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Everything posted by cooper90

  1. The Jack Pyke English Oak works better then any of the realtree patterns, as realtree is usa designed... English Oak are U.K. designed and imho work a lot better in the u.k. countryside....
  2. The Jack Pyke Countryman boots take some beating for £70, ive had mine for 2 years now and never had a problem with them......
  3. Small Roach take some beating but if its a dead bait water only then Lamprey same some knocking...
  4. I have a pair as well mate and they are the mut's nut's....
  5. Here's a massive selection of online fishing Video's Including Catching the Impossible A Passion for angling Terry Hearn The Search For Black Eye Chris Yates The Secret Carp Mick Brown River Piking http://www.(!64.56:886/pages/Dudley/wwwukcamocom/234434710813 Theres the link....
  6. Is alive and well in the Black Country

  7. Why use paint? Wny not use camo tape its much better and if you go off it you can just strip it off? You can get normal dpm camo tape and realtree and mossy oak tape?
  8. This is the picture of the Chub looks about 6 1/2 lb at best...
  9. if you agree - please pass this on..... Last week I was in West London attending a conference. While I was in the airport, returning home, I heard several people behind me beginning to clap and cheer. I immediately turned around and witnessed one of the greatest acts of patriotism I have ever seen. Moving through the terminal was a group of soldiers in their uniforms, as they began heading to their gate everyone (well almost everyone) was abruptly to their feet with their hands waving and cheering. When I saw the soldiers, probably 30-40 of them, being ap
  10. :clapper: nice stuff, just had a quick glance, I'll have a more in depth "trawl" later I think the Barbel one is the best Or how about this spiffing Carp badge
  11. :clapper: nice stuff, just had a quick glance, I'll have a more in depth "trawl" later I think the Barbel one is the best
  12. Just click the links below there are some carcking christmas gifts on here let me know what you think Some cracking Pewter lapel cap abdges... Cufflinks And some tie slides
  13. The Link for the River Ribble anglers HI just use this link its devoted to the River Ribble
  14. Just go to the barbel fishing world forum mate.
  15. Your local seed merchant would do them for about £25 for 20 kilo
  16. Yes i have to agree its the lead and the pricking action of the hook that gets a take.
  17. God mate you can use almost anything i have caught them with Bacon rind to Fish heads any thing meaty or Fishy will attract them, i have even caught them on smelly old maggots. Nice Tucker as well....
  18. You can contact us mate, let me know what you want and i can get you a good deal buddy.
  19. Barmouth is a quality place for Mullet in the Harbour and If you know the right person they might take you to the Bass Pegs.
  20. Well they weren't caught be design and if you had seen the stretch you couldn't have imagined that there would be fish of that size there. I was just lucky!!!!
  21. They also do big big sizes..............
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