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Everything posted by Molie1337

  1. thats my 6 year olds show jumper....you never had football shirt bet you looked a c**t... nope, never had a football shirt, footballs for f**kin pussys! i like the 6 yo kids jumper excuse though, quick thinking that.....
  2. "its a blackwater mate, they do that sometimes...on the other hand look at me nice jumper"
  3. All i know is, anyone who has a printed shirt to go with their dog has got to be a prize C**T!
  4. good stuff matey, the rains a blessing really, had a busy weekend!
  5. get a camera..... thanks for the suggestion, but I took photos of all of them on my mobile ... any other ideas? get a DOG ?
  6. I think alot of people get confused between 'control' and 'eradication' I also think that alot of dog lads would be pleased enough to see a fox get away after a good course, or see one bolted to run another day! Most of the rifle lads on here could swop their gun for a camera and still be just as happy....
  7. A line with a name, has already gone down the drain!

  8. Wet dogs, Wet Lads, Dead Rats, Scared Foxes!

  9. Now has a working spacebar, let the un-hindered keyboard hunting begin!

  10. space.bar.is.busted!gash!

  11. get yourself a live catch rat or rabbit trap, trap said rat or rabbit and show it to the dog....should all go from there... good luck! Molie
  12. just back from new ratting permission, pup is learning fast!

  13. a whole day without breaking a dog tyla!? you must be getting lucky in your old age! glad you had a good one though! ATB Molie
  14. impressed with the B+F, and my bitch!

    1. busterbuster1969


      There the buisness mate, Id be f***ed without mine,

  15. New B&F collar and box in the post! roll on winter!

  16. Cracking day ferreting and cutting up landrovers!

    1. mogy24


      how much did u get 4 it in scrap lol

  17. Filth, stinking grimey filth.

  18. Has just shit himself in the bath....

  19. Im sure i will be corrected but i think originaly they were worked at otter and badger its a nice looking thing, be good to see it doing some proper graft! ATB Molie
  20. my mate had a staff/whippet that was doing the biz, but lets face it, its never gonna compare to a good bull/grey is it!
  21. Nice morning minking down the river, Off for a mooch about the stubbles now!

  22. new lamp to test tonight! Nightstalker 220

    1. stabba


      ive used 1 before mate and i found it to be ok

    2. jeppi


      av a good en pal hows the bitch?

  23. Link I like how the guy at the end trys to boot it!
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