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Everything posted by jigsaw

  1. Thanks to everyone,i'll look into it.
  2. well then i aint normal cause i dont have one,cash only im afraid.i reckon if i asked for one theyd laugh their heads off thanks for the info guys.
  3. I have enquired about the paypal system and I have found out a credit card is needed,I thought it could be got from the head post office.The question I pose is,are there any alternatives to pay pal that are accepted worldwide?I have never had a credit card nor do I have any intention of geting one,and thats basically cause im skint most of the time anyway,and unemployed also.Its a big draw back to be honest when something comes up that is a good buy.Let me know if there is another alternative.
  4. he doesnt have a name,i used that so i wouldnt be repeating ''my hob'' every line,i should have called him dumbo.i dont see why you'd name a fert as they dont answer to it,but doesnt hurt either so if it keeps one happy why not.
  5. must admit i was wondering,tripe for my workers,ferrets dogs.10 euro a barrell fresh from the cow,feeds all my stock for the week,cheap or what?6 dogs and 2 ferrets all fed for 10 quid
  6. Blue coyote feel free to share wont you
  7. jigsaw

    cow mats

    when i had a few bull terriers mine lasted 3 weeks,eaten dug up and generally destroyed in pretty damn quick time
  8. just deleted mine,maybe its ianb giving us a treat for making this site the best ever
  9. tomo I am certain he wont make the grade ever,i dont give up on stock easy but hand on heart,ive given it my best shot,he can live a life he doesnt deserve from now on.Jeeze this topic has run a lot farther than i thought it would,somewhat like the hob
  10. exactly what i meant tomo,reading some of the reactions,i scratch my head and wonder.
  11. why the bloody hell are these ads always across the water,i got rid of 2 a few years back and dont half regret not keeping 1.
  12. so because shes from a small village and is not a stunner in the making shes a turd simoman,that some outlook youve got there.
  13. feckin perfect FH,now if yer decent to me i'll take 1 of each,a single and a double.I may also have a few mates interested in a box or two.
  14. bud is my favourite,having 1 right now,mmmmm
  15. no rabbits wereout of the places i put him spiderfly,all were ground burrows,in plain view of me.anyway hes going at the end of the week,fitness,hes like linford christie for god sake,lol.anyway new topic i think is coming,he will be deleted from my memory banks for ever soon.
  16. Some of the replys here are astonishing .....very funny but astonishing.lol
  17. now das the biz,told ye it was worth a look,im up for a pup off of him in 2010 lovely looking dog TT,defo traveling next week now,lol.cost ye a fortune at the hairdressers though.
  18. allrite scent,nice lurcher,the terrier in the kennell on her own is a beaut, bet she'll make a good un
  19. Well Ashwood if you mosey on down to the ferreting section all will be revealed,i was trying to put a last ditch effort into a hob I have that will not settle and hunt to a required standard,hence i was out at such a late date,but he is being rehomed next week so i expect i wont be out again for a bit.I do have a few spots that i keep to give the ferret a run every now and again just to keep him tuned in and helps keep my young lurcher focused,so rest assured i will be having a day here and there over the summer when the urge takes me,and dont worry too much about it cause for the ammount i ta
  20. thats all i feed him youngo,if thats not about tripe or sheep heads.i think really nothing will get him hunting properly,i may have a pet home for him yet,spoke to a girl last night thats interested in taking him for her ''APARTMENT''
  21. jack crowley i found a few rolled up purse nets there thursday so if it was you,THANKS catcher thats a concern allright,being run over but its very remote where i am.snoopdog the samaratins told me to feck off on the phone jt750 i get where your coming from as for being bold as my kids,my kids are angels compared to this lady.i'll just work on her slowly and whatever pace shes at i'll try and understand ...now wheres me gun only joking.but by jaysus she better be a good one after all this,lol.i introduced her to sheep that day too,she deafened me out completely and sauntered behind them a
  22. I was out yesterday for a session with my ferret and Taz and Samra,got a few rabbits but it seems the excitement was too much for the new Saluki pup.I just hope things improve or Samra and I will be having a falling out.The thing I noticed most is she has selective hearing,I call she ignores me.Then theres the issue with the car..........she hates it I think the pics will explain a lot. here you can see shes really geting into it and in this pic she actually STOOD UP. just thought I'd show it to you again,UNBELIEVABLE OR WHAT this picture explains what i mean,she will not come t
  23. having him fat is not an issue,hes lean as it is.i have him running around the back twice a week.i dont over feed him either.I reckon hes just not an out and out worker,i have to say that the bugger is hyper active.its an ordeal geting his collar tied as he wont sit still for a moment,and its the same when hes in ground,runing and rushing from entrance to entrance,maybe a little prozac might help
  24. well sunday coming im visiting with a mate that has a serious rabbit population explosion,im bringing the 2 hobs and i'll see if theres any improvement,i had him hungry yesterday but i dont like having to keep him from feeding to get him to hunt.its not necessary with the other hob.So its do or die literally next Sunday,fingers crossed its do.I thought I'd get a better response than what I did.I know myself whats what but it would be interesting to read others view points too.
  25. I have a hob ferret here that ive owned since 6 weeks old,well I swore I'd put him to sleep weeks ago but I never got round to it.So I decided yesterday that this was his last chance,I headed off into the unknown and with my kelpie cross and the saluki pup I meandered about looking for ground burrows to run him in as the ditches were out of bounds on my own.I neted up the 1st lot and in he went,after showing at the mouth over and over again I decide I'd lift him next time he showed,he was in ground,or if you like out of ground as he did nothing but pop up from every hole every 10 seconds.Then
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