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Everything posted by mackem

  1. Theres a saying which is 100% accurate.........We are here for a good time,not a long time Or yesterdays history,tomorrows a mystery,live for today
  2. Well,the farm I have is 7000 miles away,your papayas and mangoes might be a little over-ripe by the time you get back to old blighty,and no using sweet-corn in the mother-in-laws tilapia ponds
  3. F**k swapping places with anyone,lifes great to be honest,live a little,enjoy the buzz And I mean natural adrenaline and endorphines,not artificial
  4. Meaning of life?........................................42
  5. Diet Lee?I had stirfried organic steak tonight mate Nope,we might be moving to Tunbridge Wells so I am just looking for a small patch of land,I like growing things I bought 100 acres earlier this year Higgins,for a shade over 30k,but its abroad,just looking at the moment mate,kent or essex area
  6. Anyone know any web-sites that sell land in acre sized plots?Not with planning permission,just as a sort of hobbyist allotment area?South-east england?
  7. I forgot to add............In front of witnesses aye but did it retrieve live to hand thats the main thing Shamefull admission,she only got it because one of my kids incapacitated it by pulling off the wings,yup,the fly was a dropper
  8. Base-jumping is a different ball-game to a normal jump,it ranks alongside cave-diving as its for individuals who take adrenaline rushes to the next level
  9. No mate,mine was with the fly on the food bowl
  10. Would have been a lot better if you put in the first post "Rabbit could have been lame"
  11. thats correct yea and killing hares single handed at 7 iv nowt to prove by lying have i to take it if your dogs cant do it no one elses can i dint say she killed all time at that age i said it was a one off you knowlike when your dogs get sumat its a one off Never said that paul,but I have taken one or two rabbits in my time,often taken a few hundred in a week,so thats quite a few one off's eh?But a 3 month old pup running a grown rabbit on its own ground?I would like to see it
  12. A full grown rabbit on its home ground versus a three month old gangly pup
  13. I forgot to add............In front of witnesses
  14. My bitch caught a fly on the edge of her food bowl at 6 weeks
  15. It could have been some sort of mini-mongoose or dwarf-mongoose family I saw in India?
  16. It was mate,I saw them in the wild in Borneo and the Philippines,I also saw a family of them or something like civets or meercats in India once.
  17. Saw one in Sutherland,not far from Brora actually,also seen things like civets etc in the wild
  18. Correct Maty,thats the golden word....Permission!I guess guys like Neil dont really have much of a life,he never quite fulfilled his expectations,never achieved Alpha male status amongst his friends,kind of sad really,sounds a bit like myself As for merry men,well,merry is just another way of saying gay,care to join us neil :kiss: Dont be shy,your amongst friends,come and give me a man-hug :kiss:
  19. Bit like money in the bank mate,always make deposits,you never know when your going to need to dip into the reserve,I hope you never have to,but its always good to know its there when you need it,precious stuff
  20. Social conscience says everyone SHOULD do it,you never know when your going to need a withdrawal from the bank
  21. Yeah,Dornoch,Brora,Golspie,Helmsdale,we used to do all around there,I actually slipped the dog on a bunny one night up there,she missed it and grabbed a roe which suddenly appeared You can see a similar number of Roe around here in a night,and its not quite as far to travel
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