ohhh, i do like the look of a bull whippet. Not sure id fancy a half cross but maybe 3/4 whippet, nice bit of pace with added strenght and jaw power. Cracking looking bitch.
Mine is a kc dog (from working lines), and is doing the job well at 11 months, hes 21" and 32 lb.
A walk round the block once a week......what a load of crap, bloody showies talk out their arses!!
Cheers DG
Yep, hes had a good few bunnies. Hes got his sites on old charlie too...weve bumped into him a good few nights!! Ive steered him away so far!! i keep telling him 'were not in Ireland' .
Weve got loads in the southwest. Ive actually had some people asking me for the mixi rabbits i catch, so they can scatter them around their land to keep their rabbit numbers down. Fecking idiots.........needles to say they got told to jog on!!
Im aware that not ALL doses are related to body size.....but most are....... just shocked that a dog can be given the same dose of an opiate as a human.
Shite, im a nurse and 100mg of tramadol can make even the biggest men drousey and out of it for hours. You never would of thought a dog could be on the same dose as a 14 stone man
Those two are looking great!! Glad to see youve managed to find homes for most of the little blighters.....im sure the other two wont be around for long.