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Everything posted by smiffyuk2003

  1. what does it matter,i want to see bull x so i made a thread and people showed me.. if people didnt post threads of topics that interest them then this would not be a very good site would it.. geeeeeeeeees .... atb smiffy
  2. well im now a member, looks a good site, should be the business when word gets out. atb smiffy
  3. smart looker watchman, how good is it out? lookes racey.
  4. and if you dont like reading these threads dont open them up and comment... atb smiffy
  5. its only a question...i know alot of folk have them and want to see different sizes ect... and i know people like to show off there dogs that they have worked hard to condition, and i like to see them. Wasnt taking the piss mate, and i agree bull crosses are certainly dogs to be respected and can be stunning lookers, but then i can apreciate any cross. Just read it and found it funny. atb yeah i know what ya mean, changed it now, lol
  6. nice looking dog ya got there pal.. hope it does you proud
  7. its only a question...i know alot of folk have them and want to see different sizes ect... and i know people like to show off there dogs that they have worked hard to condition, and i like to see them.
  8. thats a nice bullx, nice and flighty. bet it does the lot, rabbit-hare-fox. atb
  9. hi pal, i had same problem so got british gas out, basically my boiler is italian and not designed to run baths, sounds daft but true.. these kind of boilers only have a small heat exchange for your water, e.g mine heats 6lt per min, the best out there heats 35-40ltr per min. he basically told me to make sure to have heating on before i run water and open the tap fully then close it so its only running slowly.. this helps as you reduce the water flow, i.e getting more heat per ltr. another thing he said is that when you run your water it comes from the pipes in the ground (usually frozen
  10. hi i was just looking on some pics and saw a massive bull x. just like to see some more of your bull x pics. never owned one but i think they look amazing. post your bull x please and lets have a gander.
  11. what is a good amount of protein to have in a complete dog food, as high as possible 28% or maybe 21%, i know too much protein can be bad for working dogs (or so im lead to believe) but what do the experts think is a good % of protein...????? thinking of changing food to something with higher protein count as mine in only 19% dr john platinum 25% protein red mills racer 27% protein chudleys working crunch 24% protein beta greyhound 28% protein
  12. smart looking pup there, very similar markings to my pup, like tiger stripes. atb with it smiffy
  13. i use this when im not working the dogs as its basicly the same nutrition as pet food but gives a better coat. but its rubbish for working dogs just doesnt provide enough energy i aim to feed as much meat with a dry food for the vitamins and minerals they still need for healthy joints but you want to aim for 25-30% protein with this my dogs have the energy to go all night with a high oil % so when energy levels are low your dogs body feed s on the oils from the food rather than your dogs body mass hence providing a well kept in shape dog at all times. yeah i know its not the best
  14. hi do you know of a site where i can find a price, cant seem to find one. looks good jock though
  15. i just use greyhound maintenance, good protein content oil and vitamin.. there is better but this on £13 a bag which is cheaper than most with the same content. red mills xcel 32 is the best ive seen but its expensive, i try to look for a good balance. use this chart i did and compare.i know there is alot better out there but for the money i think this is a good one. jollys greyhound maintenance protein 19% oil 10% fibre 4.50% ash 9.50% vitamin a 10,000 iu/kg vitamin d3 1,500 iu/kg vitamin e iu/kg copper 15 mg/kg £13.00
  16. hi all, im after LURCHER FIELDCRAFT DVD WITH DAVE SLEIGHT does anyone have this on dvd, thanks
  17. hi im wanting to start making my own nets, to cut costs a little. i know most places advertise there nylon,hemp as net making tackle and bump the price up a little. anyone know of a cheap place to buy spindles of hemp,nylon ect or a good quality cheap kit. cheers all
  18. thats what its all about mate very nice offer,ive heard good things about this film is it dave sleight film? YEAH THATS RIGHT, its excellent watch. quality aint too clever but good enough (due to it originally been a video and then copied to dvd many years ago) learnt alot from this dvd. tidy i heard its a good watch isit full of training tips? yeah it takes you through the first year of purdys training, ill send you a copy if you want pal. its well worth a watch
  19. thats what its all about mate very nice offer,ive heard good things about this film is it dave sleight film? YEAH THATS RIGHT, its excellent watch. quality aint too clever but good enough (due to it originally been a video and then copied to dvd many years ago) learnt alot from this dvd.
  20. hi pal, ill do you a copy free of charge.. thought thats what this site was all about. not selling copys for £20 geeeees
  21. scratch that last question, you do have working dogs, lol. good to see a woman mixing it up, i dont know any from where i am. wouldnt want to get mud in their nails. lol

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