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Everything posted by MartMc

  1. welcome to the world of hounds my friend. i'd say it can be the most rewarding and exciting way to hunt but be prepared for the fear and heart ache when you can't find a hound after a good day. hounds are very different to other breeds you have to work with them and it takes time to get a good level of control. hounds have been bred for hundreds of years to suit a particular terrain,style or quarry there are many varied breeds that might suite you like some of the smaller modern french hounds,welsh hounds or maybe even a teckel. i must admit i'm a little biased when it comes to b
  2. Hilarious how you can only reply to a topic after I've moaned. I've only posted 65 times because I don't have the time to sit on THL all day writing about pretend hunting.
  3. hillarious how someone who has only put 65 posts on in seven years puts a post on complaining about how nobody has replied, you never reply to anything!!! have you got absolutely nothing to add to anything?? apart from moaning that nobody has replied, obviously. Like Steve says, the first reply pretty much sums it up.
  4. It's nice you got one reply Will84.. you ask a genuine question on THL and no one will bother replying. Next time you will have to ask a dumb question about what hounds are best suited to hunting a giraffe in the uk and you might get more response. I thought the hound lads would of gave you some good input but I was wrong.
  5. This is my Beddyxwhippetxgrey, around 24tts and very strong willed but only 1 1/2. I'm going to knuckle down with his training and get some help from BIRD...spoke to him last night and he is a top bloke Mart.
  6. Hello, I was driving out of Lincoln this afternoon around 13:15 on the A15 and there was a sandy coloured saluki type lurcher running down the middle of the dual carrigeway, a few cars had stoped and there was guy who managed to get in front of the dog trying to call it but the dog turned and ran back towards the stopped traffic, I got out my car to see if it would come to me but it just panicked more and ran through the central reservation into the on coming traffic!!! luckily enough this was all happening close to a roundabout so cars were starting to slow down, i couldn't stay and wach
  7. He was a year old yesterday, Do you have any pictures of yours??
  8. I think Little Lurcher on this site has Greyxkerry type dog, Would be interesting to hear from any one who has Kerry Lurchers. Most of the Kerry blue terriers i have came across have all seemed to be a bit mad with other dogs...i still like them though!!!
  9. A tidy looking dog very similar to one of lurcher lass on here who as the brother and sister to mine i think theirs some photos on her profile of them atb dell Just had a look at Lurcher lass pictures and her dog looks very similar, Very nice looking dog!! Hes my first Lurcher so i have got alot of learning to do!!! Thanks for your comments guys!!!
  10. Yes mate i would say so i have a bitch of similar breeding she was roughly 20tts at six months and now at 14 month is 22tts Do you have any pictures up of her mate??
  11. Ok so my WhippetxBeddyxGrey is 6 months next week and he is just under 22tts, Both Sire and Dam stood at 24tts... was wondering if people think my pup will make 24tts?? Will try and post a few pictures of him.
  12. How do you think your Wire would do with a fox?? I have a mustwork wire and i think he has the heart to get stuck in. Cheers Mart
  13. Does any one have German wirehaired pointer lurchers?? My Gwp has alot of bottle when hunting and i think it would be interesting to see what would happen if he put up a fox. I'm thinking my Gwp and Beddyxgreyxwhippet should make a decent tag team in time
  14. Gwp are first class hunting dogs, mine will hunt anything in all types of cover. Would be intersting to hear from people who have Gwp lurchers. Mart
  15. Ok maybe not Bruce then!!! How about Hamish Mart
  16. He looks a very nice pup mate....looks like a Bruce to me Atb Mart
  17. With any luck he will stay quiet with him being in with my wire!! Thanks for your advice Higgins. Mart
  18. it's best to let them live outside from an early age so they adapt to the outside temperatures,later on they can be brought in a few times,that way you have the choice knowing that it is used to be outside and accepts it without fuss,my terrier has the run of the garden at night as long as he has shelter and maybe some bedding to lie on he will be fine.I put this terrier on his own outside at 8 weeks and he is brought in a few hours when it suits me,but i put him out when i go to bed, Higgins. Good post Higgins,I was thinking about putting my Lurcher pup out with my wire and now h
  19. I have my wire outside and he is fine even when the temp drops -0. He has plennty of hay in his kennel and is always out and happy early morning. I have a 10 week old lurcher pup but i'm just debating at what age to put him out with my wire?? What do you guys think?? Mart
  20. Yea the pups looked very healthy...really nice dogs!! Think i will go for it and see how i get on
  21. Some advice and opinions please, thinking about getting my first Lurcher and i have been to have a look at some strong looking pups. Sire Bedlington Whippet x bedlington whippet x bedlington grey Dam Bedlington whippet x Grey What are peoples thoughts please?? Both parents looked good healthy dogs. Thanks for any info or advice. Mart
  22. He's 9 weeks now and his coats starting to turn harsher on his back. The grey bits on his chest are quite wiry already. It's looking like he's not going to be very coaty, I think he's going to have a short stiff coat. Maybe Lisa from 'mustwork' can clarify it more??
  23. Really nice dog, Mickey!! How old is he in the pictures??
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