pity you didnt live near northumberland,me mates been looking for a good home for a 9 month old pup free ,out of good grafting stock ive got 2 brothers from different litters and they never let me down
could everyone keep their eyes and ears open please,my mate from ashington had his plummer bitch stolen from his keennel last night.If anyone hears anything let me know thanks as the lads gutted.
air arms tx200hc mk3.mint condition, extra stock,pao 3x9x40 scope,leather sling,slip,weihrauch silencer with adaptor,full tin diablo hunter pellets.£280 sold
.22 air arms tx200 h/c mint condition,richter optic scope 3-9x50 illuminated reticle,rws leather sling,air arms silencer also original silencer
(internal)orignal box,paperwork and warranty.£300
just another programme to show how one sided and out of touch city dwellers are with rural area's and animal welfare,oh look a mange ridden suffering fox with cubs (which all died) of some disease most likely.A vet from the rspca even commenting how well she's doing bringing them up.Just sums it up how stupid they are to comment on an animal with bad mange thin as owt obviously sick and they are supposed to be for animal welfare.Its about time the city lot look after the city and us country lot control the countryside like we know how to do.