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Everything posted by AseelBreeder

  1. Hi I have pure aseel import from Indian subcontinent. Call me on 07947156175 for more info and pics.
  2. I have some aseels for sale. Quality bird from Indian subcontinent. If anyone interested send me a msg.
  3. I have some young stags for sale. If anyone interested please pm me. Thanks.
  4. Hi guys, this one is a big bird he is only 8 month. If interested email me aseelbreeder@hotmail.co.uk. I am based in essex. I dont' have space to keep all my pedigree line.
  5. Hi guys i have 3 stags for sale. Very tamed bird and weight is 8lb. If interested please email me on aseelbreeder@hotmail.co.uk. I am based in Essex. Price between 150-£200 depending on the size.
  6. where abouts are you and how much ? thanks kev I am based in Essex. Where are you based? I am selling a pair for £150.
  7. Sorry for appearing a bit thick but- what is an aseel???? regards john
  8. Aseels are gamefowl originated from the indian subcontinent. Mianwali is a region pakistan for breeding top class aseels.
  9. If any one interested i have some 4month aseels for sale. If interested PM me. Regards AseelBreeder
  10. If anyone interested then PM me or email aseelbreeder@hotmail.co.uk
  11. this is pure aseel bird..it has all the quality. Like i said before i only put up for sale and will sell it if get the right offer. This not the first one i've sold!
  12. Shamo, Do you breed shamo only? Have you any pic? I will never pay more then £150 for a shamo bird. Shamo you can get in UK are not proper shamo. The best breed shamo are the japanese shamo. The lowest you can get an aseel cock bird is for £200 and these a specific aseel bird.
  13. Shamo, Mate i dont know what bird you on about. I've sold sold birds worth more then this one and they are very satisfied with it. There are so many breeds in UK claiming to be aseel but for a fact they are not aseel. Aseel originates from indian subcontinent. For your information aseel are best when they are 15 month old. But you need bird at the prime age to tame and train them. We keep the ones passing 15 month to 2yrs for breeding only providing they are good. Mate feel free to come and see my bird
  14. Shamo, Mate i dont know what bird you on about. I've sold sold birds worth more then this one and they are very satisfied with it. There are so many breeds in UK claiming to be aseel but for a fact they are not aseel. Aseel originates from indian subcontinent. For your information aseel are best when they are 15 month old. But you need bird at the prime age to tame and train them. We keep the ones passing 15 month to 2yrs for breeding only providing they are good.
  15. Nice..how old is the big one mate? Hey donny what you need is my type of breed mate. I have some young ones for sale? let me if you are interested..Same bloodline father and mother is madras hen..unfortunately i;ve lost her. But her young ones are doing really well.
  16. Thats right the price has to be on the ad The price tag is £500 but negotiable. see link for more info on aseel http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Shrine/2425/hardfeather/ bloody hell,is it not a shamo No mate it is aseel 100%, his bloodline is from pakistan.. I dont breed shamo and i dont cross aseel with anything else mate. To appreciate you should see the real thing and then judge for yourself why they go for that price. Good birds with quality go for higher price.
  17. Thats right the price has to be on the ad The price tag is £500 but negotiable. see link for more info on aseel http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Shrine/2425/hardfeather/ bloody hell,is it not a shamo No mate it is aseel 100%, his bloodline is from pakistan.. I dont breed shamo and i dont cross aseel with anything else mate.
  18. Thats right the price has to be on the ad The price tag is £500 but negotiable. see link for more info on aseel http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Shrine/2425/hardfeather/
  19. I've learnt it from previous experiance. PM is the way forward.
  20. This one wont be dear as the other one...So pm for more info if anyone interested.
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