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Everything posted by mackem

  1. Deep south?Do I hear Duelling Banjoes and squeal piggy Actually its like that down here in parts of the deep south,especially those little inbred hamlets in Hants and Surrey I shall be returning to the Wear in september
  2. A family arriving into the country as asylum seekers have to be given priority by the local council,thats why hounslow,slough,southall around heathrow are packed to the gills and english are in a minority,and please dont tell me they are not in those areas because they very much ARE,I knew a somali guy who paid a somali working in Hounslow council housing dept £1000 and was given a council flat,I know an indian guy who sub-let his council house in Hounslow,was getting the rent which paid the mortgage of the house he bought in Leicester It Happens
  3. Sadly W I dont have old Pats charisma or screen presence,forget the "Bullseye-snare" maybe I could do the one-mesh net?A single 4 inch diamond mesh suspended below a 3 inch float in exactly the right position in a salmon pool,guaranteed to trap any fish that runs upstream Besides,my booktitle would be very mundane "Dry-fly fishing with permission" Doesnt exactly jump off the shelf at you does it When I was a kid things were different,I remember my mam having the electricity cut-off,it was actually reconnected because I caught a few fish and sold them around the neighbours,funny times an
  4. I remember several accidents/incidents involving flying weights during mackerel season on Roker Pier and up at Shields
  5. Good clip Maty,fish were running well that tide
  6. mackem

    Brian Plummer?

    Old LG has the same characteristics as his dad,Pinochi-nose
  7. mackem

    Brian Plummer?

    Could have been twins seperated at birth? Or one could have been a mutant placenta,but LG is definatly of Plummers loins
  8. mackem

    Brian Plummer?

    Plummers son is registered on here actually,LeeGreen,same character traits as his father,interesting Character but waffles on a bit,I guess its in the blood
  9. Whin old bean,your missing the point Unusual fishing-methods,theres absolutely nothing unusual about a gill,I have used them all around the world for this,that,and the other,my youngest son could hang a net properly at the age of 10,it took him a while but he did it The point is I actually WANT to try and snare a pike,thats the crux of the matter
  10. I know a guy from Preston,Lancashire called Jeff,travelled around Australia for a year,fished for eels one night and got his weight snagged,pulled the rod back hoping the compression would free the weight,he only has one eye nowadays
  11. We are actually out later this week BRB as theres space in a friends freezer needs filling,Ireland isnt our destination,Hampshire is
  12. Got sent this from a guy in Eastern-europe two weeks ago,apparently they are palatable,he also sent a pic of a very large Zander.
  13. Probably pi**ed-up and fighting in park lane even as we speak
  14. Naughty boys heading off the rails given a taste of nick as a deterrent before they have no option but a spell inside
  15. Heartless?Your joking,he was a right little wrong'un,been in trouble with the mackem coppers 30 times for fighting around the town,his dad had been inside for killing someone in a fight,but as soon as the door swung closed tear-time
  16. Seen a millipede and an earwig in a pub toilet once
  17. I watched it last night JR,only because my sis told me there was a kid featured from Sunderland,wish I hadnt wasted my time,he was crying for his mum after 3 hours and got an early release
  18. Its Doc Doolittle's personal secretary,she always opens his mail for him first thing each morning,next she is going to make him a nice cuppa,white with two sugars
  19. mackem


    Common sense aint that common in the average plod
  20. My uncle Clive used to tell us great tales when we were kids,he even had a black-and-white photograph of himself standing in a jungle clearing holding two human heads,my grandparents died 2 years ago,married 60+ years,I dont know what happened to the pic after the vultures descended upon the house.He fought in the Malaysia,told us stories of jungle patrols,bringing back pairs if hands as proof of kills etc,loads of stuff fascinating to a boy He hung himself when he was in his 40's,sad really.
  21. Thanks for that W,if you get the chance in the morning to take a pic that would be great,most of the guys on here appreciate your posts,its always good to see your results
  22. Very good write up,how high is the wire set at in the second pic down W?
  23. Giving him a clip at this stage of the game is going to solve nowt except make you feel better,I used to get regular beatings,and I mean BEATINGS,as a kid which stopped when I left home at 16 and never went back Always better of talking to your kids,sit him down,tell him just how deep the shit he has walked into is,but tell him you will get out of this together He is your boy at the end of the day,we all make mistakes,its a learning curve,we are supposed to be older and wiser than our boys,we are actually here to guide them,my youngest son once said I was his best friend,thats what its all
  24. mackem


    Well said... To paraphrase several ©Rappers: Knives don't kill people, people do! When I've been out hunting/shooting/fishing I've gone into shops and pubs carrying "a blade", never thought about stabbing anyone, makes you wonder where it will ll end. Knife licences? Jeez. In a country where a blow-pipe needs an FAC many a true word is said in jest
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