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Everything posted by mackem

  1. Well,she actually should know better,her husband was a driving instructor,and she is supposed to be ultar-sensible working in an IT company
  2. Theres nowt new under the sun As his books prove
  3. I would be interested to know if Sean Frains books are vanity or self-published?Or does he actually have a publishing agent who looks at the manuscripts and deems them markeatable?My kid could honestly write better and with more style and content
  4. My wife once needed a tyre blowing up as it was deflated,her friend told her................A tyre needs to be on the car before it will blow up
  5. mackem


    If I can figure out how to send you the clip I will do it,thats the problem though,some methods are TOO effective,I would only do a scorched earth policy if I had a grudge against a river owner,even then none of the fish would be wasted,if you were a bit closer we could cast a fly on your stream
  6. I dont blame you mate,for anyone genuinely interested a PM is easy enough
  7. http://www.shootingvideos.com/FredCarter.htm
  8. mackem


    Sorry Murph,try magnum trapping,here you are http://www.magnumtrap.com/longnets.html
  9. They can beg and they can plead But they cant see the light, thats right cause the boy with the cold hard cash Is always mister right, Madonna Louise Ciccone...........Material Girl
  10. mackem


    I have a disc an eastern-european friend sent me,theres a moive clip,he spreads a sheet of plastic on his kitchen floor then tips two rucksacks out filled with hundreds of trout the same size as your catch,that he and a friend caught in an afternoon
  11. I am going to become a donator,I just had a sudden moment of clarity and realised Markbrick is worth the a fiver of anyones money for entertainment value alone,and thats meant in the nicest possible way
  12. mackem


    Sounds perfect Just like the river I fished in last week except all I got was chubb,roach,dace,perch,pike,and eels
  13. mackem


    How wide is the river?Can you wade it?Many fish in?
  14. mackem


    Sorry Maty,I didnt see that question,a touch of the velvet as in a slightly gay theatrical manner about him
  15. mackem


    I have heard here in the UK people "Purge" carp in freshwater tanks prior to eating them,in China they just net them and eat them the same day,likewise in eastern-europe
  16. mackem


    I like the concept of organic carp,I once knew a guy who ran a cannabis-farm using the waste from huge fish tanks,he called it guppy-ponics and was writing a book on it,he lived in one of the swiss cantons just before the crackdown,I actually went over and helped with his outdoor harvest,strange guy to be honest as most of them are Blue trout Looks cold,I am sure theres some way we can heat it up How big or small were the trout you got maty?Ounces or pounds?I would love to live right next to a trout stream
  17. Go with scousers suggestion then,as he said all the guy can do is say "No" but it still leaves room for negotiation
  18. Thats the one thing I used to hate,all that offering and argy-bargy,estate agents get paid for nowt when you think of it.I think I know the website your on about,thats how I found out how much next door paid
  19. mackem


    Do you think HFW has a touch of the velvet about him Maty?Something not quite right about that foppish hugh-grant type smallholder cum(sic) TV presenter Does he keep the carp in a freshwater tank for a few days prior to cooking it? How does he say it tastes?Going to check some of the trout in my freezer to see if they are whitish or orange/pink or maybe even blue because thats my favourite colour And they might just BE blue,with cold,because they are in the freezer right????
  20. I think it does depend upon the area,you couldnt get away with offering 25k less per 100k in this area.I wish you could
  21. mackem


    HFW gets on my breasts to be honest with his "River-cottage" I f*****g hate hos mop-hair,reminds me of a public school-boy who tried to touch my front-bottom,I get the urge to leave the imprints of his spectacles deeply etched on his face Program sounds good though,what did it say about the merits of pelletVlivefood fed trout?
  22. Does that depend on the area mark?
  23. Dont sleep Buckshot,if theres no trees then guess where the eggs are going to be laid? Get some ear-plugs
  24. Have you already got your in-principle mortgage agreement for a set amount of cash?Plain sailing after that
  25. Looks lethal whatever it is,wouldnt like to be sleeping while it inserted that tube into my ear and began to syphon the old grey-matter
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