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About Batson1993

  • Rank
    Born Hunter

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  • Gender
  • Location
    County Durham
  1. Thinking about buying this DVD, just wondering if anyone has seen it? Is it any good? Cheers.
  2. I have had this lurcher about a year now and he was nearly 2 he took what seemed for ever to catch the first rabbit. The problem is when he catches he just holds the rabbit on the floor and puts his paw on it and waits for me to get it. He doesnt get the fact I want him to bring it back to me he wont even chase a tennis ball when I throw it for him so what can I do? Here is a pic of what I mean
  3. saluki grey/collie grey x saluki grey mate
  4. nice dogs you got there mate how are they bred?
  5. its a saluki grey/collie grey x saluki grey
  6. when I first got this dog i thought i was going to have to get rid of it because it couldnt catch a cold lol but now after feeding it properly on good food and excersing it properly it has proven me wrong he now catchs rabbits regularly heres a few pics of him
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