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Everything posted by Molie1337

  1. Folded! looks like the folders are winning, unlucky scrunchers!
  2. interesting read that......thank god im not a hunting woman!! respect to you guys for putting up with all the sh!t you get!!
  3. Excellent, she's noshing on a squirrel leg as we speak! seams to like it!
  4. i like the "fight the ban" collars, good to see the dogs doing there bit!! hows the little bug eyed whippet bred ?
  5. did the same thing this morning, got up, straight in the woods with the rifle, a cold hour and a half later i come back empty handed, just about to stick the gun away and there was a squizzer sat on the bird table! didnt even need to leave the house!! reeesult!
  6. At the moment i feed my patt the same dry working dog food as i feed the collie, got it from mole valley farmers well cheap! but i was just wondering wether i should suppliment her diet with Meat (im talking rabbit/squirrel/pigeon etc) not pedigree chum!! obviously it should be free of fur/feathers, should i cook it or give it raw? and is it going to benifit her at all!? just wondering to myself really, wondered what you lot thought. Cheers Molie
  7. best allrounder ive seen is a Parson's jack(bitch), not sure what breeding but its my boss's dog so can find out!
  8. Nice one mate, you managed to get some ferrets then!? did you get them off the bloke in merstham ? looks like a good day out anyway!!
  9. the dogs a cracker mate, and well said about the whole bitching thing!!!
  10. lots of spam here......got any free tramadol samples ?!
  11. Beechams cold and flu stuff, the syrup. banging gear.
  12. cheers mate, ill give it a try! Thanks Molie Edit: just had a look at uttings and it seems they only sell silencer adaptors not actual silencers! cheers for the heads up anyway!!
  13. Theoben make some lovely gas ram guns, as do weirauch now days!
  14. im in surrey but i work in west sussex alot, probably cut trees in all of your home towns!! i shoot Rats, Rabbits, pigeons, squirrels etc with the airguns. and rough shooting and pigeon decoying with the shotty. ratting/digging/bushing with the terrier.
  15. Just got an Ultra Multishot a couple of weeks ago, think its blinding, cant fault it yet other than the standard silencer doesnt seem up to much! trying to get an HW100 silencer for it, not having much luck because i cant mail order one, and resent paying markup for my gunshop to get one from another gunshop!
  16. My Ultra-Multishot and a mates Falcon FN19 (correct me if im wrong!) First half hour out of the box weihrauch HW97K with bi-pod, camo, sling and 3-9x50ir scope
  17. it just looked pretty to me in my old mans "air gunner" or whatever when i was a nipper! lovely looking thing with thumbhole/skeliton stock. not sure what i would use the 40ft/lb for, but im sure i could find sum bunnys really far away or squizzers up really big trees
  18. Falcon Lighthunter! allllllways wanted one of those!! but if money/law were no option it would have to be abt 40ft/lb ooooooh yes.
  19. ive got 4 tins of them, going down fast, i think they're the best h-points out there, only at close range though, very heavy! i use eley wasp 5.6(blue tin) for everything else!
  20. just a few scraped off the top of the pile!!! the albino mouse was shot on the move at 20ft away with the HW97k, quite a headshot i thought! Cheers Molie Edit. the ultra is a week old, well chuffed with it!!
  21. he looks spitting image of my mates border x yorkshire
  22. and where is the fun in putting poison down?!?!?!?! some people will never learn If I'd got a rat problem, I'd want the buggers eradicated promptly, not picked at by some prat with a gun. :wankerzo4:
  23. we didnt have any other kind of weapon at the yard at the time, and if you see a rat (or 2) you jus gotta do it! Edit: i did eat the crisps aswell :sick:
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