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Everything posted by tunny

  1. nobby had my old man on the blower today. your pond has gone to shit mate water has gone black as. been reported to local ranger, but you know as well as i do they will have to have a meeting to arrange the next meeting. fish need to be moved as soon as mate or it could be a disaster. got nets just no place to store them if you need a helping hand just gis a bell as it would be a shame to loose them :welcomeani:
  2. got up at 5 am yesterday and set off to st abbs,with boat and crew in tow. forecast was good not a breath of wind. had a steady drive up (2 hours) but when we got there. would you believe it there's a10foot swell still rolling in just [bANNED TEXT] you need when you've only got a 18foot pebble. needles to say we were sick as fook. so tails between our legs set off back down to eymouth for a bit grub before we headed home. when we got there people were spinning off the dock side so we decided to give it a go.this is when our luck changed for the better my gear had been in the water no mor
  3. soak the cords in a pan of tea over night the stronger the tea the darker the stain
  4. cheers lads see [bANNED TEXT] you mean about air pressure lads. have tried different baits and depth before i started the post.
  5. :realmad: you bet nobby im chomping at the bit ready to go . sooner the better imo hows the mudy pudle any good ?
  6. been trying my hand at a spot of coarse fishing over the past few months at a local pond and have had some good bags for a novice. thing is the past few weeks the fishing has been crap to say the least. its not just me everyone seems to be struggling. any tips or info would be appreciated
  7. beaches north of hartlepool fishing with spinner when its coming water
  8. the fish must of known you left with that boxs of worms nobby cos there was nowt doing
  9. looks like you had a good night nobby I had a go on that pond next to me last night for the first time. not a thing :realmad: its a different game to sea fishing :11: :11: any tips?
  10. I only use 50 or 100yrd lengths as just a nice size to shot and haul in the dark. :ph34r: any more than that and id be fishin for monkeys :11:
  11. Know a few people who where on a party out of hpool and in the same area on sun and did ok as well pulling up a few fish with the odd fish to 10 lb on the old jiggers/Hokais(hope its spelled right) as well Sometimes 3 on 1 drop fished hartlepool lastnight.from 5 till 8 had 24 cod on boat 2lb to6lb
  12. now rich your right about the sole net. I only use 1sheet set to a half with 4leadline and 8mm braided on the top. work it about 350m form the highwater mark most of the time but the fish in the photos were from 150m.
  13. got one now thanks for all the help lads
  14. pity i'm so far away i've caught 5 crows 3 magpies and 1 jackdaw, this week pics over in smoochers, in larsontrap. i dont know how to put the pics up on here nice pics mate
  15. cheers nobby thats mint. the crows are giving the little terns some stick this year. thought it was plaine sailing this year after the foxes got so hung up
  16. has anyone in north east got any spair call birds for a Larson trap? crow or Maggie would be just the job as we have a pair of crows taking eggs left right and centre :realmad: cannot shoot the feckers because of location so any help would be appreciated
  17. strialuco dose it mater who wins? Its all in aid of a good cause and if the fishing's anything like last Friday it could be anybody's
  18. we use Shakespeare boat rods Neptune and pro am 20lb class. with a 340g led perk. hock eye type things all diferent kinds. rods £25 a good reel is a okuma convector cn45L there about £50. they can take a bit of stick. one on my boat for two year. its nevr been looked after and its never flackerd
  19. there will be a small boat comp on saturday 11th June being held at salt burn in aid of the lifeboat fund. entry forms available keith's sports salt burn entrants must submit forms at 6:45 on the day at boat yard on salt burn beach tractors will be on hand for launching from beach comp fishes from 8 till 12 and all boats must be back on the beach by 12:45
  20. now now girls hand bags at ten paces you all seem to be pissin in the same pot anyway useing the place to tout your nets
  21. netriger thanks for the info most helpful dont know about this salmon poaching thought the public ate that farmed shite now :whistle:
  22. how do netrigger do you know were I could get some of this mesh. would like to give it a go. im in north of england but dont mind traveling acouple of hours. pm me if you dont want to broadcast it :whistle:
  23. http://img134.imageshack.us/img134/8094/photo0030zs.png two nice bass at 2 1/4lb each. the sons like a dog with two Dick's over the moon.says hes coming on the next tide started something i may regret
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