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Everything posted by pinicale

  1. Never said anyone was mad? Take my hat off to the guys for coming up with some good ideas. I said "personally" I use 4x4 and quad and if I was not able to use them I'd never get round, a 4x4 can go many places if your not scared of using it correctly if your on regular permission you know where to take the vehicles to, then a little walk to your rabbiting. When out for a jolly ( non payment ) take mates spread the load. A lot of farmers will lend you thier quads all you have to do is ask, and if your catching rabbits thier happy to help you out the best they can to make the job easier, t
  2. As heritage said do your prep work before, if it your regular permission it worth sorting it ready for the ferreting days. Myself I use a 4x4 and a quad but I doing it full time so need them, I also get the farmer to trim out the bottom of the hedges for me, if they want rabbits clearing from thier land they will do this
  3. The calendar dropped through the letter box today, well done to all involved will definatly brighten up the coming year. I've hung it in the ferret shed first place I go in the morning so be good to see a beautiful face first thing, and its warm in there. How many hands is that horse just trying get a idea of height Thanks ladies
  4. PM Tis TM for postal address then send cash by recorded delivery.
  5. Good post Rolfe, this is definatly the time to be out and about and see what is active on your land and mark the runs etc. Tracks in the snow tell you a lot more than books can, get out there and enjoy.
  6. Got to agree with Bulldog the photo draws your attention and the rest just fades into the background, one beautiful lady it be a lucky man that is married or courting the little stunner. Into field sports too how lucky can one man get.
  7. Bought one hopefully not too late? If too late just keep the money. If I been lucky won't expect it till New Year as the snow is keeping the visitors away. Well done everyone involved
  8. Over 350 rats in one morning a bunch of lads and terriers shot over 3000 same farm with night vision air rifle avering 1000 each month. We doing a lot of rats at the moment along with squirrels and it nice when you get paid for it ;) Like your avatar too ;) happy woman not many about lol

  9. Personally only have put collars on when they actually go rabbiting ( even first timers ) they soon learn the collar means fun. I only to go in shed with a collar or ferret box and the place erupts with faces saying "me, me please" From being young I also click my fingers when I want them to come to me, when they do I pick them up and give them a good stroke and play, 95% pf the time they will come out of the burrows to the click of fingers.
  10. 50 years of working ferrets an I still prefer dog to hob, funny old world hey. I posted in the for sale section it ended up in here? sure Steve will move it into right section.
  11. Putting this up for a friend. I x 2 year old albino dog ferret 1 x 1 year old albino dog ferret The ferrets will live and work together they are father and son, these ferrets are experienced workers and know the job, hand tame. Reason for sale? My friend is starting with a new line he has bred himself, the above dogs were used for thier working blood. Pics below show the ferrets don't ask me which is which. PM me and I'll give you friends mobile and you can talk direct to him. Based in Pickering North Yorks willing to deliver or meet half way within 20 mile radius of
  12. And that the only reward you need to band together and help each other, an the craic takes some beating. Its not about numbers its about quality time spent with self minded folk, teaching and learning from each other and be humble enough to appreciate you don't know it all. passing on/ sharing of your knowledge keeps the field sports alive. That should be your priority.
  13. Father and son came to pick a jill up today, they met us onsite whilst we were ferreting. Could not wish to meet 2 nicer lads they joined in with us and we all had a good day, they even gained some permission and we look forward to them helping us throughout the winter. Thanks to bandit man for putting them in touch with us. Highlight of the day was the huge rabbit that hit the longnets tangled then untangled itself before I could get to it and went straight back down the burrow it had exploded from, 7 of us was gob smacked at the size of it. Time was not on our side but it will keep
  14. For sale training collar, brand new comes wirh carrying case. This is the collar dog collar £130 including P+P Thanks for looking
  15. pinicale


    only when your old enough to drink it Martin is a genuine guy who will make sure you the customer is happy with the goods he sells, more important he communicates with you and his after sales service and advice is superb. Want anything to do with nets, Martin is the one stop shop no need to look elsewhere. Could I just add if the forum had a section called "Trusted sellers" with the likes of Martin, Woodga etc then the young ones/ newcomers would not get ripped off by the chancers, thefore giving them the best start.
  16. Harrowing the field can cause massive damage to tunnel systems and kill / disorientate a lot of moles. I once had to wait 12 weeks for new activity on a 60 acre field that had been harrowed, but sure as eggs are eggs they reappeared, then I hit them hard. I trapped 29 moles and the field is still quite 10 weeks after trapping, but lets not kid ourselves concerning moles as long as the runs remain in the fields ( as they have for 1000's of years) other moles will return to take up abode and the circle continues.
  17. Are you going to have a paypal system on the site? I want to purchase 50-yard, 6z nylon sheet-netting . . . . £45.00 Net Poles when ordered with any of the above nets (price per pole) . . . . £2.25 X 10 = £22.50 Total £67.50 can you tell me P&P costs please. Great site, quality products and realistic prices, no need to go any where else hope the venture flourishes. You got my attenition and future custom.
  18. Sorted, found a site on the net that sold the photos needed for 50p each. Thanks all
  19. Hi all My friend wants photos for brochures and website, he's looked round the web and feels they are not true to life, more like animal model posing photos. Appreciate photos of any of the below, must not be copied but your own photos. Brown rat Grey squirrel Mink Stoat Mole Magpie Rabbit Thanks in advance.
  20. Came home to find a parcel for me which contained Woodga's snares. 4 shaped teaslers, pegs, twine and wires, quality craftmanship, superb. I would have paid the money just for the pegs. He do's not settle for second best all are top quality you see that you have the best snares for your money and feel its been well spent, truly these are the best snares I have had the pleasure of owning. I'll be ordering more and its great to know I have found a top supplier. Thanks Woodga appreciate your time and quality fella a credit to the snaring faternity.
  21. pinicale


    I worked on 2 jobs with Fred, the guy had forgot more then we had learnt. A real gent and was willing to teach without being patronising, fame was a novelty and it did not change him one bit. A definate legend.
  22. is he good enougth to go on the X factor then What's X factor, sounds like some thing that sad people are into in? a joke mate. but only the sad people aint seen the x factor pinicale I appreciate it was a joke, it went straight over my head so I was right it is for sad people, I too busy outdoors like many others on here doing the real thing then indoors reading about it.
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