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Everything posted by Molie1337

  1. Finaly got to the computer! hope you like! ATB Molie
  2. I have loads but limited access to a pc! Patients my friend! Go on my profile, look at recent posts by me, there's some pics of her on some to keep you intetested! Atb Molie
  3. My pattxwhippet (accidental mating) did the job pre ban of course! More of a stop and holder than a killer though, ill put some pics up when I'm on a computer instead of the phone!
  4. Use the code in photobucket, auto re-sizes! All you have to do is copy and paste it into your thread! Hope this helps! Sounds like a cracking days hunting too!
  5. The bloke I got my terriers off has 2 tame foxes, reared by a terrier bitch that had a litter at the time, amazing to see, that one looks even tamer than his! Cracking pics! Typical thl with all the bloodthirsty fools! Crack on mate, if the fox is happy whats the problem!
  6. You wouldn't want to eat a rabbit after an ebt has had his fun with it!
  7. They're a fair old lump those coons, is that an average size one? So jealous of the terrier work you boys get over there! Atb Molie
  8. I wouldn't mind hearing peoples opinions on this matter either! Very difficult when pretty much every earth near me is "rabbity"
  9. Watched my mate get bitten on the hand picking up a lamped fox, he still bears the scars on his thumb knuckle, looked painful but pretty funny! Another time the same mate picked up a "dead" fox by the tail and it latched onto his thigh! I think he thinks hes a lurcher and tries to get involved too quick! All these lads getting bitten on the feet, do you go digging in ballet shoes or something!? nothing could bite through my digging boots - a proven fact! ATB Molie
  10. Been out since six, back at the old dears useing t'interweb and having a coffee, then back out again! wet wet wet!

    1. mexlad


      i feel it in my fingers i feel it in my toes

  11. I do what laner used to do! Drag kit and dogs all over the show! I know a lot of earths now, so if you don't have hounds and a landy, leg work and vigilance are the only way! A lurcher that marks is a very handy tool aswell. Atb Molie
  12. I do what laner used to do! Drag kit and dogs all over the show! I know a lot of earths now, so if you don't have hounds and a landy, leg work and vigilance are the only way! A lurcher that marks is a very handy tool aswell. Atb Molie
  13. I find a stick/boot/fist much more accurate than a book! Joking aside though, time, patients and repetition is the key!
  14. Finished apart from callouts, I've had a bit of an off season with a new nipper aswell! Just glad I got my dog pup going, nice rest now then some real graft next year! Good post again ftb
  15. Barn work and digging are completely different, just like over here the difference between earthwork and balestacks, they are just incomparable, both mean work for the dogs though so carry on! Numbers don't mean shit, hours with dogs on the ground does! I could go to a balestack and get 3 charlies out in half hour, or I could walk the woods for hours checking earths and get jack shit. As long as your out there, who cares! Put your dicks away and get the dogs out! Atb Molie
  16. The leggy 'terrier' is still with me, she's next to the pup in the black and white photo, she does everything asked of her, and more! Don't think you could get a more "all-round" dog! Ferreting, lamping, marking, ratting, digging, she does it all! My right hand man as it were! She does have a taste for the nastier stuff though so she's kept on a lead most places we go! Deffo up for a trip up next season! Keep me posted!
  17. Cheers tyla, thats pretty much the end of it for this season, apart from calls from the keepers, lads uncovered some cubs this weekend while i was flat out with a slipped disk! Gutted! Hopefully next season the wee pup will be flying.
  18. Cheers lads, he's just under a year, ill be holding him back for a while now, till we find another easy one for him, dunno what he weighs at the mo, nice and small for a dog though, not much bigger than my mates russell bitch though, handy for the small earths we have down this way! Jeppi, tess is doing the lot now, couldn't ask a lot more of her, shes layed up at the mo cos she's ripped her leg open on some....ahem....barbed wire.... Thanks again lads, happy hunting!
  19. Cheers lads, love it when the hard work pays off! hopefully he keeps at it, ive had enough terrier issues over the past 3 years, i could do with one that does what it says on the tin! ATB Molie
  20. I havnt posted on here for a long time! Its been a busy season for me, juggling digging, lamping and a new daughter! Anyway my pup had his first do a few days ago, couldnt of asked more of the wee dog, im not a man of many words so ill let the pics do the talking! From this To this, in one short year! (Hes the stocky little bugger in the middle) Happy Hunting!
  21. has had a busy season one way or another....

  22. You cant beat a strimmer, use oily 2 stroke and a splash of deisel, probably better for you and the dogs than brake fluid!
  23. Its a girl! Kyra Jane, 6lb 11oz, born at 4:47am, hardcore night!

    1. miss lurcher bitch

      miss lurcher bitch

      congrates mate and thats a lovely name to atb sleepless nights now lol

    2. CarraghsGem


      congrats... you wont be getting much sleep for a while! lol

    3. Ideation


      Congrats matey!

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  24. Mrs Molie has started labour, gonna be a dad tomorrow!

    1. hogs head

      hogs head

      good luck to you both and baby

    2. monkey


      hope all go's well pal

    3. miss lurcher bitch

      miss lurcher bitch

      congrates hope all goes well

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  25. Jokers.......get out and work your dogs!

    1. genuine


      Should i bothering having a look?

    2. collie/grey


      i would if i had a dog to run lol!

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