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Everything posted by dama

  1. Learnt a lesson the other morning. Was in a high seat on a foggy morning overlooking a field of young growth winter wheat. The pressure was on, this was the only oppurtunity I had to get out of work and I was desperate for a carcase to fill christmas demands. I had seen deer milling around on the far edge of the field but really obscurred by the mist. They were not venturing any closer so when a gap in the mist arose I took a shot that I never should have. 240 Metres at a doe at the farthest corner of the field. I heard the impact but she fled into the wood. I left her for 20 minute
  2. Ok, It's a foggy February morning and I arrived at the Highseat as the light was seeping thru' A herd of fallow come over the hill - 20 strong but no safe shot could be taken. As the herd graze closer I spot a prickett away from his companions looking a touch dickie. (he is seriously limping and not even able to keep up with a grazing herd) Then I see something else coming over the brow - is it a .... fu*K me it's the biggest set of palmated antlers I've ever seen on my beat. Sick deer? OR Deer of a lifetime? I ended up taking the sick deer at 230mtrs, I decided tha
  3. I'm shooting around 12 deer a year (Muntjac, Roe, Fallow) Now I've stuck to the BDS DSC1 heart shot for the past 4 years - they never run that far! However have just started taking neck shots - and not 100% happy with the speed of death. Less of the pricey meat is getting damaged and for sure they go down - but not really going onto the next-life quick enough. The knife has been used several times to finish off the poor blighter. Is there something I am missing? Have taken a few headshots, as now got a Jewell trigger fitted, but distance not always permits. Believe me I'm a competent sho
  4. I've had 5 Jackdaws this week with a Larson ( and 9 Magpies )
  5. I swear by Swarovski - I have 2no. 4-12 x 50 Expensive but affordable if you've got friends or family in the USA who can post it across to you.
  6. I think a lot of us get used to a trigger. I have owned several rifles (CZ - Steyr - Remington) They've all been great. UNTIL....... I had a Jewell trigger fitted to the Rem 700 - F_8K me - It changed the way I shoot - On target every time best £180 I ever spent
  7. You know what they say............. red Sky at night shepherds delight Black sky in the morning.......Global Warming
  8. Hi Smoggy Where did you see the article on the shooting of 42 foxes - That's a serious amount. What food source would sustain a population like that? Maybe there was a KFC and a late night curry house nearby. Gareth (Dama)
  9. I use 2 knives when Gralloaching a locking Gerber Gator - "a tough n sharp beast" and a small Buck alpha hunter sheath The buck has a 2.5" blade and is small and sturdy - good for getting inside the carcase to release the organs (I bought it in Portugal for 1/2 the price shown) I've torn a strip off an old lorry drivers reflective vest and tied this to the lanyard hole of both m'knives. Have lost too many in the field - This flouresant yellow is easy to find when leaving the crimes scene. regards Gareth
  10. I carry a Roe sack but have often found it too small for the larger Roe. An IKEA bag is perfect, folds up small, stops a slick of blood running down your back, keeps a bucks atlers at bay and costs about £2.
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