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Everything posted by shotup

  1. shotup


    iv cheap pair of hunters and had them nearly three years now soles are allmost worn off paid thirty quid and i think they might have been seconds as well but i wear them twice a day 365 days a year and i,ll get another pair when they finally drop of my feet.only down side there freezing in sub zero temp but what warms me up is the money ive saved.allways wore ncb wellies before these though.
  2. fooking brilliant im going to bid , fancy waking up looking across the bed room at that, it would put you in a good mood for the rest of the day.
  3. am i the only docter on the site. working as a consultant part time in between layin a few thousand bricks a week i get to see plenty of the out doors.when rained off i nip off down to the local sperm bank and do donations for 35 quid a time although they have been nocking my money down on the sixth time in one day. when i die the wife is going to have my ashes thrown in a cement mixer and then built into a wall so i can be working long after im dead.also do part time game keeping. i hope to retire in about ten years and i am jotting notes to make a book of all the daft things people etc that
  4. my old mate who is in his seventies has and likes eating the taste of fox. when he was a lad he watched the italian prisioners of war that where camped near here catching foxes in snares then skinning the carcass and leaving the carcass in a stream or brook for two days then they would cook it by boiling and gave him some as meat was rationed then. thats how he prepares them to this day as ive sent him skinned fox meat for his ferrets but it never see,s the inside of a ferret cage.leaving it in a stream takes the musky smell away he assures me.
  5. a dog had to work a big fellar to get a result same dog would kill a fox.if a terrier tried working the big man like he worked a fox then then unless he was very shallow he would pay the price sooner or later. ive had terriers smashed to bits by fox but nearly thirty years ago a fox dog played second fiddle to a badger dog.a dog had to work a badger but could fight a fox not the other way round.
  6. get in touch with a pigeon racing club or get a mag you want to find a bottle of stuff called four seasons. its a wormer ,tonic and respiratry antibiotic all rolled up in one bottle cost 18 quid delievered just double the dose for fowl.brilliant stuff.when you,ve finnished with the bottle just stuff it up your vets arse for free. you should get a antibiotic called tylan for serious chest and nasel infections
  7. come on lads these post are full of hate im not racist not one bit i believe everybody should own at least three pakis.
  8. fake dog turds for sale look and smell just like the real thing. take a real expert to spot the differance. enjoy hours of laughter with all the family due to 06 stocks will do 2-4-1 price this month...price per lb.can ship world wide .pm for details.
  9. shotup


    you can try taking it to a rabbit pen and getting it used to seeing game running around and steadying it down when in front of game so as not to let it get over excited.some spanials open up when on hares that are useually ok around everything else.
  10. margarine is the devils spunk...everyone knows it.
  11. shotup

    Pet Fox!!

    how many of us have owned pet foxes. i once reared one from a few days old it was a little cracker and a terrier man that i new many years back had a couple that he would let in from an out side run and they would jump on your knee for a stroke .nice to see close up without looseing your pinkies,
  12. a poor little mite of a lass was killed by a pit bull the other day.... very sad. our thoughts must go out to her family.
  13. shotup


    she,s got them on upside down... probaly got up late and rushed putting them on.
  14. this week in the shooting times a vet has written an article about boosting a dogs energy levels and he recomends feeding a mars bar to his dogs as it only has a small covering of chocolate and to stay away from high strenght choc bars that have loads of coco added. so to the layman it is ok to feed a mars bar when you think a dog needs energy boost at the end of the day. only one mind you.
  15. shamo why does anyone have to prove how a plummer works , how long have you had terriers? i got a terrier off plummer a long time ago when it was still legal to dig the big fellows not foxes as i regard foxes as not a true test of a terriers worth. this terrier proved his worth in front of many terrier men in many differant locations up and down the country with out the aid of a locater just with the old bar and the voice of the dog with sometime muliple digs in the same day.how many terriers around today can work an earth without a locater box can yours shamo?ive owned and work many differen
  16. shotup


    top dog wasnt a saluki it was a greyhound owned by prince albert ,he even had a pure silver collar made for the dog and it can still be seen today.
  17. seen a few good lurchers over run and nacking the heart just because thier owners couldnt keep them on leads for a rest.
  18. if the dog has a cough after a hard run, the type of cough that it is trying to cough something up out of its throat then it could have a defect in its heart as a small amount of fluid builds up in the lungs and is usually pumped away by the heart but when an animal with a dodgy heart valve has a race the fluid builds up and is ejected through the air passage ways by the dog coughing it up.you can hear it with a stethascope on the heart if your not sure. dogs can live all their lives out like this working without it getting worse. if the coughs in two of your dogs then it is an infection of
  19. he,s a good likeness of you nipper,
  20. ive had working dogs thirty years and never had any drop dead or even go poorly from eating a bit of chocolate it would have brought your dog back before you needed the vets. mussels if you seen a spanial drop dead within the hour from eating chocolate then it must have had cyanide in it.
  21. well done mate hope all is well, you have a lot of fun in the future bringing a little apprentice into the sport.
  22. next time you take her out working give her some food before hand and take a mars bar to give her through the day. sounds like her blood sugars went to low with all the work which would have made her temp drop. she,ll be allright next time. try taking a flask of warm milk with some sugar added.
  23. young pups are eating and shitting machines when only very young as they need to grow quickly so seem to take more food than say an adult dog, like millet says feed often and take food away when not intrested and replace with fresh everytime.
  24. dont run the bitch for a while rest her up and wash her elbows with sugarsoap every other day it will take about two months at least as i had the same problem with a bitch of mine years back and the vet hadnt a clue how to cure it. my old greyhound master told me what to do and it healed and never came back.has the dog got any bull in it.waste of time draining the synovial fluid it will be reabsorbed when healing.make sure it has plenty of bedding as it will not stop agrivating the joints if its resting on hard surfaces.
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