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Everything posted by mackem

  1. Excellent pics bradder,but I think your old man went to the same barber I did
  2. Its a mix of luck and research blaze,the more research someone does the luckier they seem to get.I have found hundreds of roman coins,only bronze grots though,but I know a guy who makes very good money indeed from a metal detector,certainly enough to pay for his foreign holidays every year
  3. Top post,bottom pic,your saluki looks beautiful,lovely animal.
  4. Everyone starts out with a clean slate at 100%,each time you upset a mod,or they got out of bed the wrong side that morning and they take exception to something you wrote or didnt write they deduct 10%,if your already on 0% you have seriously pi**ed someone off somewhere along the line,and your on very rocky ground
  5. Classic quote......."I saved the chicken"
  6. Nothing ventured,nothing gained,the mound on Coxons was an old rubbish-dump with earth piled over it to make a small hill in the middle of a corn field
  7. I saw these for sale in Sandakan earlier in the year,collected on the slopes of Mt Kinabalu,the biggest pitcher was about 10 inches long,I dont know why but I always find insectiverous plants fascinating
  8. There was also loads of buried bottles at the bottom of Pottery-bank in south hylton,we used to find dozens of old clay pipes,I found loads of intact ones,they were made down there,you never think about that as a kid,we had no interest in them.
  9. Its south hylton mate,there used to be countless bottles just below the surface when we used to ferret the mound,its in the middle of the large field on the edge of the river.
  10. Theres a big bottle dump over in sunderland,mound of earth in the middle of a field on Coxons farm at south hylton,theres money in old bottles There was a time when I was obsessional about Hydroponics,not dope-growing but the systems themselves,I rented a workshop,I had NFT,ebb-and-flows,even splashed out several grand on a vertical system from canada,I loved checking PPM's,PH,EC...........I even started getting right into tissue-culture years ago and did a course on it at Agri-college
  11. Fishy old bean,you never told me you know some Mullet marks,pray tell me more,I am all ears
  12. Bishop Auckland?Its not clucky(chris) who is selling the dog is it?
  13. Jack,theres some really good Bottle-dumps up there,I remember we hit one when we were digging the ferret out,found some old bottles in a mound of soil in the middle of a field on the edge of the river,dumb kids,we shot them with our air-rifles
  14. Plankey-mill DOES bring back memories doesnt it
  15. I know Hexham tyne stretch quite well,great area to fish,we used to go further up for best results though,fished the Plankey Mill stretch often enough,just as good for the fish with the added bonus of thick woods in the area we used to fish
  16. Wouldnt do that unless I was naked BRB
  17. It scares people sometimes,when they confront someone a little "Different"
  18. Minuses - Poor feet, hard to train, nervous, look gay...................REALLY?My very first lurcher was a saluki composite,nervous and gay?Methinks NOT!In fact the cute little silver beddie cross I have now looks a darn sight more effeminate than the powerhouse the saluki cross was Her feet were fine running in northern england and scotland,and she wasnt so hard to train,but that could have been the amount of time I put into her seeing as she was my first dog and I had John Holmes(not the porn star)Book "The Obedient dog" as my training bible,one thing though,INCREDIBLE jumper
  19. Ah,the good old boys in Blue,country plods(I wonder why they are called plod?Could be because they take their time getting to a scene if violence is in the offing)responding with alacrity to an innocent member of the publics cries for assistance after being verbally abused by some country yokel intent on murdering the local bunny population You should have led the pair of f***ing idiots through the shittiest scrub,shrub,and cowpat studded fields imaginable Lets see them trail that into the station,F**k right off Reg Hollis
  20. I am going to look at a park-deer herd of reds this week,if I see any like that I will get a snap
  21. Its strange how some of them seem to almost have the palmation of a fallow http://www.windermere-deer.com/index.php?o...=3&Itemid=3
  22. Hoodie,trackie,and his infamous knife Did he sever an artery again? Ah "That place" God bless her majesty I say All we have to do is sort out two pairs of Lincoln Green tights Trevor McDonald......And here is the news.........
  23. Your musophobic friend wasnt "Mack the knife" by any chance?Oh well,I am sure we wont blank when we go fly-fishing this week
  24. I always found the best runs on the north-east england rivers are august and september
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