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Everything posted by jayjay

  1. i like him mate he's a nice stamp of dog hope he comes on well for you, all the best .
  2. they look a right pair of tools, lovely dogs mate credit to you all the best with them in the future.
  3. i have for sale a jack russell bitch, she is 17 months old started bushing and marking rabbits hunts well on top, likes going to ground,broken to livestock,she stands around 12 inches,and is very narrow and small in build, gets on well with other dogs and is good in the kennel,this bitch just needs bringing on, genuine reason for sale,i have some pups i bred and i am keeping some back to run on so i need the room. i live in south wales area just outside cardiff i want £150 for this bitch and i am willing to meet genuine people thanks.
  4. I honestly believe that if a good dog is doing the job you want him to do and doing it right every time with out any faults then i dont think you could put a price on it, thats is as long as the person is in this game for the working ability and quality of their animals and not the pound signs.
  5. sent off for mine today cant wait to get hold of it,all the best with the sales P+S .
  6. glad its back on felt a little lost when it was shut down,i think everyone should respect each others views and opinions even if they see it in a different light and if opinions are going to be exchanged keep it friendly and less of the malicious slanging matches we should all support each other in the countrysports we pursue.
  7. try putting a little vinegar on them that is supposed to work something to do with nuetralizing the acids or alkalines im no chemist but surely it would be worth a try all the best.
  8. they are real nice pups them mate look strong and healthy should have no problem selling them,them sooty sam lines are supposed to be real good working line so i get told ,all the best with them.
  9. definately want a copy is there any way i can pre-order a copy and pay for it ?
  10. could be interesting book i'd love to have a copy to go with rest of my collection any idea on the price ?
  11. hi mate i can tell you that stows horse fair dates have been changed to 26th october for what reason i do not know but you can check for yourself if you google it and type in stow horse fair it will tell you on there. ignore this post i made a mistake
  12. good strong looking bitch that mate hope she comes on well for you nice colour to.
  13. jayjay


    cracking fox that mate , the mask would look nice mounted,especially because its different.
  14. Im looking for the best place that sells mk 4 fenn traps preferably good quality and good prices anyone know ? thanks .
  15. i would'nt mind a copy of that whats the price on it ?
  16. just to let anyone who's interested know stow fairs date this year has been changed to 26th october,I checked it on google and the date has been confirmed by cotswold council.
  17. jayjay

    100 yarder

    hi mate ive ordered two 75 yard longnets the quickset system ordered them last week cant wait for them to come so i can get out and have a go with them, all the best with yours.
  18. hi mate what is the modern working terrier about and how much do you want for it please ?
  19. hi mate get on the phone to deben and tell them your problem, my mate had a hell of alot of trouble with his and sent it back to deben two or three times and they told him it needed re-calobrating.
  20. hi mate where did you order it from ? because my mate ordered mine and his from mrs sharon reader and he sent her a cheque and obviously had to wait for it clear but the books took about a week and half to come.
  21. hi mate what is fourtrack like on fuel ?
  22. very nice box mate looks the business you should get a little production line going im sure plenty of terriermen would buy them from you.
  23. cracking looking pup there, well boned and nice colouring should make a valuable part of your team all the best with him.
  24. were to in cardiff are you il have them asap if not to far im from neath hi mate thanks for your interest i will meet you on the m4 somewhere i dont mind , in one of the services, i am working nights tonight so it will have to be one day or evening in the week thanks.
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