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Everything posted by GILLYDOG

  1. its going to be cracking,car'nt wait just need to save me pennies
  2. good luck mate,place where i went last year was great sport rang up the other week they've cleared it all so nowt this year
  3. cracking pup trev all the best with him
  4. like the look of those brindle pups mate,absolute belters
  5. are you seriouse kid thier nowt in this land that will hurt you mate get out thier alone thier your best nights you will have You are having a laff, you should see the bloke on the one farm. looks like he could do summat. like i said befor he appears from nowhere in the middle of a field... What if he doesn't take his tablets i get what you mean mate ive worked with the worst folk that are'nt a full ticket for 20 year, and i would'nt like to be out in the dark on me own if he's creeping about. just remember to keep them arse cheeks kept tight
  6. good start, the missus might take a bit more training tho atb
  7. nice looking pup mate hows he bred,best to start small plenty of time for them big brownens later
  8. cracking looking pup,its exactually just the type i'll be looking for in after my hols in sept.so if any coming up like yours let me know.
  9. think its brimar jack cleanspade,if it is it'll be one of scott's or brian robson's
  10. totally agree with you unfit,it'll change nothing for the likes of us.
  11. well done,that set up in your pic up is spot on give's me a thought for mine
  12. thats what i thiught it kooks like
  13. if you own the house she car'nt do out mate,i was reported once by a arsehole of a neighbour to the enviromental health, but when the inspector came and saw everything was tiptop she complimented me on my kennels and said to take no notice and thats when i was renting.ive got 4 soon to be 6 after september.as long as your kennels are clean and the dogs are'nt been a problem there's no worries,just ignore the nosey old get. atb
  14. loads of lads over your way go beating.i'll try and ask some of my mate's that live there and let you know,as dont live there but work there
  15. Must be a p*ss take. If you really did that then shame on you. thats what i thot me to
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