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Everything posted by mackem

  1. mackem

    TV & Movies

    You should get yourself down to visit him hpool,loads of stuff around Slough,Burnham beeches has loads of Munties etc
  2. Much better,a man after my own heart you philanthropist you
  3. Makes a change from me looking the fu**ing muppet then doesnt it kermit?I am sure we can catch the odd one or two Lend me your digital mask please matey,my sweater-arm is gunked up to f**k with fish slime
  4. I told you about that didnt I joe? Gambia is worse though,and Tunisia,they think all middle-aged western women are sex-tourists,theres loads of horror stories of women old enough to know better marrying guys young enough to be their grand-sons then getting dumped once the guys have a UK visa
  5. Your all heart you JOE,you are the secret trout-benefactor to the old folks down at the home arent you Does he want 20?My sis wants some,getting my stuff ready now,bring a camera,mines gone up the swanee thats the bad news Good news is she still aint talking to me
  6. One thing though comanche,your obviously an incredible judge of character,that "Air of innocence" is me to a T
  7. I am sure you mean the theme tune to "The Bill" comanche I wouldnt be accosted at 2am by plod comanche because from past experience most of them suffer from accute Nyctohylophobia and wouldnt go anywhere dimly-lit unless mob-handed Just like a curious child theres things we all have to find out and research for ourselves right Catch you guys later,getting my fly-kit ready,going out in less than an hour,trout only,esox is safe for another night
  8. I saw some incredible chinese guys snatching Mullet in victoria harbour,they were the same,must have been at it for years,I lashed the water to bits and only had a few fish to show,they were bagging-up and p**sing themselves at my efforts,its good to see an expert at work Gives us something to aspire to
  9. http://www.capetrout.co.za/recipes.htm http://www.recipezaar.com/recipes/trout I love trout to be honest,I have it 3 or four times a week,got over a hundred Thai fish-cakes in the freezer,take a few out,fry them,great with chillie-dips as a quick meal
  10. Thanks for that Comanche,I am sure the residents along the stretch of the grand-union canal I have earmarked for the experiment will be most pleased to be woken at 2am with the sound of a rifle shot I think your dads book is right though,pike are easily snared,I just need to try it to see for myself,its one of those things
  11. Ninja-cat,arch enemy of Hong Kong Phooey
  12. Pike along a canal are easy mate,they skulk in the edges of the beam and are static,apparently it was a common method in Norfolk,if the "Ohhhh-Arrrrrrrr's" can do it I am sure I can Might take a few tries,but I am certain its just a question of technique and practice,just like snaring a gecko from a wall with a monofilament snare and a slim bamboo whip
  13. Poking a few old trout Maty,shame on you Snaring a lamped pike will be easy,ever lamped them?I have done it loads of times,even thrown a cast-net over them at times,snaring one wont be difficult Its not going to be wasted,its for the old guys dinner,wonder if it tastes the same as it did way back then
  14. Its along the same sort of theme mate,I think its just regional variations isnt it?I have just been reading Johnny Kingdoms autobiography,theres a decent factual bit in there on gaffing salmon,you can tell he has done it,theres a part in where his bag bursts and the fish go everywhere,I wonder if that reminds Joe of anyone I have seen loads of weird methods Steve,cyanide-fishing,cast-nets,harpoon-guns most of them havent got a place in the UK,but I am certain theres one or two inventive folk out there who have done something different My own grandfather used to use a magneto to stun fish,
  15. Not working a tandem of trained and tethered cormorants from the edge of your bamboo raft on the Yangtze River,but real methods,tried and tested,that you have used yourself.My sisters neighbour has asked me for a pike,small,jack-sized,apparently he used to love them during pre-war days when he was in Norfolk,he used to snare,spear,even shoot them for a meal I am going to get him one,and in keeping faithfully with his memories I have decided to snare it under lamp-light,shouldnt be difficult,I have caught salmon,trout,and carp with a lamp,no reason why a jack-pike should really present a chal
  16. Another one over the rainbow bridge,sorry mate,I bumped into a mate a few weeks ago,hadnt seen him in a while,asked how he was getting on,turned out his new born daughter had lived for 30+ hours then passed away,puts everything into perspective doesnt it?
  17. As you say,prevention is always better than cure
  18. Put it into context Kay,if you mace,gas,zap or even stab him he isnt going to ring 999 and complain that a dog-walking lady he wanted to drag into the woods,sodomise,beat,rape,torture and eventually batter or strangle to death,turned the tables on him and did him an injury,forget the law,look how ineffectual they are,if its a one-on-one do what you have to do
  19. I have been zapped myself with a stun-gun and pepper sprayed,both incapacitated me for a time,you can pick them both up cheap just popping over to france or online,you can actually bring the stun-guns over in kit-form and assemble them yourself But of the two I would rather my wife were carrying a pepper-spray if something kicked off,and DONT do as I have seen several times advance upon your assailant as your spraying it OR with the wind blowing in your face
  20. mackem

    TV & Movies

    Sneddon,mean tempered,ugly natured fellah
  21. Pepper-spray isnt legal mate,but I know guys who have ordered it from abroad through the post,likewise stun-guns,you get them in kit-form,a little bit of soldering and voila Bzzzzzzzzzzz
  22. mackem

    TV & Movies

    Mrs Mack what was the name of the old guy?The old gossipy one?Donald or dougal or something? Great program,great scenery,crap acting
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