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Everything posted by jpnixon

  1. aye sure its alright lads where is the CELTS sitting at now on the table 74 points and where is gers sitting what is it 61
  2. Celtic top signed by Larson. This top was signed by larson at his last match for Celtic, its in a frame but am selling without the frame down to postage costs. I can post it with the frame but who ever wants it can pay for the postage on it. I want £50 for that includes postage. I had it hanging at the head of my stairs but i have now put a fish tank in the wall so have no where for it. PM me if your interested. Can accept paypal
  3. at the minute i have a dog that is just a pet but i have had him out and he has had 4 digs and not one of them could i find a falut. As with everything there is always an exception to the rule. What i mean is if your looking for a pup you wont buy from miss lakeland cruffts breeding champion you will look for the fella that has a working line of lakeland types that are proven dogs but every now and again a terrier will come along with the drive that your looking for in a dog and will make a good terrier. JMHO
  4. in my opiniojn red mills is ok for keepinga dogs weight atwhat it is but for putting on weight like for pups its crap i used it myself was paying 9.50 a bag but now i use feedwell turbo mixed with meat and when i dont have meat i just add tinned dog food and my lot seem to be doing well on it. I also add lincolin oil to there grub every day
  5. ferret finder mkII with two collars £40 plus postage. No timewasters the thing works perfect. If ye want it pm me if not dont be posting all the crap of the day on the post. Cheers
  6. me and a mate where out lampimg and we where walking through a rugby pitch and my bitch pulled of the slip out of the blue and straight up beside a tree starting wigging something and when i put the lamp on her she had a crow in her mouth. First crow i ever killed like that and specially at night
  7. just my opinion but terriers should be kept for working to ground if ye want rabbits a ferret and a small lurcher. I know some people on here are avid ratters and most would probably swear by a russel or a border for killing rats (but a big stick does just as good as a job )hope that helps
  8. i have a radio with my dogs just turn it down low and it keeps them quite. Works for me anyway
  9. keep the dog well laid off now then and let him heal. I mean you wouldnt get into a ring with JOHN DUDDY if ye had a broken jaw. Mind you i wouldnt get in with him anyway
  10. That wagon is a donegal taxi
  11. watch the film HOSTLE hope that helps
  12. Just me personaly but i wouldn't work a dog to ground without a collar i know that there is always times when things go wrong but putting a dog to ground without a collar just makes for problems. If the box fails then its ear to the ground and listen and if ye have a quiet dog then feel for banging and use your t-bar to listen for breathing. One of the must useful piece of equipment is your t-bar.
  13. I have a dodo here but am not sure the wein will happy if i get rid
  14. use a stripping knifed then a slicker brush. I have a lakie bitch and her coat is ruined now because the fella that had her clipped her coat and its away all soft when she is wet she looks half dead not hunting up it stops her working the way she should because when she isnt wet she hunts up ditches herself she has found a couple of new burrows for us by hunting up. So in my opinion i wouldnt clip a dog. Plus i put a couple of teaspoons of lincolin cod liver oil in their grub, helps the coat and because it is cod liver oil it has all the added benifits of that aswell.
  15. I have been out shooting foxes and deer with a rifle otherwise i wouldnt post about it. The [bANNED TEXT] has a 22 hornet, i have also been out shooting them with a shotgun and i reacon that if ye want to lamp and shoot foxes use a shotgun as there is more sport in it but for the rifle it should be kept for deer.
  16. too easy to shoot a fox with a rifle no work in it and 99% of the time they dont even go up to see thier fox where they shoot it they leave it, But if they have permission there is feck all ye can do about it.
  17. around 17 to 18 months is deadon in my opinion for a dogs first dig. Ye might have give the dog too much on top IMO, he would be going the long walk but ye never know if ye leave the dog in now until the start of next season ye might see a different dog.
  18. jpnixon


    if your son has formatted the system then he has probably deleted the partion that held the previous operating system and this means that more than likey your stuff is lost for future referance a format and reinstall of windows should be a last resort always and even then to get your personall files off the system you do a parralel install of windows this means install the new OS on the same partion as the original OS then back up your personnal files then go back and delete all the partions again and format and reinstall windows.
  19. Again what makes her hard as nails if she hasnt ever had a dig. We have all seen dogs that have been bred from great dogs and they fail am not saying thats what will happen i wish ye all the best and hope she digs for ye no bother then in a couple of seasons ye can send me a pm telling me she is a "Proper little Warrior"
  20. if ye want to see a good fighter on the up watch out for John Duddy
  21. what makes her a warrior, what cause she an run after a rabbit or kill a rat. Aye some warrior
  22. its not the same as horse or greyhound breeding because these two animals are simply bred to make money off. Working terriers are never bred for money by the right people but where there is money to be made ye always find a conman.
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