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About sminky

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    Rookie Hunter
  1. I have used Nutella chocolate spread - you can spread it on a vertical surface a bit off the ground so they have to reach for it a bit - it presents a better shot and they can't wander off with it - peanut butter is the same, other people swear by a tin of cheap cat food, just open the tin and leave it out and they'll go for it, still others suggest whizzing up cat food in a blender so again, there's no chunks for them to wander off with. good luck, i do enjoy a bit of 'bait and wait' with rats - i do not like rats. sminky
  2. Amazing amount of movement inside the thing. Great post.
  3. Nice one. That's very interesting. I have found very little info on deterrents although have heard even using ferret bedding (leave a towel in there for a few days) can work but I doubt as well as shite. Was this a current infestation? I mean did they leave or had they left already but did not come back? Cheers sminky
  4. This is a tricky subject to be sure, but we're all on here surely against the RSPCA. Anyway come across http://www.rspcawatchdog.org/home.htm which might not be to some's taste but they're fully against the RSPCA so might be of some help. They might be anti's though so not sure, anyway make yer own minds up! Have you talked to the old cow who let this happen yet? Turn up at her work with some pictures and stuff and make her suffer in front of her mates. I know that's easier said than done, but it's what people on here are saying I think. Sort it out face to face. I've sympathy with you
  5. Hmm. Why would they it's perfectly legal. It's unbelievable because they should know the law and not nother law abiding citizens. Just because it's perfectly legal does not appear to have stopped them in the past. There are many posts on here about nightmare tales from the RSPCA taking the law into their own hands. sminky
  6. Is this unbelievable because they went away satisfied without attempting to take the traps or the gun or anything or start any kind of legal case against you?
  7. Hang on, was that a sensible and well thought out reply from an MEP? I expect I read it wrong. sminky
  8. There is a book availabnle online, written by a rat catcher from the turn of the last century. They used to have 'rat baiting' as a sport, in which rats would be killed by dogs/each other in a pit. This was very popular, and a large quantity of LIVE rats was always required. So, the rat catcher (in cities as well s in the country) would catch as may live ones as he could and get paid handsomly. When this practice died out as people became more 'animal friendly' so the demand for rat catcher with traditional skills diminished and so the rat population increased and I guess a new breed of rat ca
  9. My trick was to set the bait then lamp the area with some red lights (I used bike lamps but whatever) then use a wireless motion detector (got one off ebay for £20 or so). Put the sensor near the bait and then the alarm next to your window. Hey presto, you can sit and watch telly then 'bing bong' it's off to shoot old ratty. Rats do normally have a routine so will be similar times, but dusk/dawn most active, depends on size of infestation, age of rat, scarcity of food and all sorts. I have been out anytime from 10pm to 3am. A tip with bait is to smear it onto a surface so the rat has
  10. In my experience trapping makes a good start if you catch them early enough but you have to put out quite a few. Peanut butter or Nutella are good baits. It's tricky in a loft as the rats tend not to just stay at the edges (where it is recommended you put traps) but will wander over and under insulation. Loads of trap enhancements on this site though to ensure success. I never tried snares, but if you can find runs/holes then they may be a good thing to try. Best advice is to get an expert in, and they will get some poison down (our rats loved Contrac blocks or Tomcat). It takes a few days
  11. The Brandon Lee file 'The Crow' used trained crows to fly to his shoulder and such. Apparently they are the most trainable birds. sminky
  12. sminky

    free stuff!!!

    that's just too good to be true. must be a catch! can't find it though. brilliant find.
  13. It's surely not too long before the rats are back looking for shelter, and this site's forum (www.ratkill.com) helped me out when I had a problem. It's mainly US based but lots of useful info and experimentation. It also covers blowpipes as a weapon for hunting which I did not realise you could use, but there's some pretty funky ones. Interesting read anyway. sminky
  14. Hi I'm not exactly a new member but have not posted before. It's a great forum with loads of interesting information. I am a keen air rifileist and it helped me sort out a rat problem a little while ago. This was the first time I'd used a gun to hunt and I must say it was very enjoyable. This was just in my back garden but still required sorting out where they were going and then luring them out to be shot (fieldcraft LOL more like gardencraft). I came across this site trying to find info on snaring and trapping etc. of which there is tons! That really helped me sort out the problem in
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