I win the lotto Im having a grand old time with my mates from Pasha for sure
  23. When I click on it another load of choices turn up in ''MIRROR SELECTION''.Forgive me but what do I do after that?
  24. Christ i was on the site and theres about 8 versions that can be downloaded,do i download 1 or all of them? :blink:it also says to donate,i dont have the paypal facility or a credit card so whare do i stand on that?Yours CONFUSED JIGSAW
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