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Everything posted by shotup

  1. jackie squealers/ swifts roojackapith/bird that flies backwards and whistles out its arse. gulls/ gypos heron/teradactyle
  2. shotup

    4 X 4

    had a series 3 landy ok. nissanpatrol ... shite and now have a ford ranger xlt which is by far the best moter ive had for off roading.
  3. i will allways remember a bad tempered corgi that used to make me late for school as it would tree me everytime i passed its house and would have to wait ages for the owner to get it in before i could climb down.i would get the stick for being late because of this dog.i was seven at the time
  4. i like that rinky dink music you get on seventies porn films ... you konw the sort ... thats what gets me going.
  5. check your nob mate if you still have a discharge ....go and make an appointment at the clap clinic. ps dont tell them what you did...... :whistle: :whistle: only joking... yes a dog can have discharge but it can also pick up nasty bacteria that could cause infection. is the bitch a little restless and hot to touch and is the discharge clear or coloured up and smelly. if clear i wouldnt worry mate its just the bitches body preping up for the pups but if any of the others the let vetenery have a quik look.
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