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Everything posted by MartMc

  1. Any one in North Wales,Cheshire area need extra man with shotgun not a bad shot ethier lol!!.Would be very gratefull if any one could get back to me.I understand about people being weary on here but please pm if you have any Q.I do have shotgun license and a Terrier that does hunt well!!.Thanks for any help peolpe!!.
  2. Take a look at the Miniature pinscher and English terrier both have wings on them like your jrt!??.
  3. My terrier wont stop chewing her Paw! She sits and chews none stop although she has plenty of exersise and chew bones to play with, so it's not out of boredom! We have changed her food to see if thats makes any diffrence but to no avail. There is no cut and there is nothing stuck in there!! Has any one else had this problem with their terriers!? Thanks for any help!!?
  4. Yea she is really well trained and stays steady,only time she goes head strong is if there has been a fox around and then she turns in to a little fox hound!!.As for the retrieving still a little more work to be done!!.
  5. Got got a young brother and young cousins and she is brilliant with them,she is good with other dogs then when she gets out in woods or fields she just hunts and hunts and wont stop!!.As soon as we get home she stops and carms down again!!.Not bad at all really!!.
  6. This is my 2 yr old Welsh,she goes out shooting with me alot and will hunt and flush all day.She has not had the chance to do any proper terrier work yet but hopefully when she does she will have it in her!!.Any one with any Welsh pics please post them!!.
  7. What size where the dogs m8t?.
  8. Any one ever heard or come across a Kerry bluexGreyhound!?.Would of thought that this cross would b a formidable hunting dog!!?.
  9. Canaural ear drops seemed 2 do the job well 4 my dog!.
  10. Hopeing 2 get my 1 year old Welsh terrier started was worried that it may be 2 late 2 get her going but reading your story gives me hope!!!.What size is your dog?.Where did u get your collar from?.Need 2 get hold of 1 myself!!.
  11. Im new 2 working terriers so dont know 2 much but i think a good intelligent terrier could be trained 2 do both!?.Maybe people that are a old hand with terriers might b able 2 shed a bit of light!!?.
  12. Any one know of people geting there working terriers retriveing!!.Sent mine out to try and pick up a winged canada!!.Did not go 2 well!!! .Just interested in any one ellse trying there hand at retriveing with terriers!!?.
  13. New 2 site,Looking 2 get my Welsh terrier working on anything!!.Does any 1 know of hunters around Wirral/N wales area who can give me advice on how 2 get going?.Thanks 4 any info.
  14. Hello I have got a 1 year old Welsh terrier that i want to get working!.She is brilliant at beating and has a very good nose on her.I am trying to get info on any one working Welsh terriers particularly from any one who hunts around Wirral/N wales area?If so where r they based.Hopefully with the help of people on this site i may be able to get her working!.Thanks 4 any info any 1 can give.
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