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Everything posted by shotup

  1. red stag 22 pointer it,ll be a cracker when it loses its velvet.
  2. fooking labour basterds taxing the poor again, next time you see a labour mp kick em right between the nuts and say this is how it feels. why dont they start saving money by scrapping the mp s allowances which is a right bloody swindle for the country.they get enough wage as it is and they are supposed to be doing whats best for the country more like thier own bank accounts.fatter pigs all in the trough telling the rest of the animals how to behave. orwell had this lot right on the nose.
  3. cant see what all the fuss is about i dont mind immergrants i think everybody should own about six. they can be reared very cheap shot skinned and sold to the big eating china population.
  4. try putting a spoon full of milk of magnesia on its food or down its neck it could have and inflamed stomache due to the stress , try it for a week to see if it gets any better.
  5. makes my blood boil watching that ,they are ignorant of the differance between hunting and just killing but to jo public it will be another nail firmly hammered home in the coffin of country sports.i wish they would stick to happy slapping themselves.
  6. shotup

    Few birds

    looks like my old place pre gypo raids..good luck they will beat a path to your door
  7. shotup

    pet fox ?

    i think that to hunt an animal because you hate it is wrong, every sort of quarry even rats deserve some respect. every true hunter should admire his quarry for showing good sport and not massacer everything when given the chance.leave em to breed in the breeding season and only venture out when the farmer / keeper demands.
  8. shotup

    pet fox ?

    on of my bitches once came out of a drain with a small blind cub and dropped it unhurt so i took it and placed it in my hat and popped it in my jacket for the rest of the day. i reared it up to be very tame towards my self and would lick and and make cacking noises and wag its tail whenever i went near it but would bite my brother or anyone else that tried to get friendly with it. i think it made me an honoray fox. none of my terriers ever tried to go beserk when they saw it but would eye it meaningfully though looking daggers .i let my brother take it and he released it after it bit his n
  9. i work in quality control at the local sewage farm, bit like wine taster.
  10. our countrys fooked, we live in a land that has more laws than any other country , in theory we live in a repessive state now , not even proper free speach now. taxed more than any country both the torys and labour are to blame
  11. shotup

    deer head

    nice job but you need to cut down the skull at the back of the antlers through the eye sockets and loosing the teeth then pin it on a shield. just have a browse on the net for pics you will see what i mean. as for darkening the antlers dont varnish just use some small amout of red/brown boot polish put on carfully with a tooth brush then gently brushed in. nice attempt though.
  12. this time of year try catching a lamb with a full tail, push lambs tail up your anus while holding lamb and then clench cheeks and release lamb ,slowly unclench and all nastyness will be removed. old shepard told me that one
  13. best thing to do if your in the building trade right now is to get out for a while ,ie postman etc till things pick up because you think its bad now well dont wait till christmas to find out how bad it will get.but dont get bitter about the immirgrants they only are doing what we did in germany a few years back trying to better themselves direct your anger at the fooking labour mps with loads of greif on emails etc they have created what we are now reaping.well i,ll see if my polish man servant has ironed my postman pants so i can go to work the lazy twat.
  14. our population has crashed by 90 percent due to the dairy farmers giving up to sheep. there,s no cover and now they are rarer than hen harriers round our end.
  15. ali was good but for me tyson was the best pound for pound heavy ther has ever been.
  16. does anyone know what is needed to hold a rfd ticket as i would like to get one for working from home partime basis night, weekend etc. is there any big stipulations that i need to know before i ring the fireams officer up ,dont wont to sound to green.
  17. Absolutely spot on mate.. .. they is more people than you think out there carrying a loaded gun who dont have a clue about wildlife or what species to shoot.. .. Millet sad but true im afraid, just the other day a bloke was bragging to me that he had shot a woodcock while out rabbiting ,i told him that they are out of season now and he shoudnt be fit to hold a licence coming out with that...fool.
  18. shotup


    its winter 11 and 1/2 months of year in both towns grass is allways yellow and all the mothers eat thier young. stay away just have to watch league of gentelmen scene of local shop thats in them towns.locals are all fooking nutters be warned.worked their twenty years ago.
  19. what about the one that kills milky hares and leaves them to rot in summer they dont really go by the name of poacher. to some its a name to be earned.
  20. I second that, then put the "evidence" in the slury pit! But in answer to your question..........this government, thats what happend to freedom of speech! not many farmer ever get done for murder....to big a hiding place.
  21. i allways have thats why i have been self employed nearly all my life.saying that im now handling biggish contracts 1m and nearly all my contracters ive found that are honest reliable ive met through shooting ,fishing and hunting.
  22. nobodys mentioned the queen, the duke of edinburgh, prince charles, william, harry and not to mention the princess royal anne who all in thier time have contributed to fieldsports in one way or another.
  23. ive got cable tv is it on that.tons of channels of shite.
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