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Everything posted by terrierbitch

  1. got a mod 60 .22 air rifle for sale with a walther 4x32 scope. and a 500 tin of speared pellets,and a fleeced rifle cover.only had around 10 shots with it mainly zeroing it in to 25yards.shot a squirell dead in my garden but thats it.im selling due to lack of permission and time. everything has cost me about £165.
  2. a better 1,shes spot on when it comes dropping it when told.she yaps abit when chasing em but shes good at marking sets andshes pulled some back netted rabbits out when working ferrets and nailed them.shes good all round really.well chuffed with her.and shes fine with ferrets.i cant big her up enough
  3. heres mine molly,jack x patterdale.10 months old
  4. ok,hopefully il put some pics up of my kills tomorrow night.cheers for the input.
  5. [ive got squid and sandeel in freezer will that do trick?
  6. im off out ferreting tomorrow at a lockment and in one of the gardens theres a compost heap with a load of rats in.there causing a few problems for some of the folk there so im taking my gun to try and pop a few off at the end of the sesh.what bait do you find most effective to draw them out?
  7. thank for your thoughts,im not too botherd about her being real tall,as long as she does the job.i think the dam was 21" to her not sure about the sire.i just wanted a rough idea.
  8. this is my beddy whippet x collie whippet,shes 5 months and is around 17'' tts.how tall will she make in your oppinions?
  9. good work mate!!nice dog.looks good for 7
  10. yeah they both did enjoy it.looking forward to getting out again!
  11. me and grdavison took our kids along ferreting yesterday.got 5 rabbits missed a couple that slipped net.it was a good day ferrets worked well and so did molly my terrier.looking forward to next time,hopefully get a few more.
  12. yeah id of thought it would make a good dog.it looks like theyve got a lot of heart and determination,so that with speed it would take anything.which might be a downfall if your working it around cattle?!?!
  13. you have failed to mention your new rabbit killing technique!!the second rabbit to bolt was abit awkward to reach and gave gary abit of a run around so when he finally got hold of it he stuck the nut on it! pissed myself laughing.still tickles me now thinking of it.has for molly she really did me proud,once she sussed out what was doing and what the intension was she got stuck into everything,steaming through the rough getting right in the holes,marking sets.it was a pleasure to watch her learning,espeicially at 7 and a half month.and your hob worked well,i think you should change his name
  14. i suppose itd depend on what ground your running them on too,id say that the more dainty dogs like saluki and whippets would prob get injured more than say,a beddy grey or bull grey.they just have abit tougher makeup.im new to it but from what iv learned so far thats what iv been told!?!
  15. thers a toy you can get that keeps em occupied for hours,i forget the name but it looks like a butt plug,haha,its hallow and you just put some paste inside it or cheese and the dog spends ages trying to chew it out licking it out.its a chewable rubber cone shape toy,costs about 3.50.my mate swears by em and reccomended to me for my dogs.it stopped his dog chewing house to bits and from barking when left.
  16. nice one,i dont want to wish her life away but cant wait till shes old enough!!keep your eye out in 10 months time ad hopefully il be putting a pic up of a bag full of bunnies shes got!!thanks for your help.
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