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Everything posted by Molie1337

  1. Is EDRD worth the subscription !? ive never read it before and was just wondering...what do you lot think?
  2. mine completly ignores them, shes been ratting around chickens alot, and we've got chickens in the garden, so shes been around them since a pup and i think she realises there not on "the list" i still wouldnt trust her alone with them though!!
  3. haha, thats just an old pile of bunker sand from the golf course, the earth she was in is to the right of it, just a one holer, all legal, game bird protection! thanks all!! Molie
  4. looks an absolute cracker, not scared to mix it a little eh!?!
  5. This is my bitch, nuttal x black and tan patt, lots of people recon shes got a bit of border in her, what do you lot recon!? shes become a dab hand at rats, and shes seen a few bits and pieces bellow, all flushed, no digs so far! and one of the team out on an emergency, tree over road, 3 lads, 3 dogs, 1 over crouded transit and about 50 mile round trip!!! Thanks for looking! Molie Edit: Props to stongstuff for the collars
  6. Stubby, how do you find that rat attack smoker? any good ? i find the rats wont really flush with the strimmer engine, too noisy i think! ive been looking at the rat attack smoker but i dont know how well it performs! cheers in advance! Molie
  7. its been pretty deep on the north downs! had to carry the patt across the field when we went bushing because of the long grass underneath the snow, both dogs are knackered and fast a'kip in front of the fire!
  8. put normal 50-1 2 stroke mix in it, and then just a splash of diesel, smokes like hell!
  9. i like the tattoo on the deers arse, very subtle! nice dog too!
  10. Where about in Tenby is that then mate? The only breakwater used to be right over on the Penally end of the South beach, but it hasn't been there for donkeys years! unless he means the harbour wall!? good if you like people getting in the way, and not catching an awfull lot! and you cant fish in the harbour for the mullet any more
  11. classic! the old biddy at the end had a very romantic view of how dogs are worked!! "its a horrible GORY death" she obviously thinks about it alot...poor old girl! Post edited by Simoman, use your brain please before engaging your fingers.......
  12. My favorite place in pembs to go fishing is the rocks a short walk from stackpole quay, truely beautifull countryside, steep cliffs straight to weedless, sandy bottomed, deep deep water, caught litteraly hundreds of mackrel there, a few garr, 2 bass, loads of pollack and a mullet! wish i was there now instead of the arsehole of london!!!! Cheers Molie
  13. hope these pics help! no welder so we just busted a hole in the exaust and held the old strimmer shaft in place with gun gum and wire!! runs fine though, and makes a hell of a noise! the smoke just seems to stay in the "surface" tunnels though, we find digging down a way helps alot. Im very tempted by the Rat Attack smoker though, just because of the silence!! ear defenders are a must with old 2 stokes, especially if you've messed with the exaust! Cheers Molie
  14. Good looking dog that! is he border x patt or has he just got a short nose!?! not that it matters cos hes obviously doing whats asked of him!! cheers Molie
  15. Sounds a good idea, put me down for surrey/sussex area! got dogs, got smoker, got guns! Keep up the good work! Molie
  16. Same here ,ive got a few written permissions, so does that mean i can keep my dogs tail short or do i get the tail growing stuff from the vets !? when did this ban come into effect ?! i think that paperwork looks a bit much!
  17. waited about 3 hours, just thinking of packing it in when this one got on.
  18. Nice cold afternoons fishing produced this, caught it on ledgered sweetcorn with light tackle, first time ive been fishing in ages, well chuffed!
  19. Is that a Staff X Patt mate? we dont really know mate, its very long in the leg, we thought staff x wippet or something he stands 18"tts, called turbo, pretty quick, and good on the rats, search staff x whippet in the running dog section theres more about him there. hope thats helped! cheers Molie He looks a lot like a Staff X Patt that a mate got rid of a few months back in those photos, thought it might have been the same dog. How tall is he mate? Hes 18 inches to the shoulder, doubt hes staff x any sort of terrier far to big! hes grown a little since this
  20. well he is! i just measured him! the photos are just crap!
  21. Is that a Staff X Patt mate? we dont really know mate, its very long in the leg, we thought staff x wippet or something he stands 18"tts, called turbo, pretty quick, and good on the rats, search staff x whippet in the running dog section theres more about him there. hope thats helped! cheers Molie
  22. Ratting today, few phone pics half way through, final tally was 6 (edit: final tally 9, we just been back and had another 3!) and many missed! this farm is a complete shit storm of logs, scrap and chicken sheds, so 2 dogs and 2 lads wasnt enough, but it was a good crack! Mousing boxing day! we were shooting around the sheds nearby and the dogs marked up a pile of black plastic, so thinking it was rats we shifted it, only to have a sea of mice come out, another good day! anyone else been ratting over the holidays!? Cheers Molie
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