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Everything posted by smiffyuk2003

  1. HA HA, yeah thats prob what it needs the love of a woman. ill wrap him up tonight for ya.
  2. sounds very similar, well atleast i know its possible to come a good working dog. cheers for reply
  3. cheers hannah some great advice there. ill put it to the test. many thanks
  4. im giving it a couple more month. it needs to atleast not be scared of its own shadow by then.. how can i work with a dog if i cant handle it without it yelping and screaming?????????
  5. oh my, i dont think ive ever laughed so hard at a post, pure brilliance.. think we need to see the flies at the gym though. google fly art, there is loads of them. very funny
  6. yeah i know what your saying but at what point do you say ok enough is enough its not working, as i say the pup is 5 month old tuesday. id hate to get to 12 month and realise its not gonna be a working dog and have to find a home for it at that point. i think the next couple of months will tell me everything i need to know. thanks
  7. pup is, deer/grey-saluki/grey x collie/grey bit of a mouth full. can be hard training 2 pups, when im training them i do it 1 on 1 cos they just wanna play otherwise, do that once a day for hour or so. other 3 times they just get walked/run about been laid off so there getting out 4 times a day, they dont know how lucky they are. lol
  8. this is the pup in question, put a face to the name so to speak.... he's called kodi.. deer/grey-saluki/grey x collie/grey
  9. the pup is 5 month old this coming tuesday. well from what people say the runt can turn out as good as anyother in the litter so i guess more work is needed. ill take him out 1 on 1 from now on see if i can get out of his scared state. i dont want to get rid because he's the better of the two. just everytime he gets touched its terrible. see what he's like in a month or so, thatks all, ill keep updating. many thanks for your replies
  10. hi every one, ok well i got 2 pups from a litter, a bitch which i chose and a dog runt of the litter that i took on because it could not be re-homed. not the bitch is fine, brilliant dog, but the runt is really stand off ish, when i take dogs out for a run about it just stands back and does nothing, every now and again it interacts with the other dogs, and then when its time to get him on lead he runs off and wont come, when i eventually get him to come to me i hold him while i get lead round him but he helps like he's being battered, and i mean yelps. sometime i just let go because it sounds
  11. mine turned up this morning after a very long wait spun nylon jamie do you no what spun nylon is.. you have sent me 6z nylon not spun and with no pegs just some bamboo that you have split in half the pegs are unusable and the nets are shit i could have bought them new for cheaper i want a full refund including the extra £5 it cost me to send recorded cash cant wait to hear ur reply dont keep us all in suspense, what was the reply???
  12. i have 2 lurchers both just over 4 month old, i take them out 3 times a day 1 big walk, were out about 45 mins they run about and fetch and basically tire them selves out, then 2 light walks 10 - 15 mins a time, mine live in my cellar and this also prevents them shitting everywhere aswell as getting them out for good exercise. i think what i do is fine, they thrive off it. love chasing the ball and sprinting about.. think you'll be fine with that,
  13. hiya all, well this seems to be a topic with alot of mixed results, veg or no veg, raw eggs or not, cooked mince or raw. i suppose alot is personal preference and what your used to. but surely there is a good stable diet everyone agrees with. i give my 2 lurcher pups 1 lb of cooked pet mince each per day (from butchers bit of everything) give them that in the morning then dry biscuits are always in there bowls. this ok? should i be adding veg? if so cooked or raw and when?, i.e how many times a week just after some basic advice on whats best to give them a good start in life.
  14. sight hound, hortaya borzaya. pack dog, closely resembles the wolve.
  15. ive been teaching my pups retrieve since they were 9 wk old, there 16 wk old now and still do it... about 3-5 retrieves a day is what i do, keeps them interested. what i do is sit infront of there kennel as they always run back to that, so they get used to running back to me, i can now do it in open fields and they come straight back. get an old sock, tie some string to it, swing it about to get them interested, release it, as soon as they pick it up call them back. dont be surprised if they run about all over first few tries, this is fun for them, but keep calling and they will ev
  16. thanks all, yeah i hope to have alot of good times with these 2 dogs.. BRING ON THE FUN.
  17. Her sister,she's thrown alot more to collie i think she's looking well pal, how's the training coming on, ive took the other pup on aswell. the small red boy. gonna have my hands full
  18. thanks for the comments, ill be putting alot more up soon, ill get some of other pup up too. really enjoying training them. good feeling when they start to learn your commands.. love it
  19. HOW DO I PUT MORE PICS UP??? is 500k all you get? thought it was upto 500k per pic, got a few more to put up luna leading the pack
  20. finally got her... she's called .................................. LUNA she's deer/grey-saluki/grey x collie/grey. she's 15 week old. i also took on the brother to her which is KODI. but he goes for his vacination jabs tonight so kept him indoors. the other dogs i pics are my brothers, which are also brothers to LUNA. cheers all
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