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Everything posted by SKA

  1. Is he the one with the tattos that's usually on pets 4 homes with a few different crosses
  2. Is he the one with the tattos that's usually on pets 4 homes with a few different crosses
  3. think she thinks it's the leader of the pack
  4. Go to the vets , my lurcher had a cough and lost weight turned out to be a lung infection antibiotics were needed to sort it
  5. sadley you're spot on there mate ,
  6. . I rember you living there , mr b used to talk to ya most weeks whilst doing the bins , you know at least two of the young lads dads mate pm me Did you get the pm ??? If not pm me your number and i will give you a bell tomorrow mate
  7. . I rember you living there , mr b used to talk to ya most weeks whilst doing the bins , you know at least two of the young lads dads mate
  8. I like muck boots (the green ones ) decent sole and nice and warm for about £75
  9. I had a whippet type bitch 20 yrs ago only used her for rabbits very soft mouthed never killed a single rabbit for about 2 years until she caught a squirrel In between 2 woods she dropped it first time then picked up second time and killed it after that she killed everything she caught
  10. Only downside is makes lurchers hard mouthed, but if there are killing squirrels allready it make any difference
  11. My first lurcher cost me £15 it was a whippet x whippet / mongrel (farther x daughter bred ) stood about 20 inches took eveything from mice to roe , was a good bitch for pinning foxes
  12. Battle black is just as good as jays fluid but halve the price , the salesman in farmways calls it ( battle black) halve price jays fluid
  13. cheers mate ,i will replace the reflector and keep the bulb as a spare i can get one for a tenner saves buying a new lamp
  14. i am after some advice ,the beam on my lamp has gone wide and swirlie its never been dropped or anything ,its a cluson blazer-lite i am getting a new bulb for it but i have noticed the crome reflecter is disfigured would that also disturb the beam .cheers glen
  15. My apologies, I made a mistake, I thought you were that other bird who comes on here who passed a few dogs about. I'm at fault, once again I apologise. i think i know the lass you were thinking of mate fair play with the apology
  16. well said mate none of us know the girls circanstance and its none of buisnes anyway
  17. as the girl says she had moved into her dads flat so it was not really her choice ,some dogs are natually clean my present lurcher pup[ 9mts old]comes in the house when i am in and so far has been 100% clean but i have had injured dogs in the house before[not for long] that have wanted to lag f**cking everywere ,it can be hard to teach an old dog new tricks so they say
  18. i can rember going to the pictures to see that film mid 70"s[74/75 ish ] very good never seen it since
  19. very nice micky ,beardie looks well [couldnt see him properly in the dark] aswell
  20. funny init!! they say stay in and ring them if you see any one nicking cars out out like that, phoned then when mine was nicked but they never even come out just gave me the crime number over the phone!! like that is going to get my carback! but go out and run a few rabbits your f****d!! spot on mate ,when i got my shed robbed waited 3 days for coppers to come out ..... when they pulled me last friday there were responding to a phone call like shit off a shovel if i was still on the field they told me the helicopter could have been there in minuates yep they wont walk in to the fie
  21. funny init!! they say stay in and ring them if you see any one nicking cars out out like that, phoned then when mine was nicked but they never even come out just gave me the crime number over the phone!! like that is going to get my carback! but go out and run a few rabbits your f****d!! spot on mate ,when i got my shed robbed waited 3 days for coppers to come out ..... when they pulled me last friday there were responding to a phone call like shit off a shovel if i was still on the field they told me the helicopter could have been there in minuates
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