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Everything posted by woolbr8stl

  1. There are still a few good working strains in the US, but you have to know where to find them. Patrick hit it when he talks about the work and time involved to get the best out of our working dogs, and he and I don't always agree Too many people here pop out puppies for the show ring with no regard for their working heritage. Good sensible workers are still around, just a little harder to find.
  2. Hunting 12-9-06 Out sunday with a couple of friends. Beautiful older farm with lots of outbuildings was the first stop. We walked quite a bit without finding anything. This area was hit pretty hard by the ice storm last week, in this picture I hope you can see the tree branches snapped, we saw this everywhere. Some other random shots of the place, Heading back towards the truck, Tyke found a tight spot he insisted on getting in. Clearing out the tube a bit he plunged back in. He was only in a foot, whined only a bit then continued to work at somethi
  3. The danger comes when they are skunked underground and there is no fresh air. They are overcome by fumes from the spray. It is an awful thing. The spray also causes burning to the skin and eyes. In cases where the dog dies, it is usually because it goes into shock and it takes us too long to dig the dog out to help it recover. It also depends on if the dog is sprayed directly in the face and how quickly they come out. there really are many factors involved, mostly involving the confined area the have to work in. Many dogs turn out fine if they leave the ground immediately. Th
  4. We headed down to the pumpkin patch today for some digging. 20 minutes into our trip, we find ourselves looking for one dog, Charlie. Backtracking, we find him in a new one hole spot trying to squeeze and dig his way in. We wait a bit to make sure he reaches his quarry, then begin to dig. We hear plenty of scrapulation, including Charlie getting nailed pretty good. We dig less than two feet to Charlie’s new friend Stick a shovel in between them and a piece of lead finishes her off Then we are going to open up to take Charlie out to school the you
  5. Missouri, and yes, we were hunting about 10 minutes from the house.
  6. Sunday we first went to a new property, mostly woods with rocky hillsides. Beautiful piece of property with cabins along a small river. We saw a flock of more than a dozen turkeys when we first entered the property. This was the first time out for my friend’s bitch since her final litter last July. She rustled up an opossum in a fallen hollow tree. She left it after is fainted so we put a young dog in who happily pulled it out. No crops around so we only found a handful of places of interest. We changed directions and headed over to the dairy farm. With
  7. So sorry , terrible loss for you Bettina
  8. Out yesterday we check a couple of spots and then on the way back to the truck my young dog enters a sette next to the beans. He moves around a bit, growls then begins to bay. We hear some scrapulation and start to dig. I mark him at about 2 ft but check again after we start and now mark him at 6 ft, moving back towards where he entered. We shift the dig a bit. Eventually we hear him coming out. I’m thinking he’s young I hope he’s not leaving his quarry. No worries, we find him drawing out a busted up possum. He did a very good job. It was quickly finished off.
  9. Skunks can be very bad and kill dogs in the ground in the wrong situation. Here is part of an article written about terriers getting skunked. We take it very seriously and get the dog out as quickly as possible. I've seen a number of dogs get skunked but recover right away. Fortunately I've never been around when a dog had to be treated by a vet. Both of my dogs have been skunked, one now acts different when she encounters a skunk in the ground. She was skunked pretty bad but came out of the ground on her own, threw up a few times and recovered. (Stunk for weeks though) My young
  10. A couple of friends and I got out today for some hunting with the young dogs, First spot checked something is there and the dog begins to work. We dig about 3 ft in rock hard dirt. We never broke thru, but that was ok. He pulls out this years model hog and we let some young dogs have a look. The tug by the leg having a look We move on and a young dog enters and begins to bay. We locate and get a mark then we see a groundhog bolt out and head up the creek bed. The dog continues to work so we wait. Shallow dig at less than
  11. We dont' typically enter two dogs because of the consequences. In this place, the dog down deep was a young dog still figuring things out. The bitch sent in is typically a bayer and we felt she wouldn't push him into quarry if that situation came up. We're always careful when we have harder dogs on the ground so we don't get someone pushed into quarry. Good young dogs can be ruined quick that way. Glad you asked since I failed to mention it in my post. Chief, How do you tell a bunch of guys on a UK terrier board you are a woman who digs her dogs?
  12. A couple of friends and I headed for a local dairy/crop farm. We stop at a spot we haven’t been to since we killed a skunk there last year. Well, it was producing today ~~ It’s right next to the road so we dropped a dog down and she squeezes in this 10-12 hole spot. Within 3-4 minutes out start popping groundhogs like a PEZ dispenser. One after another from everywhere. One bolts and goes back into another hole, one bolts up into the alfalfa and one bolts into a tree. By now the bitch is out and catches the one in the tree for a little scrap. We weren’t fast enough helping h
  13. Good advice, thats for sure. Right now it's 97 F and not good for man or dog outside unless you're in the pool
  14. We have a message board with that rule. 60 days no post and we boot them. They can come back one time after that. Works well because the members left all do their share of posting. Keeps things nice and clean and makes members feel more comfortable. If someone doesn't have anything to say in 60 days, they really don't need to be there. JMO wooly
  15. Depends on if you mean a pest to the farmers or the dogs, LOL The groundhog is a pest to the farmer since it eats their crops and digs dens in their fields. They dig holes in their barn floors or any outbuilding for that matter. They live in their pond dams causing damage. For the dog, groundhogs are the nastiest, and do the most damage to a dog when confronted, IMO. They are the most challenging for a dog to bottle up since they easily dig away. I hear of more dogs getting stitched up from groundhog than anything else (not counting badger which is seldom found here) Raccoons a
  16. This should work: http://ground-hog.biz/smokebomb.htm http://garden-pest-control.biz/smokebombs.htm
  17. No license, they are available for purchase from most of the local farm supply stores, cost about $1.00 each
  18. What is a bomb?MOLL. Hi Moll, We use a gas bomb made for exterminating moles, groundhogs, anything underground. Only about 5" long and easy to use. That's what we used to dispatch the skunk.
  19. A friend and I got out today and had a good time close to home. It was in the 70’s with an occasional rain shower. Stopped at an alfalfa field that doesn’t yield a lot of quarry in the winter months. This was only the 2nd visit here this season. We check an old spot and my bitch is in and baying, moving something to the other hole by the sounds of her voice. About 6 ft away we find a possum’s butt, We tail it so we can take her out and let the young dog down to see it. We see she has a pouch full of babies so decide to let her go without anyo
  20. Out today for a nice morning at a vegetable farm. We walked the creek and within 10 minutes a dog was in by a wet weather creek on something but not right up to it. We let him work a bit until we could see he couldn't get further. We enter a smaller dog to see if that would help. He shortly began to bay but couldn't get far enough either, never on it. We dropped another hole thinking it was a groundhog digging. We break thru and find a very small tube. After poking around, out bolts mamma coon up top with a baby right behind We nab baby
  21. Hi all, haven't posted in a while since we haven't been out yet . Finally going this weekend Here is a picture of my new pup, 10 mos old. He'll be along for the ride Will hopefully have something to share after the weekend I enjoy the site, you seem like a good bunch of folks, take care Wooly
  22. None taken. I know I'm in the minority on this board, maybe I should have Ian put a picture of a girl in my avatar Bettina
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