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Everything posted by jigsaw

  1. Havent caught many of these,lol I caught this on a fishing trip in Lanzarote,a ninja bait eating turtle To be truthful I hardly ever fish so I was amazed.The hook was extracted and it was left go again.
  2. A few years back I was ferreting in January and the hob lodged so we had to dig well we got down and there was a dead rabbit,as I lifted it underneath were 3 tiny week old rabbits.So me being a messy git I scooped them up and said nothing.After a bit I took them out and shoved them in my mates pocket.We finished the day and went home,I decided to give him a ring and tell him what I had done as the thought of those poor buggers starving to death did not appeal to me.I explained what I'd done and apologised laughing.He said no worries cause he found them and put them in my hat in the boot of th
  3. thanks people,wasnt sure if it was ok to put them up but as they were just family dogs I thought thered be no harm in it.Antg,shes a cracker for sure.Any chance I could rob her dna and clone her do you know if theres anymore from the litter about antg?I remember there was 6 brindle and white and 1 red dog.The sire to Jigsaw was rocky my dear and the dam was D&L's Banjo .She was the most unexcitable bulldog I have ever kept,steady with other dogs and could be trusted to hunt right alongside terriers no problem.I did have a bit of a problem with llamas one time though Molly on the other
  4. these, Molly,a big bitch I had many years ago. Nora,she was a good bitch and I gave her to a mate. Jigsaw,probably the best bitch I owned.Wish I still had her.The shtie about bulldogs being dodgy with kids is just that shtie Jigsaw and nora out walking at the beach I think this is Noras dam,long time ago and the memory aint what it used to be Nora all grown up. This is a pic of Jigsaw and Noras half sister,Scrumpy.She contracted cancer at 14 months to her liver,I was gutted when she was PTS Jigsaw at 9 months old.
  5. for all you doubting thomas's FOXGUNTOM :kiss: not much of a transit van in that then,lol.Great comment on the vet.
  6. tried to fly it hence the broken glass
  7. Im not interested in selling it,im going to see if I can get the glass repaired .Just wondering was it worth much.Needed a new van for the dogs was going to exchange it for a Transit
  8. You give me your wheaten and I'll give you my family heirloom,HOWS THAT FOR A DEAL
  9. If I do breed this bitch it'll be the first liter I bred in years,I prefer to buy in.Leave some poor sod do all the hard work and I pay him for his efforts.As for a husky/g.hound not too sure on that cross,but if you fancy it let me know how you get on Now I wonder what comment Scent passed Cheeky little monkey
  10. oh forgot to mention the glass was broken when I got it(which is why I probably got it )
  11. I inherited this piece of work a few years back.I was looking for something yesterday and in at the back of the wardrobe I found this.It has sat there for many years.I had forgotten all about its existence.Its dated 1958 in ink on the right side.It was done by a master taxidermist(that how he was described to me anyway)Let me know what you think and possible value if any.
  12. thats great,if i can have an email address,so if possible i could see some photos of parents and pups (past). pm sent
  13. no harm at all that,now will it ever come into play to those who deserve it,i hope so and send a sharp message to the cnuts that think theyre untouchable.
  14. Thank you for the pics Marcos,I have a 1st cross Kelpie/Greyhound bred by Mike on here,its my 1st kelpie cross and Im using it for rabbit,ferreting and rough ground hunting.I have had collie/greyhounds in the past and a part saluki/collie/greyhound but the energy this pup has is unreal.I really like the red kelpies but color means nothing I know.I hope to breed her in a few years when shes had a few seasons under her belt,I cant wait for next season when shes fully matured and ready for the lamp and gun.I would be very interested in seeing more pics and reading about your dogs,the work they do
  15. I can get you sorted I reckon in a few weeks,top class workers on both sides.If your stuck for a pup drop me a line.
  16. W&I thats a wee bit too far for me Wind bushes?you mean famine trees For rough hilly ground I'd be inclined to cosider a colliex or a deerhound type dog for good feet and stamina.With the right parents they could be awesome workers.
  17. if hes a bit behind the rest of your pups then some alone time with you is very necessary.This is 1 reason I try to raise pup alone,give it full attention and make it what you want it to be.If it becomes a straggler then your fault.Not being insulting or offencive just my opinion.
  18. W and I if yer down the southern end give me a bell I'll take care of the rabbits for you,and I'll kit you out with gear if you want to get stuck into the sport yourself.
  19. TT I can remember that day well.We were soaked through,we dug 1 that day and went home,she was in a dreadfull state.I actually washed her in the bath afterwards when the wife went out, Ozzy there fine dogs there,hopefully I'll have another soon enough.I think there coming back in numbers again and the right people have them too,long may it be so.
  20. damn your good,how did you guess that so easily
  21. now for 10 points what was my favourite music group going on the 2 wheatens names?
  22. just to add we are still diging the same holes today after 20+years,we dug it last season.If its backfilled right no reason why it wont prove fruitfull every season.
  23. heres 2 half sisters i owned in the 's,same dam different sires.the 1st was 3/4 wheaten-1/4 english bull,lizzie we called her. very game bitch but for some reason very poor bite/hold.She was a particuarly fast botch on the leg and was used to hold feral goats by a mate at a later date. the second bitch was wheaten xwhite terrier.great working bitch but died in ground from heart failure on her 3rd season. here is the 2 together anoher on lynnott
  24. not impressed eh?i thought it might get yer foot taping.and the mention of dog and badger.....well i expected you to be well impressed I think I may have too much time on my hands
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