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Everything posted by SKA

  1. its not just yorkshire its everywere, i posted a warning on here last friday night for darlington [durham] after getting pulled that night coppers told me that they are having a major clamp down ,all reports of lampers get prioty response with helicopters surport if needed,DONT KNOW WHY BUT MODS DELETED THE THREAD SAME NIGHT ??????
  2. totally agree with you there my current lurcher pup got attacked by a staffie and alastaion when he was about 4 mts old he is 9 mts old now and his still weary of dogs now if any show any aggresion towards him hes off but he his loads better than he was
  3. i once stayed in a haunted house with two gays never got a wink of sleep every time i closed my eyes one of them would try and put the willies up me
  4. SKA


    BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! The best post on this forum in a long time LOL but i would Mr id root the weight off the love pudding :tongue4: :tongue4: :tongue4: 25 stone would take some rooting off mate i think you would have to form a tag team and high five each other in
  5. i allways enjoy rfyl post and pics, the dogs and county allways look spot and since i never look on the ferreting section i glad he didnt post them on there
  6. cracking pups mate, cant see them being around for long atb glen
  7. Most of the people caught out have grassed themselves up with their stupidity. I genuinely don't know why people take photo's of stuff they shouldn't be doing, let alone post them on the 'net. Surely the appeal of doing what we do (or used to do..) is being out there doing it, not taking pictures to show the world.. well said mate it seems to be mainly younger lads doing it and it so easy to do nowadays but to be fair i can rember lads filming digs and some coursing etc with cam-recorders[ the size of a large whippet on the shoulders ] on putting on a beta max tapeso it must be an age t
  8. i agree with you there but at the end of the day it is banned so you keep your memuries in your head not not show them to the world its like going out and choring 100lts of diesel then posting pics of your haul for the world to see
  9. just reading the local paper today [northern echo ] police have raided a house in staindrop [durham] after getting a warrant under the wildlife and countyside act a 20 yld man was arrested , 2 days later 2 more raids in the same village one more arrested [aged 17] and a kid questioned, it also says police seized paraphernalia associated with illegal hunting and confiscated dogs .the rspca are now investigating it ,it all started after images of animals carcasses including a deer were posted on face book .cant believe people are still posting pics of banned stuff on here ,face book etc ,
  10. i had a bitch bred that c/gx b/g only small about 22 ish never let me down in the field very clever with courage to match her only down side was she was a twat to kennel she had to be on her own and she attack other dogs if they went near any of her catches great with humans though
  11. What have the parents done, hunting wise that is? wouldnt have thought the parents are working dogs mate by the look at the ad i would scrutchy is looking for pet or show homes .all the best with the sale ,regards glen I can only guess you don't do irony SKA? :laugh: you should have known from my reply that i do do irony very well indeed mate ,i do straight talking better though .any one can see that the first reply was a smart arse reply to have a dig ,its a working dog site etc etc etc .but at the end of the day scrutchy has paid donation fee and can sell a pups if he want
  12. What have the parents done, hunting wise that is? wouldnt have thought the parents are hunting dogs mate by the look at the ad i would scrutchy is looking for pet or show homes .all the best with the sale ,regards glen
  13. i was there went with the zetland hunt they had 3 coaches laid on it was a good day didnt realise it was that long ago though
  14. my kids have grown up now but they started to come lamping and mouching with me when they were about 4 or 5 yld they would sit and watch me skin stuff and not bat an eye lid because they grew up with it and it was just the norm ,things are a bit different nowadays my mate had to go and see his kids teacher after his son had told the class and teacher about his dog catching a deer ,my mate had to tell the teacher that his son had seen it on a old dvd
  15. they would be leaving without the money and the dog.......im not so sure about that like lol you know where that is going , scouse goes down , dog jacks again , shadrack says there is nothing wrong with dog , takes dog and keeps cash . nice way to do business that scouse has gone to them to buy a dog that has turned out to be pretty shite , these guys want to clear there names then make the effort and get down to scouse !!! Bring a video camera and post the results on youtube for us will ya your always fishing.i smell antiiiiiiiiiiiiii YOUTUBE what do you think i
  16. they would be leaving without the money and the dog.......im not so sure about that like lol you know where that is going , scouse goes down , dog jacks again , shadrack says there is nothing wrong with dog , takes dog and keeps cash . nice way to do business that scouse has gone to them to buy a dog that has turned out to be pretty shite , these guys want to clear there names then make the effort and get down to scouse !!! Bring a video camera and post the results on youtube for us will ya i would not video a cat killing a mouse and show people on here it !!!!
  17. they would be leaving without the money and the dog.......im not so sure about that like lol you know where that is going , scouse goes down , dog jacks again , shadrack says there is nothing wrong with dog , takes dog and keeps cash . nice way to do business that scouse has gone to them to buy a dog that has turned out to be pretty shite , these guys want to clear there names then make the effort and get down to scouse !!! Bring a video camera and post the results on youtube for us will ya i would not video a cat killing a mouse and show people on here it !!!!
  18. thats why the dog homes/rescues are full of stray lurchers cos soft c**ts like you & cold ethyl would rather pass shite on than cull it, pet home? Idiot each to thier own but i agree with corky john i would rather see a dog pts than past from pillar to post
  19. dont know were you live mate ,but i work for the council [darlington county durham] and we have been out gritting 24/7 two teams doing 12 hrs on 12 hrs off ,having said that the roads are still quite bad but the wages are good
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