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About heshimus

  • Rank
    Born Hunter
  • Birthday 24/12/1977

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  • Interests
    Terriers and Terriers

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  1. Joseph, we don't keep any other type of animal in or out the house. so i can't help you in that matter but for sure they won't be the hardest dog to train because they are very intelligent. i have seen them doing all in hunting, retrieving, bushing, digging, treeing and pointing so they are highly trainable to hunting purposes. when i say they can be harder to maintain is just they have very high gamedrive or gameprey and they come with a grindy voice that can make your ears going to the moon. also, if you keep then for hunting you will discover that anxiety comes with the package when i sa
  2. not a poacher dog that is for sure... to much voice when they start to get crazy . awesome for tracks or pursue the game, inside the quarry they are to dam crazy mofos. kept them for the same time that i have blacks and they are now only one male and all the rest are blackies because for my taste BLACKS are TOP working dogs and easier to maintain as a house or kennel dog.
  3. this is my 8 year old, 7 year proven wild boar hunter the dogs of the above litter have done everything, the male is a well known dog in our country. the male is brother to mine but from a litter done 4 years ago closed old german bloodlines. the female as got the best eastern europe bloodlines in her. we hunt fox, badger, herpestes(mongoose) and wild boar.
  4. personally i prefer a harsh rough coat, a proper fell type of dog. but its only my personal opinion.
  5. this one was done in my country great working and hunting dogs proven stock
  6. anti inflamatory: dinolgen or dinalgen dexafort (this is corticoid)
  7. white hairs can be from wounds or genetic. someone said something about beddi blood in it and now i ask how many greys you find in all terriers breeds and types? beddi, scottish, border, cairn for example... i've seen my share of grey ones or with grey hair, if its a working terrier i don't mind colors.
  8. is that a full EBT mate ? an av you got any more picks ? no a full ebt a PROPER one by the looks of it sorry mate but why "no a full ebt" on your mind? why is that,because she works? or because she crosses, whelps and raises pups? i've become a curious on things said on this forum, so explain me why your comment.
  9. this is a wild boar hunting EBT, one of the best dogs at this kind of hunting. prey drive, mouth and alot of air despite what we all thought. also great natural producer, need nothing for whelp pups or raise them. not very keen to be a pet dog, a working dog!
  10. who has this kind of working/trial dogs? pm please
  11. if you ("TRYING") revive them for working them they will not be a KC breed anymore... because working breeds aren't bred for the looks. besides that they ruin everything they touch... so leave them be. and this is from a former FCI "dog breeder". having working dogs is much more satisfying and workable than show standards, even those standards aren't applyed in the showring. many of the called "judges" never heard about many of the breeds. is like one once told me about jagdterriers, that my dog was "a jagdterrier not a german hunting terrier" because he as 12kg and it's small!!! e
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