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Everything posted by mackem

  1. Followed by the good the bad and the bull x Could be........The good,the bad,and the Pug-lee............................(think about it,pugs and drummers)
  2. Just do as I did,flag and report.
  3. Maty,something tells me JOE and I are going to have a re-match within the next week or two,a proper session,though who walks away with the honours this time is anyones guess
  4. The sequels due out soon "..............And a few ferrets more"
  5. Thats true mark,I never looked at it in thatlight
  6. F***ing hell mark,you kept half the guys up in here all night waiting on tender-hooks with bated breath for pics of your lawn,fitted kitchen and a few bunnies
  7. Isnt that Markbricks pile of bunnies?Looks a similar number MARK THEY NICKED YOUR RABBITS Good night out lads
  8. "We have had problems with people stealing the fish to restock their own waters"
  9. Would that be the gentleman who asked to see the Environmental Agency Identification Cards?As the old advert used to say.........................."Time,for a sharp exit!".......................Exit stage left! I thought you would enjoy that fishing,would have been better if it was somewhere a little more isolated
  10. Goanna?Tastes like shit.............To Quote Crocodile Dundee Eaten monitor before,I suppose it tastes the same?Is that a perenti?I think they grow up to 6ft?
  11. Joe was most impressed with tonights session,I am sure he will post his pics,we are planning a trouting session next week sometime any news when your going fishing Maty?
  12. The hotel,near spennymoor?Nice We saw a beautiful light chestnut coloured red hind earlier,beautiful animal
  13. We only fished for a short period because of unforseen circumstances Some things are best left unsaid,poetic licence works both ways In fairness to him some of the Chub were crackers After the fishing we went and took pics of a fallow deer herd,nice shots of melanistic,white and normal coloured animals,and we saw some nice red deer belonging to HRH
  14. We just got back from a short fishing session FTB,Ferreter Joe had his camera,he just took some decent pics of melanistic,white,and normal fallow,he might stick some pics up when he gets home,where were yours taken?
  15. So JOE turns up for our fishing session earlier and started unloading loads of tackle,I took my usual £5 car-boot rod&reel combination,a tin of sweetcorn,and a couple of hooks,joe however was loaded for bear,1lb TC rod,2oz quivertip,beautiful little fixed-spool that purred softly when the handle was turned,and a whole range of end tackle that looked as if it cost a months salary,oh yeah and baits galore,cheddar-cheese,spam(I thought he was going to make sarnies)even a couple of micro-lures designed for chub he bought from harris-angling Tiny little lures that weighed mere grams,best des
  16. mackem

    Flaming Sambuka

    I have heard of crouching tiger but he looked like dragon boy,imagine when he belches
  17. Sorry about my little misunderstanding with Neil Gooney johnny,but he is as confused as a blind lesbian at a fish market sometimes,he didnt seem to grasp the concept that some of us have permission and what almost amounts to an open ticket where fishing rights are concerned Yup,JOE has set himself up as freelance fisheries manager cum fish relocator,indeed he seems to be doing quite well at it as he always seems to be out visiting and checking riparian venues,he hasnt employed his old mate though,said I cant catch a pig in a poke,therefore I have challenged him to a grudge-match to be enact
  18. Is that the ones you always use when we go out JOE Never failed you yet
  19. mackem


    Thomas Jefferson.
  20. We should get one or two,I saw lots of chub this morning mate,I even saw a few jumping clean out of the water Its a densly packed stretch
  21. I will be in MACRO tommorrow and get a 1kg tin,JOE says he cant stay for more than an hour tomorrow night sadly,but I am sure he will take a pic of whatever we catch in an hour Might even take a few spinners,see if we can pike up a jack
  22. Do what I do Doga,get an issue of trout and salmon magazine,loads of usefull addies in there mate
  23. JOE just phoned me MATY,he is coming for a chubbing session on the thames tomorrow night,methinks a visit to MACRO is in order for an industrial sized tin of sweetcorn,watch out for his pics on saturday,thats assuming we actually catch something for a change
  24. Somehow I hardly think thats necessary do you But I think his keep-net would make a good pic after the session
  25. I MORE than like it,in fact I want JOE to come over tomorrow night with his nice expensive camera for a Chubbing session I will even buy the bait,the pictures should be good as there are some really nice fish in there from what I saw earlier
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