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About aussiedogs

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  1. Forgot to add camels, scrub bulls and brumbies
  2. Rabbit, hare, fox, goat, wild dogs, feral cats, pigs, buffalo, donkeys, roo's.... what else do you want Victor? haha. And we do have something like squirrels, called possums mate. Go mad with a dog hanging off them..... apparently!
  3. Jed, Sarge, Mack, Tex, Speed, Gus, Jim
  4. Look at it this was mate, most people don't give foxes much credit. They have a reasonable set of fangs on them and when they are fighting for thier lives their gonna bloody use them. Not having a go at you or your dog, but your dog is not overly big (before people say anything im not saying this cross can't kill a fox). He looks to be very good on rabbit and even hares but may just not have enough size or grunt for foxes. Running with another dog i think brings great confidence (mines exactly the same). In saying that just keep running him on foxes with another dog and hopefully this may incr
  5. As a friend said to me "Hunting dogs mate....they hunt" haha. Accidents happenand i think most people will realise that. Shattering about the pigeons though. Would have hurt the old wallet.
  6. Just curious to see if anyones hounds have ever killed something they weren't meant to (ie stock or neighbours pet bunny) and what the result/reaction was. Last year when my dogs were out they got the neighbours cat (they only had it for 2 seconds but it was beyond repair) so the poor bloke had to shoot it ( we're out of town a bit). It was my fault (not the dogs) for not keeping a better eye on them, i was sincerly sorry, helped them burry it and offered that when they were ready to get a new one i would get it. They were actually very good about, better than i would have been. Was just inter
  7. Good to see someone doing it similar to us. Most of the boys over here have 4x4 utes, spotlight through the roof and dogs crate(with electric doors) on the back. You see the quarry bit of a chase across the paddock, hit the skids, press a button doors fly open and its on for young and old. Common way of hunting foxes, rabbits, hares, pigs and roo's at night.
  8. It really depends on the time of year for me. During the winter they probably only get taken for a run maybe 3 times during the week (for a couple of km's)and hunted at least once on the week end. But during summer (and daylight savings) they are out nearly every night either for a run or spolighting. Working till 6 is a bitch, but day light savings makes it much easier! Also we live on a couple of acres so on the days that they aren't taken out, they usually tear around the paddock and have a swim in the dam. Keeps them happy enough! Aussiedogs
  9. I got a greyhound trainer to get me a race top for a laugh. The bitch is pretty quick (can sit on 60km beside the ute). Not the best out there but keeps me happy. She got a hare last night so i can't complain really. 1sitepiccc.bmp
  10. Hey everyone thought i'd put up a few pics of my dogs etc over here in Australia. Mainly do a bit of ferreting and spotlighting. I have 3 ferrets which are working pretty well so can't complain about that. Tan and white bitch is a bit of everything greyhound, ridgeback, stag, airedale, deer and wolf hound apparently haha. Basically looks greyhound ridgy. She's my first running dog, coming up 3 years old. No where near a world beater but catches me rabbits the odd hare and foxes with another dog with her but loves roos! Other bitch is stag/deer hound cross. Not much of a goer really lol but lo
  11. Awesome looking dog mate. All the best with him!
  12. Ha ha, good to see your up with the lingo mate. I dont drink VB though, it tastes like crap! lol
  13. Airedale crosses are quite popular, usually mixed in with greyhounds and staghounds usually to add tenacity,gameness and stamina (i think) as most terriers will work all day. From what ive seen/heard they are a fairly handy cross!
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